Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > Escape

Chapter 12 - Early Sunsets Over L.A

by xpurplewolfx 0 reviews

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy,Horror - Published: 2012-10-05 - Updated: 2012-10-05 - 5315 words - Complete


Author's Note: I am so, so sorry for the lack of updates on this crappy little story... You have permision to throw things at me!

"I wonder how the others are doing?" Mikey asked after a long sip from his mug and a stare out of the window.

"I'm sure they're fine... Maybe there wasn't much of a fight... They're probably all just sitting around waiting to hear from us." Gerard reassured his brother with a hand on his knee. A shadow of reluctant disagreement passed over Dustin's face, he had known Caspian well. The look, although passed the attentions of most - was detected by Corvus who returned a grim grimace to Dustin. He coughed, slapping his thighs.

"Right! We need to get back to business. Jared, Gerard and Hayley I should... SHOULD be able to revert you to human form. Dustin I'm sorry, but I think you've been this way for far to long to change you back." Dustin nodded. Corvus turned to Shannon, "and you are still a werewolf... But that's easily dealt with now we know that stuff works, you just have to drink it."

"What about all that knife stuff you did with Jared?" Tomo asked while the rest of the group looked confused. Corvus pointed to Jared's arm as a partial answer.

"Jared's condition was far too serious to wait for the liquid to enter his bloodstream, besides he wasn't in much of a state to drink anything."

Shannon laughed "No offence Jay, but rather you than me," he wearily glanced at the seeping wound dividing Jared's forearm and bicep.

Corvus resumed buzzing about, recreating the concoction that had just spared Jared's life. The group took the silence as a chance to become reacquainted with one another.

"Are you serious!? There are kids out there fighting the Den's creatures... What if one of them gets hurt or worse?" Jared's azure eyes bulged from their bruised sockets.

"They wanted to help, Jay"

"I know Shann, but they have families... People who care about them! They're underage! God, most of them aren't even old enough to drink... How do we explain it if something does happen, how do we live with it?"

"He has a point. Are we supposed to turn up to a hospital: 'sorry to bother you, but we have a few dozen children here who need a bit of patching up. Oh, and by the way a few of them might have been bitten by a werewolf'?" Gerard frowned.

"We'll just have to cross that bridge if and when we come to it" Mikey shrugged. Jared sighed, closing his eyes before turning his head to stare out of Corvus's window becoming entranced by Mira and his dancing mane, neither liquid, solid nor gas. Jared blinked before the corners of his pale, thin lips curled in a smile.

"Thank you, guys, all of you," he directed his face to Corvus, "I really would be dead if it wasn't for you"

"Because of course we all contemplated leaving you there, you daft bugger" Gerard chuckled as he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, as if!" Tomo added, ruffling Jared's damp blood-encrusted hair.

"Well, you weren't so ready to believe me yesterday," Shannon grinned, earning a light punch from his bearded friend.

"True, but put yourself in my shoes. I was ready to admit you back into that hospital!"

Corvus turned to Shannon, a mug of a pungent brownish liquid in his hand.

"A warning, I'm sure it tastes like the inside of a year old, used coffin" he handed the mug to him.

Shannon grimaced at his words, "I really hope there isn't a good reason behind that..." he contemplated the mixture for a few seconds, praying that the mixture did not contain anything that had been dead for a full earth's orbit and before he could allow himself another second to evaluate the contents of the mug or how vile it was he screwed up his face in disgust before he threw it down his throat, retching when he had finished. "Bloody hell! What is in that?" He cried, handing the mug back.

"Probably best if the answer remains unknown to you, more importantly, let's just hope that it had worked."

"How will we know?" Abbie asked, Leah sighed causing Abbie to rethink her question, "Oh... Right, yeah... Just shove him outside..."

"And pray he doesn't eat the horse," Hayley added.

"Hey! Still in the room, guys," Shannon waved his arms above his head to emphasise the fact.

Corvus clapped his aged, mottled hands together, "and now for the vampires!"

"And how exactly do you do that?" Dustin asked, "In all my hundred years I haven't heard of a way to cure vampirism!!"

"Don't forget, a vast majority of that time was spent under the influence of The Den and Caspian's predecessors would not have been keen on curing it either!"

"How long will it take?" Jared asked, anxious to get back into the den and discover the fate of the others.

