Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sex,Spice and Burlesque

Chapter 4

by The-Corpse 3 reviews

Let the night begin.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2012-09-28 - Updated: 2012-09-29 - 1373 words

Chapter 4:
Hozzie's P.O.V.

"So we meet again...." I look to my right to find Gerard sitting next to me as his whole body turned towards me he had beer in his hands and his speech was slurred. Yep he was drunk. "How did you get into the V.I.P. section anyway?" he said while taking another drink. "I'm here with some friends." I said looking for someone I might know,but they have all seemed to dissappear. I pull out my cell phone and tried texting because of the music but with my luck I had no signal.
"Want a beer?" he offers putting an arm around me.
I shook my head. "oh come on it wont hurt." He said pushing a beer into my hands grabbing another from the tray that was placed in front of us at the moment.
He took a swig at it but I just put mine down. I didnt drink. I didnt want to. You see Charlie has influence me in so many things. The reason she doesnt drink is because her boyfriend was killed by a drunk driver. She went through so much pain that she could never wish on anybody. So she just stop drinking and I look up to her for that she is like a role model to me. Logan was talking to Mikey at the other end of the bar they seemed really into the conversation so i didnt want to bother them.
"Wanna go outside?" Gerard asks after what seems like an hour I look at my watch and see that it was already 11:46pm almost midnight. "Sure" I try screaming over the music but no luck. So i just nodded my head. We stood up walked threw the people dancing and out the door. The fresh air felt good in my lungs. I saw Charlie and Frank talking by the alley. They didnt seem occupy so I walked over to them. Gerard following closely behind. Or at least he is.
"Hey guys"
"Hey Hozzie" Frank said giving me a hug hello. This is the first time I have seen him tonight. "Hey your that dancing whore that is friends with Bob's Girl" he said as he was fully ridden of alcholol although he cannot stand still yet. "Ye yes i am." She looks at him in the eye then slaps him. I giggle at Gerard's exlression. His mouth was hanging open with a surprise look on his face. He actually looked like the idiot he was.
"You slapped me......why the in the fuckness would you slap me?!". Charlie just smiled and and said."cuz it seem like fun..." Gerard just glared at her. He looked cute when he was disoriented. Yeah that is right I think he is cute. Sue me its not like I want to marry the guy.
Frank was just standing there smoking his cigarette with amusement in his eyes.
"So what were you guys talking about?" I asked them. Frank answered me "Well we were thinking about going on a double date sometime?,you know Charlie, me and you and Gerard." "Yeah sure it could be allright." I said not really thinking that I just agreed to go out with a guy I have zero interest in. It wont even hurt a fly and Gerard seemed pretty happy with me saying yes anyway.
After about 15 minutes of Gerard's drunk state Frank decided it was time to take Gerard back to the hotel they were staying at. Chaelie and I went back inside to look for the others. Jennifer went with Bob to his hotel room she was staying the night. Mazy left an hour ago. Chloé was nowhere to be seen and Logan was still in the same conversation with Mikey. We just told them we were tired and that we were heading home. Tomorrow was Saturday so I would just sleep in until noon. And tomorrow we had the night off since the club didnt open on Saturday. Which was even better I could use a rest from my life. I think Charlie and I were the only ones home at the moent so we went our separate ways. I took a shower, cleaned all of my make up off , took off the contacts brushing my teeth and went to sleep.
The sun came in fron the terrace and into the room. I looked around the room and saw Allison curled up beneath her sheets. I sat up went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth. And went downstairs for breakfast.
Logan was there . Writing on her computer. "Hey sleepy head" She said as I walked in. I was wearing an oversized t shirt and a pair of pj shorts. "Hey what you doing?" "Trying to score a job" I looked at her as if waiting for an explanation. "well I cant be a dancer for the rest of my life you know I get bored easily!" i smile and walk over to the fridge. There was only some homemade grape juice and a slice of pizza from yesterday. We really needed to shop more. I wrote it down on the to-do list stuck to the fridge by a tape since we disnt have magnets. Which also happens to be the number on thing on the list.
As I pour some grape jusice into a tall glass the phone started ringing. I looked at Logan but since she made no sign to move I picked it up. "Hello?"
"Yes, Good morning Miss you have a visitor by the name of Gerard Way wanting to see Hozzie Bareham should I let him through?"
How in the heck of the hcks did he get my address?!
"Uh....yeah sure". I said goodbye and wished them a good morning.
"Who was it?"
"Uh.. The front desk... I have a visitor?" i said as the elevator doors open and in came the sex-god from yesterday. I walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway where he stood. "Hozzie?"
"Hey what brings you here?" you left your phone on the seat last night i forgot to give it back to you" he said holding out my phone i grabbed it. "You added your number didnt you?"
"yep" he said with so much confidence.
"I ll see you on our double date tonight" he winks before walking into the open elevator and as the door start closing he blows me a kiss. That guy could not get any lamer.

The day went pretty fast. I went jogging around the block. Called my parents saying that i was okay and not to worry so much about me. And dad was still asking about that bucket of chicken...... He needs tl go on a huge diet.
Finnaly it was 7pm and I was in Charlie's room as we got ready for our date. Or my torture.
The boys saud they were only taking us ice skating and then some dinner and we head to the arcade and movie theather. It sounded like a fun date. We decided to dress casual.
Charlie wore a pair of royal bones american flag split skinny jeans, a royal bones black lace up halter corset and a pair of beat up converse.
I on the other hand wore some of Charlie's clothing I just like her clothing style better. I wore a skull grey print top. A pair of super tight back skinny jeans and my black ballet flats.
I was sitting on Charlie's bed. While she did my make up when the phone rang in the kitchen. Logan had answer it as she screamed up the stairs seeing as she was too lazy to get up her and say it.
We had finished with our make up and headed down the stairs and into the open living room where the boys were waiting.
Let the night begin.
okay so I know it is short but i wanted to cut this chapter in two. Chapter five is being written as we speak and should be up tomorrow afternoon. So be on the look out. And thank you to everyone who review and commented on the story....i feel so looved!
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