Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Greasy Black, Ugly White

Love Me Tender

by OhmyGee 2 reviews

For it's there that I belong, and well never part.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-09-21 - Updated: 2012-09-22 - 3429 words

Hello ya’ll. Okay so this is the third chapter obviously, but there is nothing really that great, not until like the fifth or six chapter, we’ll be getting into the more heavier stuff.

Also, this chapter is kind of short, but the next one is like, longer. If you have read ‘The Outsiders’ then consider this sort of like a ‘prologue’, but not really. If you have not read it then, just consider this as a normal beginning, nothing special.

Okay, on another note, I must say- when I was in science class, we were taking a test. There was a question and the answer was chemical. As of what I assume, every My chemical romance fan does- I put for my answer ‘my chemical romance’. And the teacher? She marked it correct! Fuck yeah!

Greasy Black, Ugly White
III: Love Me Tender
“Mikey would never, ever in his life admit to this but he secretlty thinks that is sweet. Gerard and Frank together.”

“Mikey! Mikey! No!” Frank giggled as Mikey still continued to push Frank. Mikey and frank had been in History class for the past twenty minutes goofing around. They were supposed to be working on their partner projects. Mikey and Frank were partners, working of the History of Alcatraz.

The two weren’t doing anything. They just sat in the back with a book and papers on the desk while they giggled away. Way too loudly.

“Fuck no Frank! You said you would do it!” Mikey finally pushed Frank off his chair with a loud bang. The two still could not stop laughing.

“Oww. Damn it Mikey, you sonuvabitch! You-“Frank was interrupted by the sound of the teacher’s voice.

“Iero! Way! Do your work! Now.” The teacher scolded. Every student stared at Frank on the floor. Iero and Way both stopped laughing. Frank mumbled a ‘yes Sir’ under his breath, looking away guilty. He slid back onto his chair and Mikey saw the guilt in his eyes. Frank is way too nice.

“Well. If we have to learn, then you need to say his name right.” Mikey smirked. Frank stared at Mikey along with the evil teacher, twenty students, and (of course) the socs. The teacher looked furiously at Mikey.

“What?” History teacher scolded, none the less confused.

“You are a teacher. So you should be able to pronounce names right? Mikey raised an eyebrow, still smirking. “Frank. His name is eye-ear-o. Not ear-o. You say it like its one thing. So say it right or you have no right to address him at all. ‘Kay?” Mikey explained.

Frank stared at Mikey in awe. He had never really said that to a teacher without a point. Mikey was just pointing out because he could. The teacher just looked back down at his book and let them do as they wish. Fuck, frank thought and smirked at the teacher.

“Oh, by the way, Frank- You idiots can stop staring now.-“He addressed the students who quickly removed their eyes and began to converse again. “Gerard said you have to come over again today.”

“He said I have to. I have no choice.” Frank mocked.

“Yep. You gotta.” Mikey informed. Frank raised an eyebrow.

“And if I refuse?” Frank continued to mock. He was excited to see Gerard again, he loved his dominance.

“Then he’ll skin you alive with my machete. Imagine that. Feeling all of your skin escape your blood and bones. If the peeling of the skin is not too deep, it would hurt like hell to touch him again.” Mikey smirked and cocked his head a bit. “Why, do you not want too? Because if so it will be deeper.”

“No! No I do want to. And what is with you and weapons?” Frank smiled but he was curious.

“Or he could just stick a scorching hot metal block up your ass…all though I think he has something else he would prefer.” Mikey giggled when Frank shoved him. “Hey, hey! His words not mine.” He waved his arms innocently.

“He said he was going to shove hot shit up my ass…” Frank giggled with Mikey.

“Okay, you may see his dick hot and appealing…but I don’t because he is my brother. And I ain’t like that…” Frank shoved him again.

“Shut up.”

“Hey did I hear you say that you are jacking with Gerard Way?” Some socs girl -who obviously belong to the Stews- had walked up, intrudingly, interrupted their conversation.

“Yeah, why?” Frank asked, he could already see the annoyance and hatred in Mikey’s eyes.

“Really. My gosh! Why? He’s such a freak.” The bitch gasped as Frank understood Mikey’s hatred for her.

“Because…I can date whoever the fuck I want.” Frank spat sternly at the girl who had black hair. That was sort of odd for a socs.

“But, you know he will kill you if you betray him.” She scoffed.

