Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Different

[A/N] – Remember when I said I’m in the school show? I’m actually not yet… We’re holding auditions for ‘Little shop of Horrors’ and I don’t know whether to go for a main part or just chorus? Last year when I went for a main part I got a call back but when the time for the audition came, I chickened out and went home…

We made it back to the car as quickly as we possibly could, only bumping into two draculoids on the way (Lucy shot them both). Both Hozzie and Gerard were unconscious by this point. Raven drove and Ray sat in the passenger’s seat to help her because she still wasn’t the best driver in the world “What happened?” Lucy asked me. I told them what I’d seen “Well so long as the draculoids we saw are dead then everything’s okay, right? Did you get the papers that Paul gave you?”

“Yeah, they’re in my pocket.” I told her “Raven, could you maybe step on it a bit please? We need to get back like ASAP!”

“I’m stepping on it, if I went any faster I’d probably end up crashing the car and that wouldn’t help anybody.”

It took us fifteen minutes to get back to the diner. Me and Raven carried Hozzie inside again and Ray and Mikey started to carry Gerard but Frank ran outside to help. We carried them through to a room I’d never been before were a guy with a black beard and sunglasses greeted us “What’s happened?” He asked in a voice that I knew I’d heard before. It took me a moment to figure out where I knew his voice from and then I realised it was the radio that we often listened to in the car. This was Doctor DeathDefy, Doctor DD for short.

Raven explained what had happened to the two of them and Doctor DD flapped his hands in the air “Well I can’t do anything with you lot hanging around! Go on, get out of here and don’t worry about them. They’ll be just fine.”

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Get out of here!”

So we all went back into the dining area and Penina started making us spaghetti bolognaise even though none of us were very hungry “Doctor DD’s had to deal with worse.” Penina said optimistically “They’ll both be just fine.”

“Guys,” Lucy said quietly “Can I be honest? Sometimes I wonder why… Why we’re even fighting BLI.”

“… What?” Mikey cried.

“Well, I mean, they don’t let you be yourself but they genuinely seem to care about the safety of their citizens.” Lucy mumbled “Sometimes I wonder why we don’t just give up. Let’s face it; we’re never going to win. And since we fight against them, bad things like this keep happening to us-“

“Lucy! Don’t think like that!” Frank said “They’re evil; they don’t care about the safety of their citizens. If a citizen breaks just one tiny, simple rule then they’re either imprisoned and tortured or killed on the spot! And what they’re doing to our friends is not going to make us join their side. Don’t you see that that’s what they want? I bet that’s why the draculoid shot Hozzie and Gerard and then just stood there! Because it knew that it’d be put a seed of doubt in at least one of our minds!”

“… I know what she means.” Ray admitted.

“Oh god Ray, not you too.” Raven sighed dramatically.

“Look, I never talked about them much, but my family are still BLI citizens. They like the lifestyle. So if my family like it then maybe I could learn to like it too?”

“You tried to live like that!” Raven told him sternly “You told me all about it Ray. You hated it there! What is this? Just because our friends got hurt we’re just going to give up? Well why the hell should we?”

“Because our entire lives are in danger!” Ray shouted, suddenly extremely angry. He stood up “Raven, you’re going to have a baby! Our baby! I don’t want anything to happen to you! And while we’re stuck here in this desert, hiding away in this diner, we’re under danger all the time!”

“That’s how I chose to live!” Rave argued back “When I came out here, I knew I’d be permanently in danger. But that makes me happy. Because I can live the life I choose, not what someone else chose for me. And do you really think that joining BLI will make us happy? No, it won’t. We won’t have a mood at all because we’ll be forced to take their mind numbing pills.” Raven stood up “I don’t know what’s gotten into you guys but I’m not in the mood for talk like this.” Raven took a bowl of spaghetti bolognaise off Penina and then left the room.

I sighed “Look, can we stop arguing? We’re all just a little stressed out after what happened tonight. Everything will be okay in the morning, honestly.”

“That’s all we ever seem to say around here!” Lucy cried “’It’ll be okay in the morning.’ It never is okay in the morning! Us going to sleep doesn’t get rid of the problem. What’s wrong with Ray missing his family anyway? Maybe I miss my family.”

“Well go and join them then if you miss them so much!” Frank told her.

“Maybe I will!” Lucy snapped, also taking a bowl off of Penina and storming out of the room.

“I don’t really want her to go.” Frank muttered, biting his lip.

Nobody said anything. Penina handed out bowls to everyone. Ray, Sam and Kat each took their bowls out of the room to eat somewhere else. Mikey sighed “Well now what are we gonna do?”

“We seem to be arguing more than usual.” Penina muttered, sitting down “And going behind each other’s backs. What’s wrong with us?”

“We’re getting worse than the draculoids at BLI.” Frank commented.
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