"Not too long, just give me a few minutes, oh, and I need a blood donor, human of course," Corvus flashed a grin in Tomo's direction. Tomo narrowed his eyes.

"Great," he muttered darkly.

"Don't worry, I just need a little prick."

Shannon glanced at Tomo, then at his brother before the Leto's collapsed in a fit of laughter.

"Tomo's your man then," Shannon wheezed, his hand covering his mouth as Jared clapped him on the shoulder in appreciation. Tomo rolled his eyes, but a twinkle sat in his sweet, burnt umber orbs.

"Well you've certainly recovered, and before you carry on may I remind you that neither of you would be here without me."

"Sorry, Tomes," it was good to see the toothy smile back on Jared's face as he spoke, his topaz eyes shining once more.

"Come here an' give me your hand then," Corvus inclined his head, Tomo sighed and walked to him, positioning his knuckles on Corvus's palm. The older man quickly ran a small blade across the pad of Tomo's index finger, a bead of scarlet instantaneously appeared in the knifes wake. Corvus massaged the slit to coax more blood out of its warm haven and into yet another alien cacophony of colored liquids, vegetation and god only knew what else. The mixture hissed as contact was made, the liquid effervesced and the colour faded from bog-brown to an almost pleasant pea green. "Hmm, it worked," Corvus raised his eyebrows and jutted his bottom lip in content surprise. He began to divide it into three eggcup sized glasses and passed each one in turn to Gerard, Hayley and Jared - who still sat on the table. Gerard scrutinised the glass beneath his nose "Ugh, any way of turning this to vodka?"

"Down in one, boys" Hayley grinned, the three chinked their glasses together before chucking the thick mixture into their mouths, ensuring it was granted as little contact with their taste buds as possible.

"Sweet holy mother of Lucifer, that is fucking disgusting" Gerard coughed.

Jared shrugged, "I thought it tasted better than vodka..."

"You, Leto, are one humanbeing that I will never understand".

"Let's hope I can now be classed as such".

"How'd ya feel?" Corvus asked, surveying them for any sign of change. Jared was about to shake his head - indicating he felt no different - when a bizarre warmth began to spread from his heart to his appendages. He shuddered at the sensation, but it was not unpleasant. Hayley and Gerard seemed to be experiencing the same for their eyes widened and they looked down at their bodies for signs of what was causing it.

"Like someone just injected some form of aphrodisiac into my bloodstream! Wow!" Gerard exclaimed.

"That's good, it means you're changing,"

"I dunno if I am just being ignorant or not, but they weren't how I imagine vampires to be. Sure they're a bit paler, but not bloodthirsty killers."

"Then stop modeling them on 'Dracula' or 'Twilight'... Fiction! Vampires can easily be blood thirst killers, and many are, all are in the first week as these three know. But, Jared, Gerard and Hayley had morals, they were made aware of Caspian's plan just in time. Any longer and they would have become more and more distant from theirselves, their previous life would've become a mere dream that haunted them, so pale it would have been easily disregarded as fantasy. Caspian indoctrinates young vampires, ensures they forget their human self. In my opinion, he was foolish allowing Shannon and Jared to meet. Had Jared been kept there longer then he would have looked in your eyes, Shannon, and not know you. Caspian never was much as a thinker though... In reality he should have known that his plan would never have worked." Corvus gave a small sigh and a shake of his head, "It's just a shame he had to corrupt Kirus too..."

"Wait a minute, what about Dustin?" Mikey asked

"Dustin was turned over a century ago and not by Caspian. Besides I have reason to believe that it is impossible to keep an unwilling person under control forever. Therefore, if any being in The Den truly disagrees with Caspian's actions, as Dustin and Kirus did, then they can - with enough willpower - smash the rosy glasses he forced them to wear, or the trance."

"Caspian had Kirus under a spell?" Hayley said.

"Why yes, undoubtedly he did. Kirus had a hard time breaking out. When he came to me he was in one hell of a state, said it was like waking up from being half asleep."

Shannon sucked in his cheeks and pursed his lips before asking: "So most of them in The Den actually didn't like nor agree with Caspian?"

"Well, most no, I guess not. But, like with anything some enjoy power and are not afraid by what it takes to gain it."

"We should go," Jared bit his bottom lip. How much damage had already been done? "Can't you communicate with them? Find out what has happened."

"We'd love to Jay, but in the rush to get here we have neither our torches nor the 'Walkie-Talkies'," Hayley shrugged. Jared sighed.