“Shut up. You can’t fucking say that.” She was shaken when Frank yelled. It was awesome when Frank was angry. Frank did not express his anger that much, but when he did, it was awesome. Mikey grinned evilly at the sad girl.

“Oh. But Patrick will be mad. You can’t betray him.” She tried to reason.

“I simply don’t give a fuck. In fact, Patrick can go fuck himself and die for all I care. And Don’t! Give me that shit about bad mouthing him because I don’t want to hear it. I can and will do what ever the fuck I choose and you fucking cunts will not get in my way. So, simply fuck off.” The girl scuttled back to her seat with her tail tugged behind he legs.

“Damn Frank. You just turned like ten times cooler.” Mikey grinned. “That bitch needed to be taught where her place is… no matter how hot she is…” Mikey chewed on his lip and stared at the girl.

“Like I wasn’t awesome already. And what is with you and her?” Frank wanted to know.

“Well in like eighth grade we were good friends. I had a crush on her, but we went our separate was. She turned into a mega bitch. I turned out to be mother fucking awesome.” Mikey informed, whilst Frank nodded.

“I see. You fuck mothers.” Frank giggled along with Mikey.

“Well, it depends. How hot is your mother?” Mikey giggled but Frank stopped.

“Okay, that’s not something to joke about. If you fornicate with my mother, I will kill you with your stupid fucking machete. You are not her type. And also, if that was you who did it then I will kick your ass right here.” Frank was way too stern for Mikey’s liking. Normally, Mikey would punch Frank, but he was just concerned or even slightly worried.

“What. I. Who did what? I never fornicated with your mom.” Mikey quickly implied and apology.

“Im sorry. It’s just; I don’t like to joke about.” Frank looked at his hands then smiled at Mikey.

“Nah…I don’t…What’s wrong with me. Im not her type. Im not saying- “Frank giggled and Mikey joined in.

“Too scrawny. She likes more of a- im going to stop. I do not feel like talking about my moms boyfriends.” Frank giggled.

“Why, they too hot for you?” Mikey teased.

“Nope. I prefer people in the more, more…tell Gerard I said this…I like people in his persona.” Frank smirked and Mikey deliberately laughed at him.

“Kiss ass.”

“Shut up…Yeah…” Mikey laughed again. “Tell Gerard that too.” That must have pushed Mikey over the limit because now he’s just doing that high pitched cackle that both the Way’s share.

“I will. I will. You will kiss Gerard’s ass. Alright then.” Mikey screamed earning the eyes of most students and teacher.

“Frank! Way! Shut up!... I want you after school in the detention hall. Today.” The teacher screamed back. Mikey still was laughing, so was Frank, and even a few students were.


Shit. Frank thought. He was generally fucked, in many reasons. The first is because he had detention, and he would be late for Gerard. How the fuck would Gerard feel about that? Would he be mad, or not care, or be worried?

Secondly, it was fifteen minutes after school and he is running down the hall way corridors, worrying about Gerard. He was late for detention.

For a normal human that would be no big deal. Burt Frank was not one to get detention, so he didn’t know how the teachers would react. So he was sort of worried about that. Would they like kill him, chop of his limbs, shove ’The pear of anguish’ up his ass? Possibly just yell at him.

The pear of anguish was a medieval torture instrument. It was used on women with miscarriages, liars, blasphemers, and homosexuals.

It was a pear shaped device that would be shoved in the anus for homosexuals, vagina for women, and mouth for liars and blasphemers. Once the ‘pear’ was inserted, the torturer would turn a screw as four brass leaves expanded very slowly.

It would grow to as wide as six inches in diameter. It would mutate and I don’t think it lead to death but it was very, very painful. It was rarely used too.

I personally think this is one of my favorite, so that’s why I mentioned it.

Frank ran down until a yell was thrown at him.

“Hey! Frank!” A female’s voice was caught in his ears. He immediately stopped, almost falling to his face. The aforementioned turned around to see the girl he had a yelling conversation about earlier. The girl Mikey spoken about of eighth grade. Frank raised an eyebrow but slowly walked over to her by the lockers.

“Yeah?” He questioned. Frank was curious about what the girl had to say. If she was just going to bitch at him or what. Normally the socs girls wore bright colors of pink or blue or something like that. But the thing that stood out to Frank was that she was wearing a black poodle skirt.

