Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Mean This Forever

2.My First Kiss Went A Little Like This.

by Cemetery-Girl 1 review

Yeah Chapter 2 of my Frerard fan fict.. tell me what you think. Honest opinions please ;3

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-09-30 - Updated: 2012-10-01 - 982 words

I sat up for most of the night, think about the kiss. My first ever kiss, a smile stretched across my lips at the thought. I ran my fingers across my lips one last time, still thinking about Gerard and how perfect he was. I laid back in bed, closed my eyes and tried to sleep but that seemed almost impossible. I opened my eyes then looked to the window, dawn was slowly beginning to break. I let out deep sigh then jumped out of bed, rubbing my eyes. "Ugh, I need a shower.." I mumbled to myself, I grabbed my towel off the end of my bed and shuffled into the bathroom. I switched the light on, then stared at my reflection in the mirror, my eyes groggy from lack of sleep.

I turned the shower on, the slipped my boxers down and climbed in. I shivered slightly as each droplet of warm water hit my skin. I picked up the bottle of shower gel off the side, squirted some into the palms of my hands and began to lava it up. I stared at the white tiled wall, still thinking about Gerard, how perfect every inch of his body was, how his jeans clung tight to his ass, he's perfect shaped tight ass. I shuck my head quickly, why was I thinking like this. I rubbed the shower gel all over me, then washed it off me. I stepped out of the shower, the water trickling down me slowly. I picked up a towel off the side and wrapped it around my waist and walked back into my bedroom.

I stood in the middle of my bedroom in-front of my full length mirror, letting my towel drop to the floor. "He doesn't like me, does he? I mean how can he" I whispered to myself. Inspecting my body in the mirror. I turned away and pulled on a clean pair of boxers, my pair of black skinny jeans and a black and white stripy shirt. I picked up my wet towel off the floor then wondered downstairs and into the kitchen, Gerard was still on my mind. I threw my wet towel down by the washing machine then switched the kettle on, putting to spoonfuls of coffee into a large mug. I leaned against the side then yawned, waiting for the kettle to boil. I poured the hot water into the mug, and then picked it up. Raising the mug to my lips, I took a large sip. "Ah Jeez that's hot" Suddenly the mug falls out of my hand and hits the floor with a smash. "Eh fuck this, I need some air"

I grab my leather jacket off the sofa, then walk out of the house slamming the door behind me. I shove my hands in my pockets, the cold morning breeze sending shivers through my body. I walk briskly towards the direction of the place I practice with my band. I finally get there and sit down on the door step, leaning my head against the wall. I close my eyes and find myself drifting off to sleep.

5 hours later

"Frank, Frank wake up" I feel someone shaking me. I open my eyes slightly.

"Er What do you want? can't you see I'm sleeping.." I close my eyes again and pull my coat tighter around me. Shivering slightly.

"Frank, It's me Gerard? How long have you been sitting here for? It's freezing you're gonna catch your death if you sit out here any longer" I quickly open my eyes, and look up at his face. I try my best to hide my smile.

"Er.. Just a few hours." Gerard grabs my arm and slowly pulls me to my feet, I feel a tingling feeling pass through me at his touch.

"Come on Frank, let's get you inside and warmed up" He unlocks the door and slowly walks me inside. I look around and smile.

"Gerard I'm fine honestly" I nod fastly. He narrows eyes and then frowns. I walk into the corner of the room and sit down watching him and the rest of his band set up. I pick up my old guitar from the corner of the room and plug it into the amp. I listen to them as they play and begin to strum a few chords on my guitar along with them, I smile slightly at Gerard as he watches.

"Wait, stop this music" Everyone stops playing. Gerard walks over to me the guitar slips from my hands and hits the floor with the thud. "Frank your what this band is missing.." He nods. "Frank it'd be perfect if you could join us our band your an amazing muscian" He leans closer then whispers in my ear "And kisser" I giggle, my mouth wide open from shock.

"I'd, I'd love to.." He smiles.

"Okay next band practise is next week hope to see you all here" Everyone walks out apart from Gerard. He stays stood dead infront of me. I begin to feel more nervous and on edge.

He leans closer to me, our lips brushing against each other. Slowly I press my lips to his, my eyes widen slightly and I begin thinking what did i just do? He begins to slowly move his lips against mine, and I do the same. I gently cup his face in my hands, pressing my lips harder to his, deepen our kiss further. Slowly he backs me into the wall, pressing his body to mine. I run my tongue over his soft, plump lips slowly, the taste of sugar-cubes and cigarettes fill my mouth. I slowly pull away. "Gerard I'm sorry, I.." I push him away and run out of the building. My lips slightly swollen from the kiss.

"Why did I just do that..?" I mumble to myself and begin walking down the street.
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