Categories > Anime/Manga > Yami no Matsuei > Little Things


by youkai_girl 1 review

Watari washes his hair and Tatsumi brushes it out for him. Watari/Tatsumi.

Category: Yami no Matsuei - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Tatsumi, Watari - Published: 2006-07-14 - Updated: 2006-07-14 - 808 words

Little Things
By: youkai_girl AKA eternalsailorsolarwind

Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Matsushita Yoko, who is supposed to be returning to work on Yami no Matsuei this year. I, for one, am praying for it.

A/N: More fluff! Maybe a little sap thrown in for good measure. Watari x Tatsumi.


Watari stepped out of the bathroom, humming under his breath. He'd just had a shower and washed his blonde mane of hair. Toweling the excess moisture out of it, a pair of jeans his only clothing, he walked out towards the kitchen to put on water to make a cup of tea, carrying a brush to comb though his hair.

"Seiichiro won't be home for hours yet," he muttered to himself, glancing at the clock. Running his fingers through his still-wet hair, he stopped and stared as looked into the living room.

His lover was home, sitting in his favorite chair, reading the newspaper. Home early. On a work night.

"Seii..? Isn't it a little early for you to be home during the week?" he asked.

Lowering the paper, Seiichiro looked at him. "Aren't you the one who keeps telling me I work too many hours, Yutaka? I can always go back, if you want me to, there's always more to do...."

"No! I'm just surprised, that's all," replied Yutaka hurriedly. He had no doubt his workaholic lover would do just that, if given the opportunity.

Seiichiro chuckled softly, his blue eyes amused behind his glasses. Folding up the paper and laying it aside, the shadow shifter gestured his lover over. "You washed your hair? Let me brush it for you, Yutaka."

He didn't need to be asked twice. It was a pain to wash and brush out his long mane of hair, and for Seiichiro to offer to brush it out for him was special indeed. His lover was always gentle, and had never pulled his hair yet. Yutaka hurried over to sit in front of Seii's chair, noticing that the other man had changed out of his work slacks and put on a pair of jeans much like his own, leaving the dress shirt untucked. The stiffly knotted tie that was the hallmark of Seiichiro's work persona was also gone, and the top button of the shirt unfastened, giving Yutaka an enticing glimpse of the hollow at his throat.

Seiichiro was as relaxed in his dress as he ever got. It was, Yutaka had found, extremely sexy to see him unwind like this.

Turning his attention back to the matter at hand, Yutaka faced away from his lover, taking the towel that had been hanging around his neck away so that Seiichiro would have better access to his hair. Handing his lover the brush, he closed his eyes to wait.

He did not have to wait long. Seii's hands picked up the weight of the hair, and gently began to separate it so he could work on it one piece at a time without tangles. His lover was nothing if not methodical.

Yutaka began to drift as the brush began its way through his hair. Leaning back against the chair, between Seii's legs, he let the rhythmic motions relax him. He always adored it when his lover did this. It was calm, comforting, and so strangely Seiichiro to take care of him this way.

"Yutaka," rumbled Seii, startling him from the half-doze that the gentle touches had eased him into. "Do you want me to braid it, or just leave it loose?"

"Mmm, just leave it loose for tonight, I think," replied Yutaka, wrapping an arm around his lover's leg. He rested his head against the knee. "Unless we're going to bed in the near future...?"

"Not for a couple of hours at least," said Seiichiro, humor evident in the tone of his voice. He knew exactly what Yutaka meant. "I want to have some dinner at least, first."

"Well then, I better go put a shirt on," smirked Yutaka as he levered himself up and faced his lover once again. "I don't want to tempt you with /dessert/, now do I?"

With a wink and a chuckle at the heated look that suddenly appeared in his lover's eyes, Yutaka leaned over and kissed Seii softly; the kiss warm instead of fiery. It was his way of thanking the other man for taking the time to brush his hair; a normally menial task that felt like a gift when his lover did it. It always made him feel cared for and special. Something that Seiichiro was very good at.

It was all, he supposed, in the little things.
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