"We have Mira though," Leah pointed to the window where the glass simmered.

"Go, then, quickly!" Corvus waved his hand to the door.

"What the hell do we do though? With the creatures in The Den, I mean. We can't just leave them to run riot." Jared's eyebrow had knitted together.

"Well, The Den will need a leader... Someone who understands the importance of co-existence. I think I know just the person." Corvus smiled and inclined his head at Dustin.

"What, me?" He replied. "Are you serious?"

"Why not?" Corvus laughed. "You are well-respected Kirus told me, you'd be fair, responsible, compassionate, but firm. A good leader in short."

"It's a great idea," Hayley grinned. Dustin nibbled his bottom lip.

"Well, fuck it. Okay. I'll try."

"I feel like we should repay you somehow, for all you've done!"

"Oh, quiet Leto, it's fine, nice to have some company if the truth be told. That old thing over there just sleeps most of the time," the dog in question perked its ears at Corvus' statement and almost as if to defy hobbled over to Jared and licked his hand, who began to pet its head in response. The damp nose nuzzled his hand in reply, Jared giggled and massaged the side of the dog's head.

"Right, that's it then" Shannon exclaimed: "I'm getting you another dog, the least I could do for being such a shit brother!"

"What the fuck are you talking about? You risked your life to save me!"

"I should have realised something was wrong earlier, when you locked yourself in your room... I was scared to do anything because, well, I thought you were using again... Drugs, I mean."

"At least this way I don't have to go rehab or to some sort of help group: 'Hi, my name is Jared and I'm a vampire'"

"Used to be a vampire," Corvus corrected. Jared smiled.

"Thank you again!"

"Yeah, yeah, good! Now off with you. You have people to see to... Wait! Take this, just in case." He handed Mikey two vials containing the residual mixtures of the cure of werewolves and vampires.

"Thank you," he smiled.

"Your sure you don't want to come, we could get you a house easily!" Jared offered, sliding down from the table, causing Corvus to scoff.

"Thanks, but no offence, I don't do living indebted to people and I most certain do not want to live in your world. I live from this forest nothing else and certainly not from idiotic strips of green paper and one day you will finally realise are no more than that!"

Many Goodbyes were exchanged and even more 'thankyous' thrown around the room before the party had left the shack and walked in an orbit around the azure sun that was Mira. Shannon insisted that Jared sat upon the animals back just in case the walking damaged him

"I agree with what he said you know, about us all being ruled by greed, money and a materialistic lifestyle." Jared mused.

"Oh, here he goes... Half and hour ago he was at deaths door and now he wants to change the world." Shannon shook his head.

"You, know, Jay... If it helps the guy did scoff at your vegetarianism, well... Vegan-ism, but I didn't mention that...something about 'defying nature'," Tomo braced himself for Jared's reply

"What! What does he know? Idiot..." Jared huffed, muttering obscenities under his breath as they walked. No one had the guts to remind him that the guy had just saved him life. They remained silence until his flame burned it's self out.

The rain clouds had dissolved into the night sky leaving the glow of the moon to bath them in its pale light. Shannon, to everybody's relief, remained human. The moon was low in the sky, crippled by age. The rein of the lunar being was drawing to a close. By the time they had reached the cave mouth the distant cry of birds were beginning to herald the arrival of a new day.

"Urgh..." Abbie gave a disgruntled moan as the dingy tunnels swallowed the natural light and the dank, damp smell returned. Thankfully, Mira's glowing form provided light as no other source was available. The group passed the bodies of Caspian and Kirus inhaled a small breath of revulsion and melancholy, respectively.

"We can't just leave them here, can we?" Hayley bit here bottom lip.

"No..." Dustin replied softly. "Not Kirus, at the very least, he deserves a burial. As for Caspian... I'm sure the creatures are in need of a feast."

"But, they were with Caspian, admired him, trusted him! Surely they aren't gonna just turn around and eat him..." Shannon frowned.

"I think... Most of them feared him more than anything, it was, after all, a dictatorship. Like Corvus said. There was no choice but to follow him, cheer him, obey him. Now that the fist has become unclenched they may realise how misguided Caspian was." Dustin mused, "It was the same for me, after all. He indoctrinated me with talk of repression and injustice and I believe that it was best for warfare to unleash... Until I discovered what Caspian was doing with experiments and realised he was no different from any human, had no more respect for us than they did. He just wanted power!"

