Categories > TV > Xena: Warrior Princess > Pebbles


by ukeueue 0 reviews

The water ripples and churns. A series of ficlets. 47 - "Oh, I look forward to it."

Category: Xena: Warrior Princess - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Ares,Xena - Published: 2012-10-02 - Updated: 2012-10-03 - 198 words - Complete

47. Recuperation
5 August 2006
Gen – A/Xish

Ares sat in his usual sprawl, hiding a smirk behind his hand as he listened to the steady litany of curses streaming from the direction of his bedchamber.

He wasn't entirely sure why he was hiding it, as the subject in question was unable to move from said bedchamber.

"I can fucking smell you, Ares. You and your bloody smirk. Now get in here and let me out before Gabrielle knocks this place down with us in it"

The voice broke off in a series of hacking coughs, and Ares had to fight to contain his laugh.

He sauntered, as slowly as he could, into the next room and slouched into the chair beside the bed.

"Sick people shouldn't yell so much," he said and held up an elegant goblet. "Drink lots of fluids now."

The Warrior Princess snarled at him, but took the water.

"When I get better…"

"Oh, I look forward to it. You're more amusing an adversary when well." He paused when Xena sneezed.

He reached out as if to push her hair from her face and jerked back to avoid the punch to his face. "But not by much."
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