Categories > Anime/Manga > Rin! > the reunion

Chapter 9

by keavaghmckenna 0 reviews

Category: Rin! - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-09-22 - Updated: 2012-09-22 - 735 words - Complete

The next morning Olivia woke up to find Stef lying next to her she gave a little smile and he gave one back. They woke up where Madeline was jumping on them, they all laughed, then Keavagh walked in she looked like she had had a rough time.
"Any luck?" Stef asked her. Keavagh just shook her head and walked away. She slumped on the sofa and watched cartoons with Jamie. She stroked his hair and smiled a little, she wanted Dru back loads. It didn't feel like a family without him.
"Mommy? Where's daddy it's Sunday and he said he'd take me out?" Jaime asked his mother excitedly. She smiled and shrugged. She grabbed her phone. She texted Dru.
'If you don't want me that's fine but don't forget you have a child here though, you made him a promise you'd take him out, so be here to pick him up soon." She didn't bother with the kiss at the end, she thought the kiss at the end wouldn't have felt right. The text message woke Dru up. He read it over. 'Fuck.' He thought to himself. He jumped up rushing about trying to get ready, he fell over a couple of times. Finally he arrived at Keavagh's. He knocked on the door where Jaime answered both of their faces lit up when they saw each other. Jaime let Dru in, where they both sat down in the living room. Keavagh walked in putting in her earring. Dru turned the her and smiled, Keavagh took no notice. He liked the fact that Keavagh was wearing the earrings she brought him.
"So where you off then Keav?" Dru asked her checking his phone to see if he had any activity from Hannah.
"Just out with Ash, Stef and Liv." Keavagh answered bringing in Jaime's jacket and putting it on him. Dru watched her get ready and shook his head disappointed in himself that he'd took her for granted.

Olivia and Stefan walked in telling Keavagh that they were going to where Stef had been staying to collect his clothes. They arrived at Hannah's, Olivia looked confused, she looked at Stef and pulled a confused face. They went up together in case either of them were hurt on their own. Stef knocked on the door but there was no answer. Hannah didn't answer after what Dru told her.
"Hannah it's me Stef" Stef shouted through the door. Hannah ran quick and opened it, she was happy to see Stef there until she looked at his hand. He was holding hands with Olivia her face changed a little. She let them in and gave Stef his suitcase. Olivia looked insecure, she clutched her bag tight to herself. Hannah smiled at her and told her that her husband was a great man. Soon they left, but Olivia and Stefan didn't passed Jamie and Dru. They arrived at Hannah's too. She did the same to them what she did to Olivia and Stef, until Dru told he it was him and his son.
"Oh gosh, I'm popular today" She giggled looking at Dru. Dru looked back at her confused, reminding her that she was to let no one in. She shook her head and laughed.
"No no, It was Stef who came, he came to pick up his things." Hannah explained to Dru, his face turned red he thought that Stefan was one of the people that had been abusing Hannah.

Dru rang Stefan shouting at him, and asking him why he abused Hannah. Stef explained he was only staying with her but Dru didn't believe him. He knew Stef had done bad things in his life but this wasn't close. He took Hannah out of the house and took her to his mom's where she could look after him. He spent the rest of his day Jamie ignoring interruptions. It was about 8:00pm when he returned Jamie home, he didn't speak to Keavagh, he didn't want to cry as he walked away but he did anyway. He felt like a complete idiot for doing what he did.

It had been a few months and Dru was living with Hannah at his mothers, Keavagh and Jamie still had no man around the house and Stefan, Olivia and Madeline were back in New York packing up to move back to London but kept it as a suprise for everyone.
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