"So, you think they will accept you?" Jared asked, he had only briefly glanced at both bodies before turning his gaze to the iridescent hairs on Mira's neck for the sight caused his mind to surge with memories of pain and fear.

"I'm not sure... I think, we should just keep going for now and cross those bridges later."

As they moved deeper there was something far more dense than the darkness that fell upon them; silence. Not the silence that inhabited the caves previously. This was thicker, far thicker.


The living moved from person to person, comforting them, giving any aid to wounds they could - thankfully Tomo had the initiative to give Ray a basic first aid kit. Ray was applying a bandage to the arm of a 17 year old girl which had been grazed by the teeth of a werewolf, when he sharply lifted his head.

"Do you hear that?"

"What?" The girl, Martha, replied.

"Footsteps... and -"

"Is that a horse?" Frank called from the opposite end of the Cavern.

Ray gasped at his words, "The Unicorn! It's them!"


"I just heard Frank!" Mikey cried as he ran forwards, Gerard quickly broke into a run after Mikey. The rest following suite to pursue them. Jared was nearly thrown over Mira's neck as he lurched into a canter.

It took seconds for the cavern to be revealed to them and the horrors it housed. Jared crashed to the ground after slipping off Mira's back and threw himself to the nearest wounded.

"Anyone who has been bitten or scratched by a Vampire or Werewolf needs to be treated immediately, we have an antidote so you will be fine." Tomo reassured, Ray beckoned him over to Martha and himself. Unscrewing one of the vials that Corvus gave him he tipped it above the girls mouth just enough to allow a mouth full to trickle in. She muttered a thank you after spluttering from the mixture.

The next ten minutes or so were spent tending to the wounded, checking everyone was reasonably okay. The worst job was yet to come.

Jared collapsed against the wall after completing a quick count. He kneaded his sinuses, his fingers lubricated by a quiet trickle of tears. "20 dead..."

Shannon walked over and placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "We need help. Phone the emergency services!"

"What are we gonna say, the police will want to know how and why so many teenagers have died and why on earth we were there?" Ray asked, exasperated.

"We tell the truth, or as close to it as we can without exposing the Creatures. Jared, Gerard and Hayley were kidnapped by some psycho gang and when Shannon did not return after trying to rescue them we insisted on going to rescue them and so did these brave people, but the gang was ruthless and got away without a trace." Tomo replied.

"But, they'll search The Den." Ray protested.

"Then... The fight didn't happen here. We move everybody outside, hide the entrance." Tomo gestured out to what presumably was the outside world.

"What, everybody?" asked, quickly glancing at a fallen boy nearby. Tomo licked his lips


"Humans only." Dustin added. "We'll deal with the rest."

It took half and hour for the able-bodied to move the injured and dead out into the dawn, past the shadow of The Den, where two stood waiting; Ray had called his friends on the final walk through the gloomy passageways. Kirus' body had been moved too, Mikey and Gerard were just setting it down on the dusty scrub.

Most of the group had collapsed to the ground a medley of overwhelming emotions whirling inside them. Jared clutched his side, wincing slightly as he slumped down against a great dirty-brown boulder protruding from the floor.

"Jay?" Shannon questioned his well-being as he knelt down next to Jared.

"Fine, I'm fine. It just hurts as bit." He whimpered as he moved the hand that was clutched over the bloodied and stained bandage. Blood had seeped through the mesh-like fibers and coated Jared's hand.

"Shit" Shannon exhaled.

"We should call them now." Hayley suggested, prompting Lilly to extract her mobile and offered it to her, "Thank you, but I can't call I have not a clue what to say."

"Without sounding awful, we need to do a bit of acting, I mean we can hardly sound calm - not that we are -as if the 'gang' have only just left. The obvious choice, but-" Tomo simply tilted his head in a resigned manner towards his bleeding friend. "- Mikey, you should do it!" The blonde man nodded and took the phone from Lilly's hand. Pausing, Mikey began to contemplate what he was about to way. He dialed '911' closed his eyes and changed his breathing to rapid and shallow to work himself up before pressing the call button. There was a response almost immediately, a clam feminine voice instructed:

"Please state your name and which emergency service you require."

"M-Micheal Way. Oh God... God, I don't know. It's awful! Just awful and we don't know what to do...Help, please" What Mikey said was exactly how each and every living person there felt, but were unable to voice it for fear of falling apart.

