Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > War

[A/N] – Okay guys, I deserve a medal for the amount of times I have updated all of my fics tonight…

Lucy took a shaky breath “You’ll think I’m a creep.”

“Oh no, we already think that.” Raven smiled a sarcastic smile and nodded.

Lucy sighed “Well, I’ve sneaked here a few times and looked through the window. I was way too scared to come inside.”

“I thought BLI citizens couldn’t have emotions.”

“Well they don’t. But it takes a long time to get here. My medication always wears off and then I start feeling the fear. Except for tonight. My BLI medication was still working tonight so I just came inside. It’s gone now. I have all my emotions and I hate it!” Lucy burst into tears and put her head in her hands.

“What’s all the noise?” Penina snapped, walking into Doctor DD’s room “Oh god, why are we crying?” Her face crumpled “Please don’t, I’ll start crying too!” And then she really did start crying.

Frank came into the room “Penina, what’s wrong?” He asked, wrapping his arms round her.

“Because Lucy’s crying Penina started crying.” Raven said, looking pretty confused.

“Aww come on Penina, no need to cry over that.” Frank smiled, kissing her forehead “Come on, Jora’s shrieking her head off. And I can’t calm her down so you’ll need too.”

“Alright…” Penina wiped away her tears and walked off with Frank’s arm around her.

“Look, what’s going on here?” Gerard asked, taking a seat and sitting down next to Lucy. He put one arm around her instantly making me feel jealous “Why were you scared to see us?”

“Because I knew how much you’d all hate me!” Lucy sobbed “I know I put you in danger and I come here and threaten to steal Rosie! What have I done?”

“Look, don’t return to BLI.” Gerard whispered “You clean up your attitude and you can stay here. We’ll look after you I promise.”

“You don’t understand.” Lucy mumbled “I love BLI, I’ve already told you. I just wanted someone to love. You have Crayon and Finn. Rosie’s mine.

“She’s not yours Lucy, I’m sorry.” Gerard replied “I don’t care that you gave birth to her. Me and Crayon have been raising her for the past year and now you just show up out of the blue and demand to have her back. Having kids doesn’t work like that.” Gerard shrugged his shoulders “I’m really sorry Lulu.”

“Don’t call me that!” Lucy snapped, looking up at him. She looked awful with blood shot eyes and tears rolling down her cheeks “You used to call me Lulu all the time when we were together and now we’re not and I can’t stand it!”

“Shush, it’s okay Lucy…” Gerard whispered “They let you have children at BLI. You’ll meet someone amazing and have a beautiful baby with them.”

“But I don’t want a new baby.” Lucy moaned “And I don’t want a new guy! I want you. And I want my Rosie.” Lucy’s eyes focused on me “I know how to make things go back to the way they were.” She snatched her gun away from Gerard and aimed it at me “Before this bitch interfered everything was okay!”

“Lucy, don’t!” Gerard cried but it was too late. Lucy pulled the trigger and I fell to the floor.

Nobody could see me or hear me. I was a ghost, creeping round the diner wordlessly watching everyone else living their lives without me. Penina and Frank were sat at the table. Penina had Jora on her lap and Miles was on Franks lap with Ezra and Levana either side of their parents. “I really miss her.” Penina whispered, hiding her face in one of her hands.

Frank sighed and put his arm around her “I miss her too but we’re gonna have to move on eventually.” He kissed her cheek “Come on Penina, it’s been five months. Everything will be okay.”

Raven came into the room with Draven in her arms “They’re arguing again.” Raven sighed, sitting down. I didn’t know who she was talking about until she said “I don’t know why Lucy thought the answer to getting Gerard back was to kill Crayon.”

“And now she threatens us all the time.” Penina whispered, showing her face. Tears were rolling down her cheeks “How long is it until we have to leave for BLI?”

“Five more days.” Raven said grimly, sitting down opposite them with Draven on her lap “I hate her. But what can we do?”

“I don’t know.” Frank sighed “But we can’t go to BLI. Who knows what will happen to us there?”

“If you’re talking about what I think you’re talking about then it’s hopeless.” Hozzie said as she came into the room with Sapphire shrieking in her arms.

“If you can’t shut that kid up then I’ll shoot you!” Lucy yelled from the bedrooms.

Hozzie burst into tears. Raven put Draven down and took Sapphire off of her “She can tell that you’re upset.” Raven told her “I’ll try and calm her down, don’t worry Hozzie.” Raven went into what must’ve been Doctor DD’s room but it looked like Lucy had destroyed all of his equipment in that time.

Hozzie sat down “Crayon would know what to do.” She whispered.

“No I wouldn’t.” I told her even she couldn’t hear me “I don’t know what to do.” I burst into tears “I have no idea what to do!”

At that moment Sam walked into the room and Mikey had his arm around her. Mikey was holding Alicia in one arm and Sam was looking down at the ground. That was when I noticed it. She only had one hand. The other one was missing and was just a stump “What the hell happened?” I shrieked, forgetting that she couldn’t hear me.

“Do you think she’d notice if we just ran away now?” Sam asked in the tiniest whisper, looking up at Mikey with tear-filled eyes. Mikey nodded and Sam looked down again.

“I can still hear that baby crying!” Lucy screeched from a different room. And then Gerard came into the diner and my heart started thumping.

His face was covered in bruises and he was shaking all over “Where’s Sapphire?” He asked Hozzie.

“With Raven.” She replied, getting up and hugging him “Gee, you need to sit down.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“No, you’re not. Come on.” She took his hand and forced him to sit down.

There was the sudden sound of a ray gun being shot and a scream then Danielle ran into the room sobbing her eyes out. Hozzie jumped up “What’s wrong Danielle?” Hozzie cried, putting her hands on her shoulders “What’s wrong?”

“She shot Jennifer!” Danielle “I don’t know what to do! She killed her because Jennifer put some stuff in her drink to knock her out so we could runaway but she found out and killed her! What do I do Hozzie?”

“Just wake up.” Hozzie replied.

What? Why did Hozzie tell her to wake up? Then suddenly Gerard cried “Please wake up! I just want you to wake up! Please wake up! Please!”

Someone was slapping my face gently “Please wake up, please; I’m begging you, please…” My eyes fluttered open and Gerard was there “Thank goodness!” He cried, kissing my cheek again and again “You scared me so much! I thought you were dead! But you’re alive! Thank goodness!”
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