Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > War

“What do you want me to do?” I asked Levana as Natalia and Carl left headquarters.

“Just wait here for me.” Levana replied “I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

As I watched her leave, I thought about how Frank and Penina would feel about how brave their little girl was acting. I considered going back to the others but I knew they’d ask questions. And I couldn’t risk any of them finding out about the plan, especially Jennifer. She was turning all my friends against me and I couldn’t stand her for that.

So I sat down on the floor by myself and decided to just worry by myself until Levana came back and told me where Carl and Natalia had been taken to. What if Levana got caught to? I knew that Frank would kill me. And so would the others. I’d never be able to forgive myself.

I was woken up a couple of hours later by someone shaking me “Crayon, wake up you lazy beast!”

My eyes fluttered open. It was Levana who had been shaking me “Crayon, I found it!” Levana beamed “I know where BLI are! I know where they are!”

“Well come on then, we’ll have to tell the others as well!” I jumped up then suddenly remembered “No wait, Jennifer’s still in there, isn’t she?”

“Most likely.” Levana sighed “I don’t like her Crayon.”

“Neither do I.” I stood up “For now, just show me where they are.”

“Where are they not?” Levana cried “They’re everywhere Crayon! I thought they were gonna find me, I mean they showed up in every single direction imaginable! It was terrifying!” Levana smiled “But I followed them, like I promised I would.”

“Okay and where did they take Natalia and Carl?”

“I don’t know what they’re called.” Levana said, hopping from one foot to the other “Those circle things on the ground. They dragged them down there.”

“I know what you mean!” I smiled suddenly. I couldn’t help it. We were going to save our friends, I could feel it! “Right, here’s what I want you to do. I want you to go in that room and get Gerard to come out here. Make sure Jennifer doesn’t come no matter what you do. We want Gerard to know where the others are but not Jennifer.”

“Alright!” Levana grinned, running into the room. She was in there for a few minutes until finally she dragged Gerard out of the room.

“What’s going on here?” Gerard asked, putting his hands on his hips “I thought you were going to check on Carl and Natalia and you’ve been over two hours.”

“Yeah, about that, BLI got them.” I said matter-of-factly.

“What the hell do you mean BLI got them?”

“They volunteered to go.” I explained the plan and told him where the base was “But don’t tell Jennifer!”

“What have you got against Jennifer?” Gerard asked.

“She’s in there flirting with my boyfriend and your little sister’s boyfriend and you want to know what I have against her?” I raised one eye-brow.

“I don’t trust her either!” Levana piped up “Face it, everyone started to go missing when Jennifer showed up!”

“For crying out loud this is ridiculous.” Gerard groaned “Fine, I won’t tell Jennifer. Us three will go to the hide out, okay? Let me just tell Lucy where we’re going.”

“No, Lucy will panic and tell someone if we don’t return soon enough!” I cried “Levana, you stay here. Frank and Penina will murder us if anything bad happens to you.”

Gerard nodded “That’s the most sensible idea.”

Levana opened her mouth to protest then bit her lip and nodded. She’d been so brave today but she was still just a scared little kid. I kissed her forehead “If we’re not back in two days then tell the others where the hide-out is and why we’re there and stuff.”

“What do I do if they ask about you?” Levana asked.

“Just tell them we’re on official business.” Gerard smiled at her then ruffled her hair “But don’t worry, we’ll be back soon.”

We waved goodbye to Levana and then we left headquarters today “I’m really sorry about everything that went down between us.” I said “I still want to be your friend and I still want to be president with you.”

“I feel the same way. But I just couldn’t handle it. My daughter and little sister went missing and then my brother disappeared. I was so scared that Lucy would be abducted that I got angry and it was so easy to take it out on you. I’m sorry.”

“But it’ll be okay because we’re going to get them back, aren’t we?”

Gerard nodded “Of course we are.” Gerard paused “Are you scared of what’s going to happen when we get there? What we’ll see? What if they’ve murdered all our friends?”

“Don’t Gerard.” I whispered, then stopped “Let’s go down then.”

We stood in the sewers together “Which way should we go?” I asked.

“We can’t split up, no matter what.” Gerard stood there for a moment “Listen for a moment. See if we can hear anything.”

Both of us were silent and then I gasped “Do you hear that?”

Gerard nodded “Yeah, I do.” In the distance we could hear a child crying “I think that’s Ezra.”

“Let’s go and find him!” I cried, taking Gerard’s hand and dragging him through the sewers. There were two draculoids on our way but Gerard shot them before they could even re-act.

We turned a corner and found a cage on one of the walls. Inside were all the children “Daddy!” Rosie cried, running over to him and slipping her arm through the bars “Daddy!”

“Yeah, it’s me Baby, I’m here.” Gerard whispered, taking her tiny hand “Where’s the lock?” Ezra pointed at it. Gerard shot at it and it opened straightaway. He pulled open the door and all the kids ran out. Gerard lifted Rosie up “Where are the others?” He asked her.

“I don’t know!” Rosie sobbed, wrapping her arms round his neck tightly and sobbing into his chest.

“They took all the grown-ups somewhere else.” Draven told us, his voice wobbling “I want my Mommy!”

“I know, I know, but it’ll be okay.” I replied, lifting him up “We can’t drag the kids around with us Gerard but if BLI find out we know where they’re hiding then they might move the others.”

“One of us should take the kids upstairs and back to headquarters while the other one of us looks for our friends.” Gerard replied “You’d better take them back up.”

But I tried to take Rosie off of Gerard and she started screaming so Gerard sighed “Okay, I’ll take the kids up.” Gerard sighed and I handed him Draven.

“I want Mommy.” Draven whimpered.

“Don’t worry,” I whispered, kissing his cheek “I’m gonna go and get her now.”
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