"Keep, calm sir. Can you tell me what has happened?"

"There's been a fight, a massive fight, a gang - they've got away now, but people are dead, teenagers! Jared Leto is really hurt, he was bitten by a large dog." Mikey shook his head wildly and uncertainly at the people surrounding him as the situation forced him to concoct convincing white lies under immense pressure.

"Where are you?"

"Up Holywood Hill, we are right by the sign now."

"Okay, and can you give me an idea of how many are involved?"

"Umm, 20 have... Died and about 15 more are badly wounded."


"I'm dispatching the teams now. Can you explain more what has happened please, Jared Leto has been reported missing?"

"His brother Shannon Leto was contacted and told that Jared, Gerard Way - my brother - and Hayley Williams were being held hostage by them. He was told to go and not contact anybody... Or they would... Die. When he didn't come back Tomo Milicevic decided to get help and loads of people turned up... We had no idea what was going on or what would happen. We were ambushed. They were just so brutal, set a load of dogs on us and left without a trace."

"Thank you, Micheal. They should be with you in about 15 minutes, just stay where you are."

Mikey thanked her and hung up. He exhaled loudly. "That was one of the hardest things I have ever done" He laughed humorlessly. "They are never going to believe this whilst the crazy-ass Vampires and Gryffins and Werewolves have been omitted."

"We've been as honest as we can, great mistakes were made today and at a horrific cost, but what else could we do? We could not go to the police or anyone" A minuet smile stretched Tomo's lips.

"Yeah, if it wasn't so grim I would be freaking out about the fact that there is a freaking unicorn right infront of me!"

"Oh, speaking of that, Tomo, there's a massive bear-thing in there. Said he wanted to see you in private" Ray ginned, winking suggestively. Tomo flipped him the bird before very strongly telling him where to go. A calm ripple of laughter dissipated through the mass of people.

After a few minutes they began to talk amongst themselves, stories where told so that the night's events were clear to everyone. A blow by blow account of the battle was given by Ray. The team that had been outside - 'Team Stripe' - had joined the other's in The Den not long after the fight had started.

The operator had been correct. At quarter to five on a June morning, which to most was like any other, a medley of ambulances and police vehicles arrived at the scene. They began work immediately, tending to the injured and moving the dead to the back of ambulances. The police had a thousand questions each of which was answered as realistically and honestly as possible, except of course there being no mention of Caspian or vampires or werewolves or any other Mythical Being. Mira had, thankfully, bolted into the forest just five minutes before they arrived, leaving Mikey stroking the air where his neck had been. A couple of paramedics where currently tending to Jared, morphine had been injected into his bloodstream and his wound unbandaged and was now being examined. Apparently it was the worst dog bite the paramedics had ever come across.

Most of the wounded could be treated - if they already hadn't been in The Den - on the scene and were deemed fit to go after individual questioning about why they were even there in the first place. However, one 18 year old boy had broken his leg so severely that he would require and operation. After ten minutes Jared and the boy, Tristen, were both on gurneys and being wheeled on to separate Ambulances. Shannon instinctively, immediately followed Jared. A man tapped him on the shoulder and handed him a pair of shorts and baggy t-shirt. He was flummoxed until he looked down and with great embarrassed and surprise he realised he was still wearing nothing but Leah's jacket. He grabbed the clothes thankfully and pulled them on, doing his best to conserve his dignity, or whatever remained. He shot an incredulous look at Tomo who was walking towards him.

"Didn't you think to tell me I have been running around practically naked the past few hours?"

"Well, you've just been so distracted with Jared we thought it would be cruel to remind you, Jared has found it amusing too."

"Great." Shannon muttered, "So when we were with Corvus and in The Den everyone made a silent pact to keep me oblivious?"

"It was Jared's idea. Besides, you could have just looked down, we can't all be held completely responsible!"

Shannon huffed, "I'm going with Jared, stay here, make sure everyone is OK and get everyone who doesn't go home back to our house. I'll let you know what we're doing when we get to the Hospital, Jared might need an operation..."

"Crap, but he'll be fine. Go, before they leave" Tomo smiled as he indicated to the Ambulance. Shannon thanked him, everyone, waved and then followed his brother and the medics. The medical vehicles took off - blue lights and sirens blaring.

