Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > No Heroes Allowed

Chapter 5

by StormVandal 87 reviews

Mikey's been keeping secrets, and he's not the only one. Links to my new gabilliam fic inside!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2012-09-28 - Updated: 2012-10-08 - 1047 words

By the time Frank was seventeen, he and Gerard and occassionally Ray were practicing frequently in the field near Gerard's house. Mikey would tag along and watch, sitting out of the way and occassionally shouting out suggestions.

Gerard got the hang of his abilities first. He perfected his takeoffs and learned how to do loop-de-loops and sharp turns, and eventually he managed to master landings. Sometimes Ray would throw heavy objects for him to dodge, and sometimes he would use his levitation to hurl heavy objects for Ray to catch. In this way, they were able to help each other out.

Frank was different.

It was mid-morning on a Sunday in the middle of November. The grass on the field was slowly turning brown and most of the leaves had fallen off the surrounding trees. Ray had expressed concerns that the trees didn't provide enough cover without their leaves, but they had done some tests and it seemed to be fine.

Frank was staring intently at a tree a few feet away, his feet planted and his hands hanging loosely at his sides. He took deep breaths through his nose, not taking his eyes off the target.

"I'm sure you'll get it this time," Gerard said encouragingly from next to him. Frank huffed out a sigh. There hadn't been even a hint of light in the hour he'd been going at this, and he was getting seriously frustrated.

He raised his hands towards the tree and strained but he didn't feel anything. His fingers shook in front of him, but nothing happened, and after a while he dropped his arms back to the sides.

"Maybe if you just..." Gerard began, and Frank felt pinpricks of annoyance starting in the back of his mind.

"Stop trying to give me advice, Gerard," he snapped. "I can't do it, okay?"

Gerard looked hurt, and for some reason that just made Frank more annoyed. His head had started to pound. He gritted his teeth.

"Okay, Frank, sorry. I was just trying to help," Gerard huffed.

Frank was trembling slightly. He was frustrated and angry and there was a pressure building inside him.

Gerard sighed. "Look, Frankie..."

Something snapped.

Next to him, Mikey cried out, his face contorting in pain. He clutched at his head with shaking hands. "Gee, get down!" he said urgently, his voice strangled.

Gerard dropped to the ground just in time. Barely a second later, Frank let out a yell and flung his hands out in front of him.

There were a few long moments where all he could see was blinding, flaring white; then he found himself on his knees on the ground. There was a smoking crater in the tree he's been aiming at earlier.

The stunned silence that followed was long and broken only by the sound of Frank panting.


The shock of Frank's little explosion meant that Ray and Gerard pretty much forgot about Mikey's outburst. But Frank puzzled over it all the way back to the Way's house. He kept thinking about it while they played video games and subsequently lost miserably to Ray three times in a row. Eventually, Ray left for home. Gerard went upstairs to get a drink, and Frank turned to Mikey.

"Hey, dude," he said quietly. "What the hell was that earlier?"

Mikey looked straight ahead. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Frank sighed and poked Mikey with his foot. "Yeah, you do. What was up with that?"

Mikey just scowled.


"Frank, drop it," he snapped. "It was nothing, okay?"

Frank left it for all of about thirty seconds. "But Mikey-"

Mikey turned and glared at him in annoyance. Frank looked him in the eye, and he stared back intently.

Suddenly, Frank became aware of a very strange sensation in his head. It was a probing feeling, like someone was gently poking at his brain. It wasn't painful, just bizarre.

When it stopped -just as suddenly as it had begun- Frank shook his head as if to clear it and blinked at Mikey, who had a horrified look on his face. Before there was a chance to ask him what was wrong, he let out a strangled noise.

"Oh my god," he said. "You like my brother?!"

Frank gaped at him. "I- What?! What are you talking about?!"

Mikey groaned and sank down in his chair. "You like my brother."

Frank's face had gone very red. "How..."

Mikey remained silent, and slowly it dawned on him.

"Did you just read my fucking mind?!"

"Nevermind that." Mikey waved his hand impatiently. "You like Gerard? Seriously?!"

"Shut up," Frank hissed. "It's just a... a thing, okay? I'll get over it. Why didn't you tell us you have them too?!"

Mikey shifted uncomfortably. "I just... it's not a big deal, Frank, okay?"

"Well, are you gonna tell Gee?"

"I suppose..."

There were footsteps out side the door. "Go ahead then, here's your chance."


"I figured something was up," Gerard said when Mikey told him. "Why didn't you just say something?"

Mikey fidgeted. "I thought you wouldn't trust me anymore."


"I can read minds, Gee!" He looked down at his feet. "I thought you guys would be scared."

"Mikey, I could blow your head off right now and you're not scared," Frank pointed out.

Mikey cracked a smile and mumbled, "I might be a little scared."

Hey guys! Vandal here. I'm so sorry for not getting this up sooner! I haven't forgotten about this story, don't worry. I've been determinedly chipping away at this in between periods of writer's block and laziness.
I've also written my first Gabilliam! Unfortunately, there's no The Academy Is... or Cobra Starship section on FicWad. So I'm going to post it on archive of our own! I'll post the link in the next chapter update if anyone is interested- let me know if you are and I'll make sure you get the link. EDIT: Livejournal link- Archive of our own link-
ALSO I've just noticed someone's rated most of my stories down... I understand it's happened to CosmicZombie and DisenchantedDestroya too. Are we dealing with another troll?!
Anyways, hope you enjoyed the update! Please rate and review, it means a lot to me :)
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