Categories > Original > Romance > Baby, I'm Not Your Enemy

Chapter 3

by Kittenm 0 reviews

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-10-01 - Updated: 2012-10-01 - 1547 words

I awake to the sound of the door to the room being opened. Footsteps walk towards the bed. My eyes snap open, and a small woman is standing in front of me. A groan slips past my lips.

"Good morning. We need to get you up and in the shower. I have orders." Her voice slips into my brain but doesn't register. "Here, although you probably shouldn't be so shy, since I'm probably going to have to help you." She holds out a bundle, and I recognize it as a pair of pajama pants and underwear. I blush, finally realizing what she's saying.

"Umm..... Thanks?" I mumble, managing to pull a hand out from the covers to grab the clothes. I manage to pull the underwear on under the covers, then swing my legs over the side of the bed to pull on the pants. Nothing seems too bad, until I stand up. Pain shoots through my body, and I fall back onto the bed, tears starting to fill my eyes.

"Woah. Be careful. Here." She wraps one of her arms under mine, and helps me stand back up. Agony shoots back up through my body, but the arm around me keeps me from falling. I'm guided to a door attached to the room, which leads to a bathroom. "Okay, I know you're not going to be able to shower by yourself, so strip." It's obvious by her gaze that she's serious. "Look, shyness isn't going to get you anywhere. If you're not showered by the time Mr. Stock comes back, we're both in trouble. I could be fired, and you could be severely hurt, so I advise that you undress and just let me help you." I blush, and pull the pants and underwear down as quickly as possible, just wanting to get the embarrassment over as soon as possible.

We manage to get the shower over with quickly. I dry off as quickly as possible, then pull the clothes back on. The woman has me sit down on the toilet while she gets something, I don't know what. Then she walks back in with a small case. She sets it on the counter. "What are you doing?" I ask as she rubs alcohol below my bottom lip, slightly off to the side.

"He wants me to pierce it. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt that much. Well, that's what I've heard, at least." I flinch back away from her hands and she sighs, "It's fine, I'm licensed to do this. Hell! I did Mr. Stock's and he hasn't taken it out since!" I relax, and she pulls a pair of clamps and a small needle out of the case. "Tilt your head back and open your mouth, the needle goes from the inside." My lips part as my head goes back. She uses the clamps to pull down my bottom lip, and I feel a pinch as the needle goes through. A small hand pulls a little hoop and ball from the case, and she quickly pulls the hoop through the hole made by the needle. Yet again she pulls something from the case, a small pair of plyers. Using these, she places one end of the ball on the end of the hoop, and squeezes the hoop shut. "Okay, we're almost done, there's just one thing I have to do left." What else?

"What else does he want you to do?" I ask, sighing slightly. This man is changing pieces of me.

The woman plays with my bangs, twisting them in her fingers, "Dye these blonde. We can wash the bleach out in the sink." I sigh, and wait for her to get the box out from under the sink. "We have to be very careful not to get it in your eyes." She says while tilting my head back, so my bangs flop away from my face. At that point, there's a knock at the door. "Come in!" And then he steps in.

"Hello, Jamie. Brad." Barry says, his voice smooth. "I knew giving him a lip piercing would look great." He smiles, bending down to run his finger over the hoop. I force myself to hold still and not flinch when he touches me.

"Sir, I thought you had work." Jamie says, her eyebrows furrowing together.

"I'm taking an early lunch break, and I have to leave soon. Still, you're about to dye his hair, right?" His fingers move to run through my bangs, and he smiles at me. My body's shaking, and it takes all my willpower not to flinch away.

"Yes sir." Jamie responds, pulling on latex gloves and starting to mix the dye.

"Well, I'd better be going. Goodbye Brad." He kisses my forehead. The fucking bastard kisses my forehead like we're a happy couple. The second he walks out the door, I'm rubbing my forehead, as if it'll make the feeling of his lips go away.

Jamie starts to put the dye on my bangs without another word. The bleach smells like cat pee, and it's hard not to gag. My nose is burning, my eyes watering. Yet more and more of the stuff coats my bangs. Then she sets a timer, and starts to clean up. After she's done cleaning, she sits on the side of the tub, timer in hand. After about 10 more minutes, the thing goes off, and she has me leaning over the side of the sink as she washes my hair. My hair is blow-dried. When I look in the mirror I see that my bangs are now yellowish blonde, and a small metal hoop is hugging my lip.

I bite my lip, trying to hold back the tears. I'm not really me anymore. He's changing who I am. Haven't I already had enough taken away?!

Jamie helps me back to the room, and gently lays me on the bed. She leaves the room, and I burst into tears. First my fucking family, my freedom, then my fucking virginity and pride, now what I look like! What else is he going to take!?

I don't know how long I lie there, but I finally manage to stop crying. My stomach growls quietly. As if she heard it, Jamie whisks into the room, holding a small tray of food. "Mr. Stock says to eat slowly, otherwise you might end up hurting yourself. He didn't know what allergies you may have, so hopefully you aren't allergic to anything on this tray." On the tray is a bottle of water (It'd suck if I was allergic to that), a small bowl of mixed fruit, and a ham and lettuce sandwich, cut into fourths. I can tell that they took time with this.

"Thank you. I don't have any allergies to foods. That I know of, anyway. Just things like pollen." I respond, picking apart a piece of the sandwich and chewing it slowly. Jamie sits and makes sure that I eat. It takes me an hour, because the second I speed up my eating, she's telling me to be careful.

When I do finally finish eating, she picks up the tray and leaves the room again, locking the door behind her. I sigh and curl back up under the covers, and manage to drift off fitfully.

Yet again I'm woken up by the sound of the door opening. Rolling onto my back, and sitting up, I realize that it's not Jamie this time.

"Good evening." Barry's small murmur brushes my ears. Bright light still shines into the room, and I assume that it's around 4 pm. I flinch when he approaches. He frowns slightly, but leans down anyway, letting his lips brush over my ear. I sit still, his lips brushing over my ears in a gentle way. He puts his hand on my shoulder and runs his hand down my back, gently raking his nails up and down over and over again. I flinch as his warm hand places itself right above my butt, rubbing slightly. A soft whimper escapes my lips, and I squirm uncomfortably beneath him. "It won't be as bad this time. Just relax and hold still." He whispers. I close my eyes and try to go to my happy place, blocking out the world.

It really wasn't as bad as before. But it was still painful, even with him being gentle. It was still humiliating. I didn't pass out like I did last time, thankfully. My mind wanders to what he said right before he left.

"I need to remember to reward you. You did so well. I'll bring you up some food in half an hour, after your stomach settles." He had whispered. He stayed true to his word, and about half an hour later, brought me up something to eat. I don't know what's with people and watching me eat, especially when I'm having trouble sitting from the pain in the lower half of my body.

Even after I eat, I have trouble getting comfortable. Not used to sleeping on my side, I make the mistake of rolling onto my back, and end up gasping loudly from the pain, rolling back to my side quickly. After a little bit of incredibly painful tossing and turning, I manage to fall asleep again.
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