Categories > Anime/Manga > Yami no Matsuei > Little Things


by youkai_girl 0 reviews

The curse marks have reappeared, and Tsuzuki deals with Hisoka. Tsuzuki/Hisoka

Category: Yami no Matsuei - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Romance - Characters: Hisoka, Tsuzuki - Published: 2006-07-15 - Updated: 2006-07-16 - 779 words

Little Things
By: youkai_girl AKA eternalsailorsolarwind

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters for /Yami no Matsuei/, unfortunately. I only write with them for fun.

A/N: Time for more Hisoka x Tsuzuki. I know that Tsuzuki is a little OOC, but he can be serious when he needs to be, and I think this would be a time that he would be. There is still some fluff at the end, though.

Thoughts are in italics


The curse marks had reappeared.

It didn't take a genius to realize that. Tsuzuki, by this time, had long experience in dealing with his lover when Muraki chose to remind Hisoka of his continued existence. The younger shinigami pulled away from him, was extremely irritable to Tsuzuki, and if it was extremely bad, refused to be touched.

It must be really bad this time/, Tsuzuki mused, /if he won't even let me into our office. It had only been this bad once or twice before, usually when Muraki was feeling particularly sadistic.
Leaning his forehead against the opaque glass of the door, Tsuzuki debated on what to do. He had already given Hisoka the required need of "space" that a return of the curse marks caused, letting his lover attempt to recover his equilibrium on his own.

Personally, Tsuzuki didn't understand this need of Hisoka's to do this on his own. Over the long years of his afterlife, Tsuzuki knew that "alone" was bad. But since that was what his lover wanted at times like these, Tsuzuki stepped back.

When he'd stuck his head in to ask Hisoka what he wanted for lunch, his answer had been a growl and a thrown tea cup. Luckily, the tea cup had missed him, shattering against the wall, but he'd gotten the message and withdrawn. He had, however, left a replacement cup with the onigiri lunch he'd brought his lover back. This time, there had been nothing thrown at him when he'd hesitantly opened the door and left the bag on Hisoka's desk. But the glare when he'd opened his mouth to speak spoke volumes. So he'd slunk back out again.

Lost in his thoughts, Tsuzuki nearly fell onto his partner when Hisoka opened the door. Having little choice but to use his lover to steady himself, he wasn't surprised when Hisoka jerked away, harshly muttering, "Don't touch me!"

Tsuzuki frowned. Enough was enough. Stepping inside their office, he closed the door firmly behind him. Hisoka frowned dangerously up at him, opening his mouth to speak, when Tsuzuki shook his head.

"Are they that bad, Hisoka?" he asked softly, refraining from using his pet name for the other shinigami. It would only upset him more right now.

The only answer was Hisoka looking away from him, his hair hiding his eyes.

Nodding, Tsuzuki reached out and lifted one of Hisoka's hands. Before his lover could stop him, he pushed the sleeve covering his arm up a few inches. The marks were there, a blazing, fiery crimson against the pale skin.

Hisoka whipped his arm back, spinning away from Tsuzuki. But he didn't run away as he sometimes had in the past. One of the reasons, Tsuzuki knew, was because he was blocking the door.

Taking the step towards his lover, he wrapped his arms around Hisoka. The younger man gasped and made a soft, surprised sound. Dropping a soft kiss onto the top of his head, Tsuzuki rested his chin on the same spot his lips had just been.

"I love you, Hisoka. I'm not disgusted by you when they appear. Do they make me hate Muraki for his reminders of what he did to you? Yes. But not you, 'Soka-chan. Never you."

His lover started to tremble in his arms, and Tsuzuki tightened his hold on him. Something that sounded suspiciously like a sob floated up to his ears, which made Tsuzuki smile with bittersweet relief. When the anger fled, and Hisoka could cry, then the worst was over.

He held his lover for a minute, letting him cry out some of his pain and frustration. "I'm going to go tell Tatsumi you're not feeling well, and then we'll go home. You can get some rest, and you'll feel better later."

"Why?" murmured Hisoka, gripping Tsuzuki's arms to keep him from leaving just yet. "I pushed you away all day, nearly brained you earlier, and still....."

"Shhh," Tsuzuki breathed. "Because I love you, silly. That's why."
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