“I just wanted to say sorry about earlier. I shouldn’t have said something. That was a very rude implication of me.” Another thing that stood out to Frank was her heavy black eyeliner. One eye was notably darker than the other. If Frank was not gay, he might even see why Mikey liked her so much.

But as Frank studied her a little more, he saw her eye was not covered in extra makeup; but instead, a bruise. That was actually very new. Frank felt a whole new wave of sympathy and sorrow for the girl instead of hatred. Frank now realized why she had had stood up for Patrick.

“It’s no big deal. Don’t worry about it.” Frank cooed the poor girl. Even he felt sorry for screaming at her, felt sorry for her apologizing.

“Thanks.” She smiled. Frank had, just had to smile back. She was lovely, how could Mikey hate her?

“What’s your name?” Frank wanted to know. This way, he can refer to her by something other than ‘that one girl from history’, or ‘she’.

Eww…Just imagine someone shoving that pear thingy into your eye socket. Then it expands into your- gross…

“Alicia. Im Alicia.” She looked gracious that someone from the greasers was polite to her. Like that was rare. But considering her situation with Mikey, which was probably true.

“Nice to properly meet you Alicia, but I gotta go to detention. So, maybe ill see you tomorrow.” Frank smiled warmly at her again.

“Actually, tomorrow, when you see Mikey.” She held out a folded piece of paper that scribbled ‘Mikey’ on it. “Could you give him this for me?”

“He has detention with me. I can just give it to him now.” Frank took the paper form Alicia’s soft hand. But Alicia just laughed at Frank. Frank felt annoyed by that.

“No, Mikey wouldn’t go to that. No matter what, you couldn’t get him there. Chase him down with a machete covered in gouged eye balls. He still wouldn’t go.” Frank actually under stood that. Since nobody was going to kill Mikey for it, than nobody should kill Frank.

“He didn’t tell me that?” Frank said it as a question to get Alicia to explain.

“Yeah he either figured that you wouldn’t go or he just didn’t care.” Frank felt a bit hurt and possible betrayed by that. Even when Mikey said that Gerard needed him to come over.

Frank just nodded showing that he understood, also the nod contained a ‘Bye’ in it. Frank stormed down the hall way, passing the detention room he walked out the doors that lead outside. The ones that Mikey would be waiting for him by. He walked about twenty feet until he reached the road.

And yes, Frank was walking pretty speedy so when another voice was thrown at him, he stumbled a bit. Frank turned around to see an unnoticed black pininfarina. One of the nicest Italian cars available.

“Frankie? Where the fuck are you going?” It was Mikey leaning on the hood of the car, smirking. Frank walked a few feet towards the car. He was so fucking relived that Mikey hadn’t left him, because their house was really fucking far away.

“Hey, I thought you left…and I didn’t really notice the car.” Frank looked away dumbly, Mikey chuckled a little.

“Nah, I thought that you would actually go to detention so I decided to wait for you. I refuse to ever go. It would ruin my reputation, ya know?” Frank looked back up at Mikey and smiled.

“I didn’t feel like going so…” Frank tried to sound cool, sly, and manly about it. Like a real rebel would. But sadly Frank was just learning. And a high jump in the air would not help.

Something or someone had sneaked up behind him, touching his waist. Frank was immediately startled and jumpy; thus being he must have jumped, or fell, a foot in the air. Once Frank was finished he turned around to see someone he would never, ever expect to see. But none the less happy.

Frank spread a huge smile across his face when he saw Gerard actually standing there. Gerard hated this school, so you would never really see him here- but Frank was and is seeing him here with the soft raven locks of hair.

Frank had, no just had to hug his neck so fucking tightly, maybe tight enough to kill him. Gerard didn’t look annoyed or hurt by the awesome expression. He hugged him back, (not tight enough to kill) but smiled warmly at the expression.

After a literal second of the hug, Gerard did something that seemed disappointing, but I so wasn’t. He pushed Frank away and had to duck down so he could start a very passionate kiss. Frank moaned quietly in response which just made Gerard smirk. People weren’t usually this responsive to him, but Frank wasn’t just people.

Frank could tell Gerard was indeed smirking, so he decided to let the kiss live for a few more very long seconds before pulling away. Gerard placed his hands on Frank’s shoulders and smeared his smirk into a smile.

