Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Welcome to Lakeview School For The Insane


by CyanideSuicide 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-10-06 - Updated: 2012-10-07 - 401 words

A/N: Hello fellow fuckwadians. Your probably wondering where I have been I had a dryspell. As none of you know my best friend died from a batch of Tylenol that had deadly bacteria in it a few years ago and now they sent me a court oder thingy to go and talk to a lawyer about him and its been really depressing I just ugh whatever you guys don't want to hear my problems back to the story. I found this hiding on my flash drive from a few weeks ago so here ya go also, just so you know I changed Mazy and Gerards ages to twenty because they were 'crazy' they never paid attention in school so they were held back.

2 Years Later

A lot had happened after Mazy's death the institute was closed down, Gerard took custody of her little sister Bandit his only reminder of her, and everyones records were destroyed in the fire. They were the only copies because most of their family didnt want anything to do with the teens and handed over the originals. Mazy's parents wanted nothing to do with their daughters death or Bandit so when the government offered to replace their records Gerard pulled a few strings with someone he knew that worked for the gornment and had Bandit put down as his and Mazy's child.

I had just dropped bandit off at school and was walking to the studio to go work on My Chemical Romances second album when I saw someone who looked very familiar walking down the street. She had red and black hair just like Mazy had but it was straight as a pin and she had her nose in a book just Mazy would do when she wasn't feeling social. I quickly dismissed thoughts of my first love and was about to go into the studio doors when she looked up, she had mismatched eyes just like Mazy did one green one blue, and smiled that smile I was all to familiar with the one that made her eyes sparkle and made you feel loved. Then I blinked and she was gone.

"Mazy?!" I shouted.

I searched the entire street for her but found no one. I just shook my head and walked back into the studio thinking I had gone completely bonkers.

A/N: Did Gerard actually see Mazy or is he just crazy?
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