Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sex,Spice and Burlesque

Chapter 7

by The-Corpse 4 reviews

A walk to remember..... Cont.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2012-09-30 - Updated: 2012-09-30 - 1141 words

'Thank you....'
He didnt text back after that so I just did my stuff like. Taking off my contacts, brushing my teeth, etc. Before going to sleep.

I woke up with a start. Allison had jumped on my bed. "WAKE UP!" she was screaming in my ear. "I'm awake! Damn it!" i pushed her off the bed. And laugh as she landed on stewy the stuffed unicorn. "Why were you waking me up?" " oh right you have a visitor he us totally cute." she giggles while standing up and walking out of the room. I just shake my head. My head and walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth and my face putting my glasses on. Putting my hair up in a bun.
I walk out of the room and look over the handrail to find Gerard sitting on the sofa he was wearing something different for once. A stripped black and white hoodie and red skinny jeans his usual combat boots. I was too lazy to go downstairs yet so I just yelled from the second floor. "Hey!" he looked up smiling at the sound of my voice. "Hey. I though we could go for a walk or something?" he said with a shrug of the shoulders. I smile and nodded. 'Sure, can you wait until I get ready. Promise I wont take long."
"I can wait" "Feel free to walk around."
I say as I walk back into my room and into the bathroom I took a shower. Washed my hair. Combed through it. I had on a black stitch choker, a mac miller young cut-ff tank top, grey skinny jeans, my lucky ballet flats and my favorite black denim jacket.
I put on my contacts once again, grabbing my bag and putting my cell phone in it.
I walked towards the stairs , down them and into the open living room."Ready?" he said as I enter the room. "Yea, come on" as I said this I had grabbed his hand pulling him towards the elevator doors.
The date has been pretty amazing at the moment . We just took the time get to know each other. We even played 20 question. I have newly found that Gerard strongly hates girls that dance for money. Well i aint telling him otherwise i would lose him and I was starting to really like him. He also had a thing for coffee saying that if coffee was a women he would probably marry her.
So that is what we wrre currntly doing walking back to the apartment , each of us with a coffee in our hands. I had so much fun with him.
"So you know how we have gone out in a total of dates right?" "Yes , this one being the thirth one i think" i answer back, looking over at him. He was looking at the ground "So uh... Will you be my girlfriend? I mean you dont have to if you dont want too because i completly understand if you dont. You probably have a-" I cut him off by kissing him gently on the lips. "Yes" he was rambiling and that shut him right up. He gave me a longer kiss this time. A more passionate one i was the one to pull away.when it got a little too heated. I wouldnt have to if we werent in the middle of the side walk.
Gerard's P.O.V.

I cant believe she kissed me. Two times in a row!
I walked her back into the apartment and once again i kissed her goodnight.
I took a taxi to my hotel. Sooner or later i had to tell her that i was leaving in a week but i didnt want any of this to end. With me leaving on tour and not seeing her for a whole two months. Ill miss her but i wont give up my dream that easily.
As i enter the hotel i was bombarded with questions from Frank. He was the only one who knew that I went on a date with Hozzie.
"So how did it go?" Frank said as he led me into the kitchen and started the coffee maker.
"Well...I have a girlfriend now" i say smiling. I yook a while for the words to sink in. But when it did Frank exploded in squeals and giggles. I swear Frank is a girl. "Dude would you stop squealing?!" "Sorry..." he said as he sat down at the table, i took a seat in front of him. Jennifer enters the room. How is she still here? It has been 2 days already. "oh, am I interrupting something?" she said as she looked between me and Frank. We stopped our conversation when she had walked in. "No we were already done." i said as i stood up and headed towards the cupbards. Taking out two cups and pouring coffee for Frank aswell. I added milk and sugar aand set Frank's in front of him. Jennifer just looked at us , shrug and openned the fridge. When she left the room it was total silence until frank decided to speak up. " I need to call Charlie." He left to room and went onto the terrace.
Frank's P.O.V.

As I walked out of the room I could feel Gerard's eyes on me. I called Charlie and after 3 rings she answered.
"Hey, Frankieboy" i smile at her voice. "Hey is Hozzie there?" "Yeah she just got in, why?"
"Well ask her how her and Gerard's date went"
I said my goodbye and hung up. My best friend was finally happy. And it has been awhile since he has been. Not since she came into his life.

Charlie's P.O.V.

After Frank had hung up. I got up from the bed. Walking out of the room and into the hallway. I went into Allison and Hozzie's room. Ally was the only one inside. "Where's Hozzie?" I asked her, she looked up from the book she was reading and pointed out on the terrace attached to their room. I walked past Ally and out the glass door, closing it behind me. "Hey Hozz?"
"Yeah?" i walked towards her leaning over the railing and looking down." I heard your not single anymore..." she looked at me surprise and then gave me a knowing look. I heard her sigh "Frank told you didnt he?" "Yep."
She looked so happy. I think she just found her number one.


Okay so I know it is a bit short but this is only a filler might be a bit boring but as I said it is only a filler. The story should pick up in the later chapters. I am going to post another one later tonight. It will be longer I promise.
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