The police insisted on returning every underage person to their guardians personally - that took up five full Police vans. The remaining 27 where to return, in the trucks, to the Leto household. People began milling this way and that guided by friends of officers. A sixteen-year old girl was sobbing in the arms of Ray. Her friend had been killed in the battle and it had been Ray who had tried to save her. It took a whole five minutes to coax her into the back of a van.

"You coming?"

Tomo looked around to see Frank addressing him.

"Go on ahead to Shannon's home, make sure everyone back there is all right, get them home! I'll make my own way back, there are some things I need to do." Tomo said. Frank nodded in reply, walked over to and entered the first of the deep orange trucks where anyone over 18 was found.

Every vehicle pulled away leaving Tomo alone and breathing in the dust particles thrown in the air by the moving machines. Tomo closed his eyes and just stood for a moment allowing the dawn breeze to rustle his clothes and soothe his skin. He reached for his mobile and called the one person who he now wanted to talk to, not a want, but a need an aching, burning need that had consumed him.


"Tomo... Oh my God I have been so worried about you! Where the hell have you been?" His wife replied.

Tomo raked back his hair and laughed, "It is a long story. I'm up Hollywood hill, could you come and get me?"

"What's happened?"

"It's fine, I'll explain soon. Don't worry. And Vicky, I love you,"

"I love you too you big 'MoFo'. I'll be with you as soon as I can. And can I just say you are so dead for disappearing like that,"

"I know, but we've found Jared and Hayley and Gerard, so that's good." There was a slightly dark tone to his voice, yes that aspect of the night's events was good, but he had omitted several others that were plain horrific. This went unnoticed by Vicki.

"That is brilliant. I'll see you soon sweetheart,"

Tomo sent his love, thanks and goodbye to her before ending the call.

Tomo turning from suspicion he was being watched, this was confirmed as Dustin appeared from behind him.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

It took a moment for Tomo to register that Dustin was looking at the sunrise. Yes, it was beautiful.

"I've explained to them - in The Den - about what has happened. Of Kirus and Corvus and how the actions of tonight and of Caspian should never be repeated. The majority seemed in agreement, which is good. And they've elected me the new leader," Dustin's last sentence was sheepish.

Tomo smiled, "That's brilliant," His brow knitted for a moment, "What about those who don't agree, won't they leave and run amok?"

"They could, but that is unlikely for they would be without security and protection, which is what The Den provides. A lot of awful thing happened tonight, innocent died, but ultimately lessons were learned. The events will circulate underground throughout the world. Hopefully, the main lesson that will come is that both sides will sustain major losses if conflicts continue. Humans and Beings cannot come to heads, they just need to learn to co-exist and whether that occurs through ignorance or tolerance it doesn't matter as long as peace is kept."

"And do you think it will stay like that?"

"I hope so." Dustin smiled and placed a hand on Tomo's shoulder, "I am glad Jared made it in the end, he is a good man. He didn't half give me a scare though, I thought he was a 'goner' for sure. Where is he now?"

Tomo chuckled, "At the nearest Hospital, he may need an operation - a butt-load of stitches at the very least -but he is strong, not even that he is fucking invincible. He will be fine."

"Good," Dustin turned to leave, "Thank you for your help tonight. Caspian would have undoubtedly killed me had you not intervened."

"You're very welcome. And good luck!"

Dustin nodded and walked away with a farewell wave. Tomo watched The Den's darkness swallow him whole.

He turned as the roar of an engine and beeping of a car horn. He turned just in time to see Vicky's small form bolt towards him and caught her just him time to draw into a large hug and swung her around, her legs off the ground and clinging to his hips.

They shared a passionate kiss.

"I've missed you so much" Vicky exclaimed as she drew away for breath.

"I know, me too." Tomo replied as he set her down, but still clung onto her hand. "Come on, we have to go and see Jared."

"Where is he?" Vicky asked as they made their way to her car.


"What, is he OK?!"

"He's fine, better than he was two hours ago that's for sure." Tomo chuckled as he opened the passenger door for her. This was going to be a long drive.

The nighttime sky was bleeding onto the horizon as the little car pulled away and juddered down the mountain path. The newborn sun was a piercing wound from which blood seeped out in radiant reds, oranges and pinks. As the wound aged the blood dispersed and became diluted in colour, fading into the cerulean sky. As the epicenter of colour rose higher and higher the transition between night and day became more complete until the sun was left as a burning, xanthic orb framed in cobalt.
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