Categories > TV > Xena: Warrior Princess > Pebbles


by ukeueue 0 reviews

The water ripples and churns. A series of ficlets. 35 - Ares nodded appraisingly.

Category: Xena: Warrior Princess - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Ares,Xena - Published: 2012-10-02 - Updated: 2012-10-03 - 113 words - Complete

35. Tatiana
14 June 2006
Gen. Argo/apples, maybe.

Xena paused, ripped saddlebag in one hand and needle in the other, when something settled on her head.

She looked up, and a leaf dangled in her face. She pushed it out of her eyes. "What's that?"

Ares nodded appraisingly. "Looks great on you."


Argo leaned over and plucked the thing off Xena's head with her teeth, and Ares' grin widened, hand dropping surreptitiously to the shortsword tucked in his belt.

Argo, unconcerned by the sounding of Xena's shrill warcry and the clang of blade on blade, continued to chew on the cone-shaped headpiece woven out of many flexible fronds and laden with small, hard apples.
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