Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > War

[A/N] – Late update due to rehearsals and whatever. Also, I came home and found out my step-sister will be living at our house on Monday’s, Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s and Thursday’s. Oh yay… Funny thing is though that she has to wake up at 5AM every morning to get to school!

For three hours I walked round the city. It was nearly four in the morning and it was pitch black. If the draculoids were looking for a perfect opportunity to abduct me then now was their moment. But they never showed up. So I decided that I’d let the others worry about me long enough now and it was time to go back. When I showed up though, Gerard was furious, Lucy was sobbing and Jennifer was distant “Thanks a fucking lot!” Gerard screamed at me “Sam and Mikey offered to go and find you! They agreed to come back at three but never showed up! BLI got them! And it’s all your fault!”

I ran my fingers through my hair. Everyone in the room, even Ben, was looking at me like I was a criminal. Like I was a draculoid or something. I glanced at Jennifer and saw her looking down at her hands, not into my eyes. She was hiding something. Why wouldn’t the others believe me? “I’m sorry that I ran off.” I said as patiently as I could possibly manage “And I’m sorry that Sam and Mikey got abducted. That’s the last thing that I wanted to happen. But- Look, Gerard could I have a word with you alone please?”

“I don’t feel like talking to you.” Gerard hissed, turning to Lucy and trying his best to comfort her as she sobbed things like ‘But who will be next?’

I groaned and walked over to the window to take my turn on duty. After what had happened to Sam and Mikey, it was the least I could do.

The longer I stared out into the night sky, the more irritated I became. Jennifer was talking to Jack and Ben, flirting with them and spouting all sorts of crap about her life in the desert and her little sister Danielle (if Danielle was even her real name). Doctor DD was talking to Molly under his breath and I’m pretty sure that they’re talking about me. Gerard was still trying to comfort Lucy. Lucy was starting to really get on my nerves, the way she couldn’t stop sobbing and shrieking stuff. I knew she was scared but we were all scared.

When I had been walking back to headquarters, I had thought BLI were resting for the night or something and that was why they hadn’t spotted me or something like that. But they’d got Sam and Mikey. They couldn’t have left the building long after I had… So why had BLI left me alone but taken Sam and Mikey?

“Psst.” I heard a voice whispered “Psst!” I looked up and saw Levana at the door. She gestured at me to come outside.

“Jennifer, do you think you could take over window watching duties?” I asked her sweetly. Jennifer looked baffled at my sweetness before nodding and walking over to me. I got up “Just going to see if Natalia and Carl are okay.” I said as I left the room “What is it?” I asked Levana.

“I believe you.” Levana told me calmly “About Jennifer I mean.”

“Thanks Levana but that’s not going to get my anywhere.” I sighed “You’re just a little girl, what can you do exactly?”

“Exactly, I’m small.” Levana was starting to sound extremely grown up “I can hide in small places and get places that you and the other grown-ups can’t get. You and me could go looking for BLI together! Because I think I have an idea.”

“And what’s your idea?”

“Well, BLI didn’t abduct you for some reason.” Levana started explaining “I just talked to Natalia and Carl. They’re willing to be bait.”

“What do you mean ‘bait’?” I asked.

“I mean they’ll go outside by themselves and allow themselves to get abducted.” Levana told me “And I’ll go with them but I’ll keep hiding so that BLI can’t see me. I’ll be extra careful, I promise. I escaped them once and I can do it again. Anyway, when BLI take them away I’ll follow them and found out just where BLI are hiding!”

“That’s brilliant!” I grinned “Except… Gerard would never let you do that. He won’t risk anyone else getting caught. And let’s face it Levana, this plan is pretty risky.”

“That’s why we won’t tell Gerard.” Levana said, as if I were an idiot “I know he’s upset because his brother and daughter are missing but my brothers and parents are missing. My entire family are down there. I’ll do anything to get them back. And if I do end up getting caught then at least I’ll be with them.”

I was about to say ‘unless they’re dead’ but realised that was no appropriate to say to a little girl. Looking at her now, I barely recognised her as a little girl. She’d thought of a better plan than any of us would’ve managed to think of “So… When do we do this plan exactly?”

“Right now.” A voice from behind me said. I turned around and found Carl smiling at me with his arm around Natalia.

“And you’re sure that you don’t mind getting caught by BLI?” I asked worriedly “They do some awful things.”

“If this plan works then I imagine it won’t be for too long.” Carl smiled at me then took Natalia’s hand “Let’s go.”
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