Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Different

My stomach twisted with guilt. I had been certain that Gerard Lucy would admit he loved Lucy in the end and that those two would get together. Why on earth did he like me?

I heard a strange noise outside and instantly stood up to see if it was a draculoid. I couldn’t see anything. I grabbed my ray gun and walked outside. There was still nothing to be seen. But then I heard the strange noise again.

It was like crying that was trying to be smothered “Hello?” I called because by this point I was certain that it wasn’t a draculoid “Who’s out here?”

“No, don’t say anything!” I heard someone hiss and then some muffled talk. It was coming from behind the car.

I was pretty baffled. Who the hell was hiding behind the car? And why were they hiding behind the car? Were they scared to come out or something? I shrugged my shoulders and went round the back of the car. There were two people crouched on the floor, a male and a female “Who are you?” I asked them.

They were both definitely killjoys. The female had dark brown hair that just reached shoulder-length and the male had short black hair with streaks of red through the side-fringe and they were wearing colourful clothes. And then I noticed something. Each of them were holding onto something. Not something… Someone. Levana and Ezra “What are you doing?” I cried “Those are my friends children!”

“We’d better give it up.” The male said to the female “Come on, if we just explain-“ The female burst into tears and the male sighed “Here, take the baby.” He said, handing me Ezra. He put his arm round the female and led her towards the door. All three of us went back inside.

I took Levana off the female, because I didn’t trust either of them, and sat down with them both on my lap “Now who are you both?” I asked them “And why did you kidnap Penina and Frank’s babies?”

“What?” Penina shrieked, running into the room. She took one look at me holding at the babies and then looked at the pair of killjoys. For a moment Penina just stood there staring before slapping the female round the face.

“Penina, give them a chance to explain.” I said calmly.

Penina took Levana off me and called Frank. He ran in and took Ezra. They both sat down “What the hell is your problem?” Frank asked “Why would you run off with our babies?”

“There is no excuse for what we did but we might as well explain it.” The male sighed “My name’s Carl Enright and this is my girlfriend Natalia Glinka. My killjoy name is Crimson Revenge and her killjoy name is Atomic Devil.”

“I’m Crayon!” I told them “These are Penina and Frank and their children Levana and Ezra.”

“Nice names.” Carl smiled, putting his arm round Natalia who was still crying “To start with, we were on your list. You know the ones helping to defeat BLI? We were two of those people.”

“Oh great!” I grinned.

“Crayon, for fucks sake, these are kidnappers!” Penina hissed.

I pulled a serious face “I meant oh shit.” Penina elbowed me.

“We were planning to stay in BLI like everyone else until you guys were ready.” Carl explained “We were actually hoping it wasn’t any time soon though because Natalia had just found out she was pregnant. We thought this was great until we went for our scan at BLI hospital. They found out she was expecting twins and BLI said that they tried to control the population by only allowing one child to be born to each family. If you brought more than one child into the city then that was fine so long as you didn’t give birth to anymore. It’s a cruel rule I know but…” Carl took a deep breath “They forced us to have an abortion.”

“That’s awful!” I gasped.

“I know.” This time Natalia spoke “So we decided to run away. Their rules were so cruel and unfair that I couldn’t stand to spend another second there. We stole one of the BLI cars and drove out here but unfortunately we broke down, not too far away from here. So we got out and walked here because we could see it from where we were. When we got here we planned to ask for help but we heard crying. Babies crying. We went into your room and found one of the babies was crying. You two were both asleep so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try and get the baby back to sleep so it didn’t disturb you.”

“But they were both so beautiful.” Carl said “And they were twins, just like ours would have been.”

“So you took them to make up for the ones you lost?” I asked. They both nodded.

“We’re extremely sorry. It was completely selfish of us.” Natalia whispered, running her fingers through her hair “When we made it back to the car we remembered that we had broken down so we had to come back to see if we could find anything to fix the car. But they woke up and started crying and we could see people moving around inside. And there was an awful lot of shouting.”

“That was me.” Penina admitted with an amused look on her face “I was shouting because I woke up and found my babies were missing.”

Carl sighed “Like we said, we’re really sorry. We’d better be going now I suppose.”

“No, don’t go!” I said. Penina glared at me “Well where are they going to go? And there’s only two of them! They need to stay here Penina. You know none of us have a choice.”

“Okay, you can stay.” Penina said, standing up and walking towards “But I swear to fucking god if you either of you dares to attempt kidnapping my child again, I will destroy you both.” She smiled at them sweetly and then left the room.

[A/N] - So yeah Natalia you're in the story now! :D And I'm sorry Crimson Revenge for taking your killjoy name :( I hope you don't mind! - I'm just so bad at making them up!
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