Categories > Original > Horror > The Academy

The Academy

by mychemnerd101 1 review

Cassandra is slowly developing her gifts, but "they" know what she can do too. All of them. Cassie has no clue of the danger she's getting herself wrapped up in.

Category: Horror - Rating: PG - Genres: Horror - Published: 2012-10-07 - Updated: 2012-10-07 - 1091 words

First story I've put up on here. Tell me if you like it or hate it. If you hate this then I can delete it and we'll pretend the trainwreck never happened

I turned my head towards the front of the building and that’s when I saw him. That’s when I saw the boy.
I should probably start from the beginning. My name is Cassandra. I’m not in all of this alone, I have the aid of my two best friends Melissa and Devon. I’m not like other girls, or anyone else for that matter. My friends and I have assessed that there is not a single thing normal about me. I follow the religion of Wicca, I am able to feel the energies of spirits around me, and, well, above it all, I grew up with emotional “issues” such as depression. I’ve done things wrong and I have things to regret. I live in a small section that I have just found out holds many secrets. But, everything used to be fun and innocent in my neighborhood before I found out about the Academy. No one knows what it was really called when it was in use, and no one knew what its real purpose was. I had never paid much attention to it other than the fact that it was a large green looming building set on the highest point in Red Birch. I had always gotten the strangest energies off of it. So did everybody else.
I was walking home from my bus stop with Devon and Melissa one day when it dawned on me. This place isn’t normal. Of course it wasn’t, but something was yelling at me. A cold voice nipping at the very back of my mind telling me to turn and look at the building. As I turned my head finally giving in to the little nagging voice I saw something. A figure in the window. I gathered from it this feeling of being terrified of whatever else was inside there with it. I got an image off of this energy too. It was a boy. He looked about the age of fifteen, and had jet-black hair cut to his chin with bangs across his face. His brown eyes seared this image into my head, even though he was just a shadow in the window. My feet stopped dead in that spot as I kept my gaze on the window waiting for something else to happen.
I was trying to wrap my mind around what I had just seen. Things like this have happened before around this area, but I dismissed it with the presence of the creek and woods, they must hide some type of animal or teenagers roaming around. But this time it was inside the building. And with high fences and barbwire there was no way in. the place was abandoned, but the windows were obviously not able to be broken as proved by the various cracks from people trying to get inside. I ruled out every possible explanation when I realized that Melissa was looking at the same window. Melissa is an amazing medium. She can see and hear ghosts when I can’t, but she can’t feel them around her like I can. We fill in the spots the other can’t do.
I knew she saw the same thing I did. I also knew she had no explanation for it either. We looked at each other and we didn’t even need words. She nodded her head and looked back up at the window. We turned to look at Devon who has no sensitivity that we know of, and he looked at us bewildered by the stop and the unspoken words. He was confused, you could see that on his face.
“Mel, Cass? Are you guys okay,” he was worried.
“Did you see that Mel,” I finally spoke.
“It depends. What exactly did you see?”
“It’s not what I saw Mel, it’s what felt”
“A boy. Fifteen. Black hair. Brown eyes. Looked scared.”
“Exactly Mel, exactly.”
“What are you two talking about?!” Devon was really getting worried now. I could tell, I would be too if I lived directly across the street from the place.
“Dev, may we come inside?” I asked.
“Uh, yea, sure.”
We sat down and started explaining to him what it was that Mel saw, and I felt. Like anyone else who didn’t grow up surrounded by the supernatural he questioned us. Asked if we were kidding, if it was anything materialistically possible, and if we were just flat out crazy. I had a few choice words to say about the last one. Finally we came clean about being… in tune so to say, with the supernatural. And I also told him about being a Wiccan. He was surprisingly understanding about it all, and didn’t think about mentioning that crazy thing again.
As me and Mel walked home in such a way as to avoid looking at the Academy, we only spoke when we felt the presence of the building could no longer hear or see us.
“Mel, are we gonna go back there?” I asked.
“I think we should Cassie. I wanna know what he was scared about. Or, who.”
That last part scared me. What was inside of that building to be scared of? Who was inside that building to be scared of? And what did it or they do to scare that boy? All these questions were floating through my head and I pondered what it could be that we should be so worried about when I heard a horn blazing and Mel’s hand pulling me back. I realized I had walked directly into the street not even seeing car. I looked back and noticed I could still see the window I saw the boy in. I got an eerie feeling but I just dismissed it at the fact I’ve been known to be a bit clumsy.
I hugged Mel goodbye as we arrived at the bottom of her driveway. I continued to walk home when I felt something behind me. I whipped my head around only to see that there was nothing there. The scary part was, Melissa only lived two streets away from the Academy. You’re being so cliché Cass, get it together there’s nothing following you! I thought to myself. As I kept walking I felt a hand on my shoulder.
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