Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Once Upon A December

"- I wish you were dead!" I yelled at Penina.

She turned and ran out of the room. Had I really upset her that much that she couldn't bear to look at me? Wasn't that what I wanted? I screamed in frustration. I didn't know what I wanted. Yes I did. I wanted a Mom that actually cared about me. That wanted to see me and didn't just randomly show up out of the blue to piss off my Dad. But now I'd messed things up with Penina and she'd never want to be my Mother.

Not that I'd want Penina to be my Mom. I did want to be her friend. But everytime she tries to get close to me, it reminds me of how my hopeless my Mom is and it makes me angry. Why can't my Mom be more like Penina? Loving and caring and actually wanting to spend time with me.

No. My Mom prefers one night stands and drinking than having a real family. If that's the kind of person she is then why did she agree to have a baby with my Dad in the first place?

I screamed again, tore off the jacket that Mom had brought for me and hurled it across the room. For a moment I didn't realise that I'd thrown it right onto one of the candles. I definitely noticed when my jacket caught fire "Oh shit..." I mumbled, backing away from it slightly. Unfortunately I backed right into one of our DVD shelves and knocked it over. There had been two candles on top of it and soon the room stank of smoke.

The jacket that I'd accidentally set on fire spread to the curtains and started spreading round the room. Only a stupid person would've stayed in that room so I ran out straightaway "What do I do? What do I do?" I whispered. I took my mobile and rang for the fire brigade. They said they'd come straight over and told me to wait outside.

So I went outside and stood there for five minutes before I remembered something (or someone) important. Penina! She was still in the house "Help!" I yelled "Help, Penina's trapped!" I opened the door then instantly shut it again. If I ran there, I'd die. I ran over the road to Gerard's house and pounded on the door "Help! Help!"

Rose opened the door "What is it?"

"My house is on fire and Penina's trapped inside!"

"Oh my god! Dad!"

By the time Gerard got to the door, the fire brigade had arrived. We all ran over the road "Help! My Dad's girlfriend is trapped in there!" I screamed before bursting into tears. Oh god, this was all my fault!

An hour later we were all sat in the hospital waiting to see if Penina was okay. I sat in the corner of the waiting room alone and Rose came over to me "Really Miranda?" Rose hissed "I knew you wanted to get her out of your life but you really went this far?"

I gaped at her "You think I did this on purpose?"

"I'm not the only one. Frank and Penina think so too. Is it really just a coincidence that you told Penina she wanted to die right before the house set on fire?"

My cheeeks burned bright red. My entire family thought I was a murderer.

[A/N] - Another short chapter I know, I'm sorry. I don't know that much about fires by the way so this chapter was pretty badly written :L
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