Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How I Met Your Father

Chapter 8

by ItsM0llyBitch 1 review

Perfect cliches and sarcasm Warning: Mild language

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-09-25 - Updated: 2012-09-25 - 1315 words - Complete

A/N: If you thought the last chapter was cheesy then I must tell you now, this is cheesier but it’s also quite fluffy so I hope you enjoy. Please R&R and I will definitely be in lesbians with you (I just watched Scott Pilgrim for the first time)

So there we were, standing on a bridge, looking over the river that was sparkling in the sunset. It was the perfect cliché and was cheesier than your father’s feet when he gets off stage…don’t ask me how I know that. Anyway, the evening certainly didn’t end there and it seemed to just get better…


He’s looking into my eyes. Oh my god, I might faint. His eyes are so sparkly and beautiful

Oh for fucks sake, pick your jaw up off of the ground or you're gonna make a second river out of your saliva

On that disgusting note, I turn my gaze to my shoes, suddenly becoming really interested in the chequered pattern running over the top and the flecks of mud running up the sides. I can also see Gerard’s scuffed up old Converse…moving closer? I look back up to see he has actually moved closer. He is standing so close; I can smell his minty breath and his strong aftershave wafting towards me in the light breeze. I feel my heartbeat getting faster and faster until I think it may burst. I slowly put my arm on the railing of the bridge, hoping not to make it obvious that my knees are yet again giving out. As Gerard gets ever so closer, I can feel his warm breath against my nose and my eyes close when he puts his hand on my jaw, pulling my head up so our lips meet smoothly in the middle. I freeze for a moment, my brain going into overdrive, until one voice rings through


I bring my hands to his shoulders, putting slightly more pressure on than intended in an attempt to stay standing. As Gerard pulls back slowly, I push my lips slightly more into his, hoping to stay like this forever. After a few more blissful seconds, we pull away slowly for air. Gerard leans his forehead on mine and looks into my eyes. I look back at him, my lips curving into a smile that I can’t help. Gerard lowers his hands to hold my hips and pulls his head away slightly.

“Er, that was, um” I stutter but Gerard just laughs lightly in return. I look back down the shoes as I feel myself blush.

“Well I don’t know about you but I’ve been waiting to do that for a long time” Gerard says, his voice quiet and smoo- wait what?

What? No fucking way, you are dreaming, WAKEY WAKEY!

No, no…I think I’m actually awake


My head snaps up in surprise and I look at him with wide eyes “Really?” I say, well squeak, my voice is so high pitched but Gerard doesn’t seem to mind. He bows his head and rubs the back of his neck before looking back up, placing his hand back on my hip

“Erm, yeah, ever since ninth grade” My mouth falls open at the realisation. My brain is still over crowded but that one voice bursting through manages to make it all the way to my mouth before I can stop it

“Same, when I turned up and saw this boy with bright red hair I thought it was awesome, then I got to know more about you and realised there was an amazing person underneath that mop” I remove my hand from his shoulder and literally face palm when I realise what I just said. I just rambled, declared my love for him and probably scared him off all in one sentence. I hear Gerard giggle softly as he grabs my hand and pulls it away from my face. I look up at him and he places a soft kiss on my cheek.

“Why are you face palming?” He asks, still giggling and shaking his head slightly

“Because I probably just scared you off,” I answer, my voice only just audible

“Hey” Gerard places his hand on my jaw and lifts my head so I’m looking into his eyes “Do you see me running?” I shake my head, smiling slightly and the panic inside me disappears. I bring my hands down to his hips and wrap them around him, pulling him closer and placing my head on his chest so I can hear his heartbeat. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and places his head on top of mine.


If you do not want to be grounded you better stop making those gagging gestures right now! If I may continue, we stood in an embrace for a while just listening to the sounds of rushing water, feeling the warm breeze brushing past us and enjoying each other’s company. Every minute that passed felt like an hour but we probably only stood like that for about 10 minutes. Sadly, we had to go home sometime…


I felt Gerard’s head lift from on top of my head and his grip around my shoulders loosen so I pulled back, placing my arms on the railing and leaning on it slightly.

“Are you ready to see the rest of the park?” Gerard asks

“Yeah, let’s go” I say, smiling. I push myself back off the railing and turn around, Gerard walking up to my other side. We take a few steps before Gerard’s hand slips into mine, linking our fingers and looking down at me. I squeeze his hand and smile up at him but inside I’m freaking out. Holy fuck he’s holding my hand, I can’t take this, oh my god.

Oh just shut up, you know you’d be complaining if he wasn’t

That is very true. We walk down and off the bridge, making our way down the concrete path leading through an archway of trees, the sunlight filtering through the leaves and giving everything a yellowish glow. We carry on down the winding path, swinging our arms, kicking stones and talking about anything until we eventually make our way back to the black gate.

“Woah, we went in a complete circle” I say

What an idiot

“Really? Wow I thought we had walked all the way to a different state,” Gerard says sarcastically. I just roll my eyes and slap his arm “Hey, it’s your fault for stating the obvious” He adds, holding his hand up innocently

“Still, shut up” I whine but Gerard just giggles

“You know I’m only kidding,” He says smiling

“Yeah of course I do” I say, leaning my head on his arm. Gerard removes his hand from mine and puts his arm around my shoulders. I put my arm back around his waist and hold his hand that’s hanging casually over my shoulder.

After walking in peaceful silence and in fits of laughter, we reach my house and walk up the path, right to the front door. I turn and face Gerard who just pulls me into a soft hug. After he pulls back, he places a soft kiss on my lips

“Thanks for taking me to the park” I say

“No problem, I’m glad you finally got to see it” He replies, smiling. He kisses my cheek softly before continuing, “I’ll see you Monday”

With that, he pulls away and walks down the path, turning at the end and waving before setting off down the street. I watch after him for a while before going inside, shutting the door lightly behind me and leaning on it. That was so perfect, oh my god.
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