Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How I Met Your Father

Chapter 7

by ItsM0llyBitch 5 reviews

Uncoordinated girls and snarky voices guiding her through Warning: Mild language

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-09-18 - Updated: 2012-09-18 - 1322 words - Complete

A/N: OMG I’m sorry for the wait guys, I've been a bit busy lately and then when I wasn’t, I really wasn’t in the mood for writing but here it is, I hope it doesn’t disappoint too much :P
BTW I apologise for any cheesiness in advance but hopefully you can look past that and find it sweet :) Please R&R and leave me comments on how to improve if necessary
Thanks, Molly x

So your Aunt left me and that was when it actually sank in that I would be alone with your father, I had obviously known from the moment he asked me out that night but I had never thought about it in so much detail, until I was left with the voices in my head and, let’s be honest, that is never a good time…


I stand and stare at the door, frozen in one spot, unable to move my legs at all. Is it even Gerard? My eyes flick towards the clock and it reads 6.55. Why would he be early? Unless he came to cancel, or worse, sent someone else to cancel. Oh god, I’m going to be dumped before we’ve even had a chance to go out


I thought Molly left? I look over my shoulder and around the room to see no one there. My eyebrows furrow in confusion

Up here dumbass

Oh great, the voices are here to “help me” I sigh heavily and roll my eyes

Don’t take that tone with me, I am actually here to help, now go open the door, smile and say “Hey Gerard, looking sexy”

I will not say that!

Fine but at least open the door, he knocked it about 2 minutes ago

Oh shit yeah. I take a deep breath and creep towards the door. I wrap my hand around the cold handle and open the door to see Gerard standing in front of me, head down, strands of red hair falling over his face. He lifts his head and smiles softly and my knees buckle but I manage to stay stood up

“Hey Caitlin” His smooth voice fills my ears and all I want to do is jump around, screaming because he said my name


“Hey” I smile back

This is gonna be a long night, Jesus Christ almighty…

“Are you ready?” Gerard asks, tilting his head to the side slightly. I nod and reach down to pull my worn down Vans from the shoe rack, yanking them on and walking out the door. We walk down the garden path in silence, the soles of my shoes clunking on the concrete

Ok, you haven’t hurt him yet so it’s all good

Am I really that bad?

Yes. Now, get conversation going, ask him something

You are so bossy

Do I look like I give a fuck?

“So, where are we going tonight?” I hang my head slightly

Really? That’s the best you could come up with?

It’s a question!

“Well I was thinking” Gerard starts, interrupting my thoughts “we could go to the park”

“That sounds great, a bit cheesy, but great” Gerard smirks “You know, the whole time I’ve lived here, I have never been,” I say matter-of-factly

“Are you serious?” Gerard asks, looking gob smacked, eyebrows raised and mouth open slightly, exposing his shiny teeth.

Don’t get distracted

But he’s so pretty; I want to crawl into a ball and cry

I. Don’t. Care. Answer him!

“Yes I’m serious,” I say, giggling at the expression on his face “I have never been to this park you speak of” I add in a posh British accent

What are you even doing? Oh my god, why am I even associated with you?

Gerard laughs at my impression “Well, it’s about time I changed that”

“So what’s it like there?” I ask

“Well, it’s a little further down from where we were earlier so it’s not completely new but it’s beautiful. There’s a little stone path that’s surrounded by grass and it leads to a bridge over the lake. It’s just really peaceful and quiet” I smile at Gerard’s enthusiasm


What?! Shut up, that was beautiful

Yeah, whatever

“What are you smiling about?” Gerard says, smiling slightly.

“It’s just amazing how enthusiastic you get about things” I say, shrugging and continuing to smile. Can’t. Stop. Too. Happy.

“Thanks” He says, looking at the floor, blushing slightly “I don’t know, I suppose it’s just a great place to be. I’d love to paint it one day”

“You paint?” I say, slightly surprised

“Yeah a little bit, do you?”

Ha, this should be good

“Well not really, I drew I pretty sick snowman once” I say nodding, Gerard just giggles

Wow, that was so hetero

Are you just going to be a bitch all night?


“But I tend to just leave art to the professionals” I add

“I’m sure you’d be great if you tried, I’d be happy to teach you” I look up and smile at Gerard “But for now, I want to show you this” He says pointing in front of us. I look forward to see tall, black metal gates in front of us reading ‘Branch Brook Park’ at the top. Looking through the gates all I saw was a mass of green, swaying slightly in the wind, making patterns of shade of the light grey path that led down further than I could see. I hear Gerard laugh lightly next to me so I look at him

“What’s funny?” I say, giggling, damn his laugh is so contagious

“Nothing, it’s just your mouth was hanging wide open”

Well that’s embarrassing. I feel my cheeks burn, Gerard just gestures forward “After you”


You could learn a few things in the manners department from your father young man! Anyway, we walked into the park, the rustling of the trees giving a light background noise, making the walk even better. There was a clear sky above the trees, tinted orange by the warm sun. It was perfect, until I got too carried away in my own mind and tripped over my own foot. I fell forward with a, ahem, graceful thud and after your father recovered from his laughing fit, he thought it would be polite to help me up and ask if I was okay. He put his arm around me to keep me steady but even when I was walking straight didn’t move away and that was when it started…


We carry on walking in silence, just taking in the sound of trees and birds around us. Gerard’s arm is still around my waist, holding me close to him. I slowly slip my arm up to hold his waist and he doesn’t seem repulsed, so I take it as a good sign especially when I see him smile out of the corner of my eye, making me blush. I made him smile. It takes all my willpower to not giggle like a prepubescent girl when they see Taylor Lautner shirtless. We climb the steps up to the top of the bridge and lean over the side of the wall, looking out to the lake. I lean my head on Gerard’s shoulder, missing him being so close.

“It’s so beautiful here” I say, my voice only slightly above a whisper, almost like I don’t want to disturb the quiet surroundings.

“Yeah, it’s great to come here just to clear your mind” Gerard pauses for a second before continuing “But I love having you here” He looks down at me, catching my eye. Oh this is so perfect I want to explode oh my god.
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