Categories > TV > Xena: Warrior Princess > Pebbles

Wash off the Blood

by ukeueue 0 reviews

The water ripples and churns. A series of ficlets. 32 - She glided like smoke, effortless and silent.

Category: Xena: Warrior Princess - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Ares,Xena - Published: 2012-10-02 - Updated: 2012-10-03 - 315 words - Complete

32. Wash off the Blood
9 June 2006
X/A – response to AreslovesXena's FF challenge continued. Chronologically, this goes between the previous two.

Ares surfaced and shook his head, sending water flying in every direction. Three drops landed on his forearm, and he watched them roll off. They were pale pink until they dropped off and disappeared.

He checked his bandage. It was still dry. Looked like whatever Xena covered it in worked.

There was a clink of metal from the shore. When he looked, Xena was there, removing her remaining gauntlet and standing in that flimsy white thing she wore under her leathers.

She waded in and swam toward him. She glided like smoke, he thought, effortless and silent. She was behind him now, and her touch was light as she drew his hair back from his face.

"How're you feeling?" she asked.

"Twelve stitches? Oh yeah, great."

He could hear her frown in her voice. "You shouldn't have jumped in. I saw him."

He scoffed. "I'm famous for jumping in before thinking." He closed his eyes as a cool stream of water ran down his scalp. "Not much of a problem when you're a god."


"Hey, I saved your life," he protested.

She laughed, soft breath ghosting over the curve of his neck. "Your hair's clean now," she informed him, and the water stirred when she twisted to propel herself around him. Her hand brushed him accidentally, and he took in a sharp breath—gasp, fine; it was a gasp.

She'd frozen behind him, now. Ares slid away quickly, careful not to look at her. "Sorry," he said, embarrassed. "It's just… you—the water—I mean…" She's going to kill him. He trailed off awkwardly. She was going to rip his throat out.

He felt the water move around him, and then she was in front of him, and oh gods her mouth was warm.
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