Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Different

Ray came back into the diner with his arm round Raven “I’m really sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” Ray muttered, kissing Raven’s cheek “We must keep fighting BLI. Of course we’ll win against them. And even if we don’t win, so long as we have each other.”

Raven smiled and kissed Ray before sitting down next to me “So what are we all still doing up?” She asked as Ray sat down next to her.

“We want to make sure Gee and Hozzie are okay.” I told her “Plus Kat seemed to be in a pretty bad mood so I didn’t want to disturb her. You don’t think she’d be considering going to BLI do you?”

“Trust me, she isn’t.” Penina said “She was telling me loads of stuff about BLI while we were locked up there and I know she’d never go back. Especially not after they murdered her Dad.”

“It’s just Lucy we need to worry about now.” Frank mumbled “In the morning, I’m gonna talk to her by the way. I shouldn’t have told her to leave.”

“I’m sure she’ll forgive you.” I replied “Like I said, we’re all just stressed out after what’s been happening these past couple of days.”

Gerard and Hozzie came into the room “Hey guys.” Gerard yawned “You’re still awake?”

“Of course we are!” Mikey cried “We had to make sure you were both okay!” Mikey jumped up and hugged Gerard before hugging Hozzie “You guys are okay, right?”

Gerard nodded “Yeah, we’re fine. We just need to rest for a while so we’re gonna go to sleep. Night guys.” Hozzie just waved at us and then they both went to their room.

“Should we have told them about what happened?” Penina asked.

“Not today.” Mikey replied “I’m pretty tired too. And now I know they’re okay I can go to sleep. Night guys.”

“Night!” We all said, watching Mikey leave the room.

“We’d better get some sleep too before the babies wake us up to be fed.” Frank said, getting up and holding his hand out for Penina.

Penina pouted and put her arms up “Carry me?”

Frank laughed but lifted her up bridal style and carried her to bed. Raven laughed “Those two are so cute.”

“So are you and Ray.” I told her “When you’re not arguing.”

“We don’t argue that often.” Ray pointed out “I love her too much to argue with her that much.”

“Aww thank you.” Raven grinned “I love you too.”

“Yeah and now I’m gonna go to bed before I puke.” I smiled, standing up “Night.”

On the way back to mine and Kat’s room, Gerard came out of his bedroom and startled me “Oh hey Crayon. Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you jump.” I was about to walk past him when he asked “Crayon, could I maybe talk to you about something tomorrow morning?”

“Oh yeah, of course you can.” I yawned “But I really need to sleep now so yeah, goodnight.”

I went into mine and Kat’s room, not really stressing over the fact that Gerard needed to talk to me. It was probably just about Paul or something, since I hadn’t been able to tell him what happened.

Kat was fast asleep in her bed (Ray and Gerard had built Kat a new one so we didn’t need to share anymore) and I pulled my clothes off before getting into my own bed. I was fast asleep before my head hit the pillow.

I was woken up by Kat shaking me “Crayon! There’s shouting coming from the diner and I don’t like shouting and I was wondering if you could go and see what it was about. Please?”

I sighed but got up and got dressed. When I was more awake I could hear the shouting from the kitchen too “Don’t worry, I’ll go and have a look.” I told her then went into the diner.

It was Penina shouting. Frank had his arms round her and was trying to calm her down but it wasn’t working “What’s going?” I yelled, to be heard over Penina’s hysterical crying.

“Levana and Ezra have gone missing!” Penina shrieked, tears rolling down her cheeks “I woke up to give them their bottle but they weren’t there!”

“What do you think happened to them?” I asked.

“Better Living Industries kidnapped them!” Penina screamed “Why won’t you believe me?”

“Because BLI don’t know we’re here!” Frank cried “And why would they come in and take Levana and Ezra then just leave without doing anything else? It doesn’t make any sense!”

“It doesn’t need to make sense Frank! Our children are fucking missing! That doesn’t make sense!”

“Look, calm down, we’ll find them okay?” I re-assured her.

“Oh don’t be so stupid!” Penina snapped, pushing Frank away and running off crying. Frank bit his lip and ran after her.

I sighed and Gerard came into the kitchen “What was all that about?”

I explained how Levana and Ezra had gone missing and Gerard bit his lip “Oh my god, that’s awful!”

“Yeah. We’d better go to BLI when everyone’s awake.” I replied, still half asleep “Anyway, what did you wanna talk to me about?”

“Oh uhh…” Gerard went bright red. I don’t think I’d ever seen him embarrassed before “Do you maybe wanna sit down?”

“Uhh okay…” I said, taking a seat.

Gerard sat opposite me “Crayon, I didn’t know whether or not to tell you this but since I nearly died yesterday I realised that I could’ve died without you ever knowing so I… I figured I’d better just tell you now before it’s too late.” Gerard took a deep breath “Crayon… I think I’m in love with you.”

My eyes widened. Gerard… Was in love with me? He hadn’t shown any interest in the past! Where was this coming from all of a sudden? “Look, Gerard, I’m flattered…” I said, going just as red as Gerard “But I’m not really looking for a relationship.”

For a moment there was an awful silence while I stared at the floor. I dared look up at Gerard for a second and to my horror, I saw his eyes had filled with tears “That’s what I thought.” Gerard said, standing up and walking away.
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