Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > War

“What did they do to him?” Hozzie asked “… They haven’t killed him, have they?”

“No, of course not.” Raven said uncertainly, her eyes glued to the screen.

“Look at him.” I whispered “Look at his eyes. He looks possessed!”

“Don’t say that.” Molly sighed “We’re gonna be fine. Penina, Sam and Jennifer haven’t been caught yet so we still have a chance right?”

“No.” Hozzie sat down “There’s no chance. Look at Gee, he is possessed. We’re all gonna die here or even worse, be turned into draculoids or something.”

“Don’t!” Raven cried.

“Well she’s right.” I said quietly “We’re all gonna die here.”

“Oh Crayon, not you too!” Raven looked irritated as if me and Hozzie were annoying children “We keep saying we’ll be fine because we will be fine! We’ve got out of worse before.”

“Raven, I was once trapped here for two years.” Hozzie reminded her “You don’t know it’s like here. It’s scary.

“But you survived, didn’t you?” Raven asked fiercely “And we’ll survive again. We’re smart, brave and strong. We can do anything.”

“We’re not superheroes!” Hozzie yelled “Face it Raven! We. Are. Going. To. DIE!”

I looked at the screen helplessly and saw Gerard smirk at the camera and then left the room. Korse said something to the draculoids and then he followed him out of the room.

“Where are they going?” Molly asked suspiciously.

We watched as a draculoid grabbed Mikey “NO!” Hozzie shrieked.

“It’s gonna be okay.” Raven whispered, sitting down and putting her arm around Hozzie. None of us could look at the screen “We don’t know what they’re doing.”

“That’s what makes it worse!” I yelled.

A couple of hours later all of them had been injected with that mysterious injection and we still hadn’t seen Penina or the others “Even I’ve lost hope now.” Molly whispered, her eyes filling with tears “Hozzie and Crayon are right. We’re gonna die here. I’ll never see Shayla or Doctor DD ever again. I hate BLI!”

“I’m so sorry.” Raven muttered “I’m the one that dragged us into this.”

“No it’s Lucy fault.” Molly hissed “Why’d she have to run away? For crying out loud.”

“She wouldn’t have ran away if it hadn’t been for me in the first place.” I admitted “But I can’t help loving Gerard. And now I’ll never get to be with him.”

“Well-“ Hozzie was interrupted by the door opening. Gerard was standing there dressed all in white “Gerard?” Hozzie asked timidly.

Gerard didn’t say anything just stared at us all with unfocused eyes “Get out of the way!” Korse snapped and Gerard moved. Korse came into view “Where are the others?” He barked “And your snivelling, snot-nosed children?”

“We refuse to tell!” Raven cried.

“Oh really?” Korse looked at the guys “Who’d break first?” He asked them “Fetch the one that’ll give in the easiest.”

Gerard walked into the tiny room, grabbed Hozzie’s wrist and pulled her up “Gerard!” Hozzie cried “Please let me go!”

“Gee, please, snap out of it!” I yelled, grabbing his arm but he shoved me away.

“Filthy killjoy.” He hissed at me.

“Gerard, I’m your sister, don’t you remember me?” Hozzie sobbed.

Gerard ignored her, pulled her out of the room and locked the door behind us “What are they gonna do to her?” Molly asked, her eyes filling with tears again.

“I don’t know.” Raven whispered “I really don’t know.”

“What’s wrong with them?” I asked, starting to cry after the way Gerard had re-acted to me “Why are they acting like this?”

“Why do you think?” Raven looked at me “They’re just draculoids without masks.”

“We have to get out of here.” Molly got up and started banging on the door “WE WILL ESCAPE!” She twisted the handle and tried to open the door but it refused to budge.

“Molly, it’s not gonna work!” I snapped “You might as well give up! You’re just wasting your energy!”

Suddenly the door opened and Jennifer was standing there “Well come on!” She snapped “We’re not gonna save the world just standing here!”

We came out and saw Penina and Sam “Where’s Hozzie?” Penina asked. I explained what had happened “No! They turned Frank into a draculoid?”

“That’s our second main problem.” Jennifer said “Back at the diner we have a way to cure the guys but we need to trick them into coming back with us first. Let’s find them before Hozzie gets hurt.”

So we set off down the corridors “Do you think Lucy’s here?” Penina asked.

“If she is then we should leave her here to rot.” Molly hissed “How could she do this to us?”

“She didn’t mean for this to happen.” Penina said loyally “All she wanted was to get away from Gerard and Crayon. And to be fair, can you blame her?”

“Yes, I can!” Molly snapped.

“You’re just upset about Doctor DD and want to blame someone.” Penina said truthfully yet stupidly.

“At least Danielle stayed at home.” Jennifer whispered “I wouldn’t want anything to happen to her.”

Sam was about to say something when we heard a scream down the corridor “I think that was Hozzie!” Raven cried, running down the corridor and the rest of us followed her. She shoved open a door and found the guys standing around Hozzie was crouched on the floor and a couple of draculoids standing near them. Jennifer shot them both and the rest of us aimed our guns at the guys “Either come with us or we’ll shoot.” Raven hissed.
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