Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Different

[A/N] - Hey guys I started writing this at 11.20AM English Time but my Mom came in and was all 'We're going shirt shopping!' and I asked in this shop about getting a job and they said I'd need a CV so we were writing one which took forever. Also, my Mom managed to lose my National Insurance Number. She took it off me when I got back from Spain and said "I'll take this in case you lose it." ... Yeah. Good plan Mom. So yeah, sorry for the late chapter :) And also, I'm looking for a job on Saturday so wish me luck :D

Half-an-hour later we had entered the tunnel and all of us had a working torch this time (except for Frank and Penina who had stayed at the diner) "How long will we be in this horrible tunnel by the way?" Kat asked.

"About three hours." I told her. Kat squeaked "It's just a tunnel Kat."

"I know, I know. I just don't like the thought of being in here for three hours... In the dark..."

"We have torches." I reminded her, flashing mine in her face for proof.

Kat pushed my torch away "Well they could run out. We're gonna be in this stupid tunnel for six hours. What if it's all for nothing?"

"You mean like last night when I came in here to find my sister?"

"That wasn't for nothing." Kat said quickly "You had to make sure she was okay. And she is okay, you know that now."

"I suppose so." I shrugged my shoulders "How long have we been in here so far?"

"About two minutes." Raven told me "So we have about two hours and fifty-eight minutes left..."

"I can't wait."

"At least now this time Frank can't bring up the subject of dogs!" Ray grinned.

"You kind of just brought it up yourself." Raven told him.

"No I didn't."

"You kind of did."

"I agree with Raven, you did kind of bring up the subject of dogs." Hozzie said.

"Well whilst we're on the subject of dogs-" Lucy started.


Just like last night, we stopped after an hour and a half to take a break. Gerard had packed us all a tin of power pup but this time we had spoons and can openers "While we're here are we actually bothering to steal any baby stuff?" Hozzie asked.

Lucy nodded "I think it'd be best to do it in advance."

"What are you gonna get exactly?"

"Nappies. If we can find them. I'm pretty sure we have a bottle at the diner for some reason..." Lucy shrugged her shoulders "That's actually if they have babies at BLI because I'm still suspcious."

"Maybe they only like reproduce when they have to." Raven said "You know... Like..."

"Well that's a great description." Hozzie laughed "I hope Penina and Frank have a girl."


"I dunno. I just hope they do."

"I hope it's a boy." Sam replied "I mean there are seven girls and four boys."

"I really hate Power Pup." Ray commented randomly, spooning some into his mouth "It's the most disgusting thing ever. Surely there's something else we could carry around instead of dog food. Like... Beans or something."

"Isn't it funny how there's plenty of dog food lying around but there's no dogs?" I asked.

We all thought about it "That's a point. Why is there dog food if there are no dogs?" Lucy wondered.

"I think it's time we started moving again." Gerard said "Come on, let's go..."

So we all stood up and started moving on again.

"We made it!" Kat squeaked as she crawled out of the tunnel and into her kitchen "I thought the tunnel would collapse on us!"

"Kat, your Dad built that tunnel." I reminded her "Have a bit more faith in him."

"Okay, we're gonna split up now." Lucy said "Me, Mikey, Ray and Raven are gonna go look for some baby stuff. You guys to Paul's house. See you later."

We waved goodbye to them and then me, Sam, Gerard, Hozzie and Kat went to search for Paul "Do you still know where he lives?" Hozzie asked Kat.

"I think so." Kat muttered, looking around "But all these stupid houses look the same. Oh wait, there's his house." Kat grinned "Good, he's still awake."

"Does he have a family there or anything?" Gerard wants to know. Kat shook her head "Okay then. Me, Hozzie and Sam will wait here."

"Could you hide behind the fence please?" Kat asked "I don't want Paul to see you and freak out."

"Okay!" Hozzie grinned, ducking behind the fence "This is so cool, I haven't done anything like this in ages!"

"Like hiding behind a fence?" Gerard asked, ducking down next to her "You're a seriously weird girl."

"I take after you."

"Is that even possible?"

We left them to have their debate and went up to the door. Kat knocked on it three times "He's gonna know something's up." Kat said "People don't normally go round to other peoples houses."

The door opened and a tall guy with short black hair stood there "Emily?" He asked "What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you about something. It's really important." She gestured to me "This is my friend C- Victoria."

That's when I realised why he'd called her Emily. It was her BLI approved name "Umm okay. Come on in then." He let us past and into the living room. We sat down on one of the uncomfortable sofa's and he sat on the other one. His living room was identical to the one in my house. And in Kat's house "So what's going on?"

"I don't really know where to begin." Kat muttered before taking a deep breath and explaining everything from the beginning. How her Dad was suspicious about BLI, planned to escape, how BLI had captured them and killed him. How she'd know been living with the killjoys for a few days and then started to explain the plan we'd come up with.

When she was finished Paul looked extremely confused. I couldn't blame him. It was a lot to take in all at once "And when you've taken down BLI?" Paul wants to know "What exaclty would you do then?"

"Well, go back to the way things were before," Kat explained "You know when creativity existed and when people were allowed to feel emotions."

Paul thought about it then lowered his voice "And what exactly would you want me to do?"

"If we went around asking citizens of BLI to help us, they would't believe we were trying to help. They'd think we were trying to hurt them or something. So we'd need you to try and convince them. They would always believe a BLI citizen that they've known for years over a killjoy they've only just met." Kat looked at him "Please say you'll help us out!"

Paul started thinking about it again "so basically you want to run off with the killjoys and hide while I do all the work."

"Well I didn't think about it like that." I said.

Kat nudged me "You would be doing most of the work now but once you've recruited everyone we'll do the rest of the work."

"And if BLI catch me?"

"They won't catch you so long as we're careful. Just don't talk about it when there are flies around and only talk to people you know would keep the secret." Kat told him "If you are slightly suspcious of anyone then don't talk to them about it."

Paul sighed. For a sickening moment I thought he'd tell us to get out of his house or attempt to shoot us or something. But then he nodded "Alright, I'll do it."

[A/N] - I might update again later? Maybe :)
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