Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Once Upon A December

"Miranda's not like that." I told Ashley when we got home "I know you guys all believe she'd do something this extreme to get rid of Penina but I don't believe it for a second."

"Open your eyes Sara." Ashley groaned "It's so obvious that she did it. Even ask Dad. Frank told him that's what happened."

I sighed and went downstairs. Dad was in the kitchen making us dinner "Dad?" He looked up at me and smiled "Ashley says that Miranda set the house on fire on purpose. Is that true?"

Dad sighed and frowned again "Looks like it. Do you really think it's a coincidence that she yelled at Penina to go and die just a few moments before the house set on fire?"

"Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?" I cried "I don't believe Miranda did that." I thought about it then asked "Is it okay if I go over to Frank's house? I wanna talk to Miranda."

Dad looked at me "No, not right now. Miranda's in her room and that's where she'll stay for the rest of the night because she's in so much trouble. And besides, even if I let you go over, it's not like you'd talk to her."

I frowned at that. I shrugged my shoulders and went back upstairs. But I had no intention of just sitting in my room while my friend was so upset.

Yeah, yeah, so Miranda doesn't exactly act like a friend and she can be really mean sometimes. But everyone's turned against her, even Rose. Right now Miranda needs a friend.

So I went into the bathroom and pushed the window right open. Right below the window there was the conservatory. I sat on the window ledge and poked my legs out. It wasn't that long of a jump but my stomach still churned as I pushed myself off and landed neatly on top of it. There was a longer drop from the top of the conservatory to the back garden but I didn't care. I just really needed to see Miranda.

I leaped off and fell over onto my butt. I stood up, groaning a little because that had actually hurt quite a lot but then I ducked down when I noticed my Dad in the kitchen. He hadn't noticed me. Brilliant.

Now I just needed to get to the front garden. There was a green wheelie bin near the garage. I ran over, climbed on top of it and onto the garage. I walked across the garage and looked down the other side. No wheelie bin, nothing for me to land on. I sighed heavily, sat down and kicked myself off. This time I landed flat on my face, scraping my knees "Shit." I muttered, getting up and dusting myself off. Oh well. At least I was almost there now.

I ran over to Frank's house, ignoring my knees which had started bleeding. When I got to Frank's house, I stood outside the front door for a few minutes wondering what to do. I knew that if I just knocked on the door and asked to see Miranda that Frank would tell me I wasn't allowed to see her. And then I remembered I wouldn't even be able to ask to see Miranda since I'm too afraid to talk to Frank. God I'm so pathetic.

I knew Miranda's bedroom faced the back garden so I climbed on top of Frank's garage and ran over into his back garden. Miranda's bedroom was completely impossible to reach. I looked around and then noticed some small, round stones. I picked one up and hurled it at Miranda's window. Then another one. And then another one. She looked out the window and noticed me. She pushed the window open "What do you want?" She snapped. I gestured for her to come out into the back garden. Miranda groaned and her head disappeared. For a moment I wasn't sure if she'd just ditched me or whether she was coming outside but then her back door opened and Miranda came out wearing an old pair of teletubbies pyjamas.

"Dad's gone furniture shopping if you were wondering." Miranda said "What are you doing here?"

I opened my mouth but no sound came out. 'Come on!' I snapped inside my head 'Say it! Ask her! TALK TO HER!' "Oh yeah, you can't talk." Miranda laughed "Well we're just gonna have to stand here and wait for you to learn how to talk."

"I can talk." I blurted, then slapped my hand over my mouth. Had I jsut spoken... In front of someone other than my Mom, Dad or Ashley?

Miranda grinned "I knew you could talk. Now come on, ask me what you want to ask me before your voice runs out."

She was starting to get on my nerves a little, especially since I'd nearly broken my arm to get here "How did the fire start?" I asked in a quick blur.

Miranda groaned "I didn't set it delibrately if that's what you mean. I hurled the new jacket my Mom had got me across the room and it caught fire. Then I accidentally knocked over a DVD stand." Miranda groaned again "That sounds like I did it on purpose but I didn't. Not that anyone believes me."

"Not true."

"Oh yeah? Who does believe me?"

"Me." I told her. Miranda looked up at me. I held out my hand. She hesitated before taking it and smiling at me.
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