“Hey sugar. How the fuck are ‘Ya?” Gerard asked whilst Mikey ‘puffed’ to himself. Not disappointed or annoyed, he just found them to be sort of amusing or something.

“Im doing great. How about you?” Frank smiled and replied in his sweet, polite, sing-song voice.

“Well, I am admiring you currently. So I am also doing wonderful.” Frank blushed so fucking obviously.

“Gerard you are one cheesy fucker.” Mikey shouted from behind. Frank was now blushing so much it hurt to look at.

“You’re so sweet. So what are you doing here?” Frank was totally curious about that part. Why was Gerard at his school?

“Well, Mikey just now picked me up and he thought you were in detention so…I came to come get you.” Gerard lowered his hands to Frank’s waist.

“Oh, well that was nice of you.” Frank was always a modest, nice, polite, honest person to the people he loved.

“Pfft. It was nothing you just got lucky that I actually took a shower.” Gerard mocked himself and grinned while doing so.

“Damn Gerard. I love you, you’re so funny.” Frank laughed but stopped instantly when
he had actually heard what he said. Everyone discontinued from what they’re doing so they could make serious faces. Nobody had expected that.

“Really?” Gerard finally asked breaking the excruciatingly long moment of silence. As it was mentioned before, Frank was always honest to the people he loved. But he was way too embarrassed, and what if Gerard didn’t love him.

“I-I don’t…I, that just slipped. Im sorry.” Frank reverted back to his sorry self. He always apologized when he was embarrassed, when someone sneezed, and on occasion, when ever he felt guilty.

“Don’t apologize. Is that true?” Gerard’s voice was very quiet and calm, thankfully not disgusted or mocking.

“I don’t know.” Frank looked away but mumbled: “I guess so.” Gerard raised an eyebrow, a very unnoticeable, possibly, unseen smirk escaped his lips. Gerard had something of an ego, and was sort of a, so called diva. So this was awesome to him.

“What would you do if I didn’t love you back?” He was just curious.

“What. Well um, I would be even more embarrassed, and hurt. But…im sorry…I should have known, someone like you would never love someone like me.” Frank mumbled sadly and hurt; which filled his mouth, brain, eyes, hands…

“What is someone like you?” Gerard wanted to know what he meant by that.

“Someone who is short, whimpy, annoying, whiney, ugly…opinionated.” Frank felt ashamed, but he wasn’t going to say that.

“You are attracted to people of my persona, possible ass kisser. Scary and amazing when angry. What not to love?” Gerard shrugged. Frank looked back directly into his glittering eye sockets.

“What?” Now Frank was confused Gerard’s eyes held no disappointment.

“You are a beautiful, strong, sincerely full human being who has lovely expressions that are amazing when expressed. What is seriously not to love?” Gerard smiled and simply shrugged. He was a very nice person who hates being lied to; so he feels to reciprocate the honesty.

“Huh, what do you mean?” Frank cocked his head to the side. Gerard adored it when Frank did that. He adored Frank.

“I mean, im saying that I love you too. I bet I love you more.” Gerard bent down to be at eye level with Frank.

“Really?” Frank squeaked with happiness. Gerard nodded, lifting Frank up bridal style.

“Shut up.” Gerard smirked and Frank did so. The two soon placed a warm, tender kiss on each others mouths. It was not full of spit and tongues, just placing the lips on one another’s. Mikey would never, ever in his life admit to this but he secretly thinks that is very sweet. Gerard and Frank together.

When Gerard was with Frank, he was very clever. He was way more smart and clever than he would be before anyone else. He would say, think, act differently. Not in a bad way, just more different to Frank. That is one reason that Mikey finds them cool.

“Yo, fuck birds. Let’s go!” Mikey needed, just needed to break them up before he grows a vagina and walks around in poodle pumps. Frank break away from the kiss they shared, -that was about to turn dirty- and stared at Mikey. Franks hand was resting on Gerard’s face to help keep him closer.

“Fuck off,” Gerard shouted at Mikey. Frank really loved how Gerard was normally dominant and strong and fearless. Gerard placed another quick kiss on Frank’s lips, earning a smile from each other. Next Gerard whispered to Frank: “Let’s go honey. I gots a nice place that’s just dying for you to light it up.” Frank blushed.


Next chapter: “He does, but you know. Gotta pay the bills somehow… I guess, you just never see him working.”
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