Categories > Original > Horror > The Academy

Chapter One

by mychemnerd101 0 reviews

Cassie has more things to deal with other than the Academy. With Jenny on her mind her and Mel dive deeper into the danger that awaits them.

Category: Horror - Rating: PG - Genres: Horror - Published: 2012-10-07 - Updated: 2012-10-08 - 2181 words

First chapter my babies. Probably going to do one every week or so. I'll try, they might come sooner or later...who knows
Chapter One

I turned again gasping with fright. My heart was pounding so hard that I could hear it loud and clear.
“Calm girl, calm. God Cass, you’re jumpy today!”
Thank god, it was Jenny. I forgot she was going to be at my house today. Jenny is my best friend. In fact, I wish she was more. I’ve only met her in the beginning of the year, but for some reason it felt like I’ve known her forever. I tell her everything, and she tells me a lot, but I know she’s hiding things from me. I never get to see her outside of school unfortunately. But, she knows, she knows I love her. She said she could tell, but I know Natalie must have told her. Which now looking back on it I guess it was fine. She’s still my friend, my best friend. One of them at least.
“So, what’s up with the gasping and jumping and things Cassie?” She asked.
“Oh, I don’t know, just one of those days I guess” I lied.
“Okay then, do we have any plans for today? Or are we just gonna sit in your bedroom like always?”
“We do have plans! It’s called sitting in my bedroom like always. Do you know how long it took me to plan that out? It took me like three seconds, you’re welcome.”
She laughed, and I love her smile, so it made me smile in return. We opened the doors of my house and made our way up the steps to my bedroom. We sat listening to music like always, but something happened. Something I didn’t expect. She lied down next to me and put her arm around my waist. She touched her nose to mine and we just laid there with the music playing softly in the background. I never wanted that moment to end, it took my mind off of what I had seen and in that moment it was just Jenny and I. All of a sudden I heard the loud screeching beep of my phone. Mel texted me about making plans tomorrow for going to the Academy after school. I was to get off the bus and walk to her house with her. I wanted to scream for that one moment being interrupted. A moment that shouldn’t have happened in the first place, but did. Of course it would get interrupted, nothing goes right for me!
Jenny smiled at me, and asked who texted me.
“Oh, no one.”
“Was it Melissa?”
“Love how you lie to me Cass”
“What? It’s a general response. Besides, you hate Melissa anyway, so why would you care?”
“I don’t know, common curiosity?”
“Yea, okay.”
I heard the beep of a car and looked out the second story window.
“Jay, your ride’s here.”
“Mmkay, bye Cass.”
“Bye love.”
She looked at me the way she always does when I call her love. She’s never quite sure how to respond to it. Certainly she doesn’t respond the way I want her to, seeing as she has no feelings for me.
After Jenny went home I finally replied to Mel. I told her that I’ll go to her house, and we’ll walk to the Academy together. I was afraid of going back, I didn’t know what would happen. It’s not like any other place I’ve been to before. The energy is so strong I can feel it on the other side of the street. I was glad I lived on the opposite side of the section as the Academy. But I could still feel that same cold voice in the back of my head beckoning me to go back. Calling me, not only to the building, but calling me to the creek, to the waterfall created by a small broken dam, calling me to the trees, telling me to come closer. It was scary, to know something had a grip on me like that place did. Knowing not what was in there, but knowing that it could drag me back again was terrifying.
The next morning as I walked up River Rd. to Mel’s house I had the Academy in my mind. The bus always drives past it going to and coming from our school. I store absent mindedly at the leaves slowly falling from the tree, like the bodies being cut down from the gallows. They gently hit the ground and were soon covered by the thin fog that swirrled eerily around my ankles. It seemed as though my world had taken on a new white carpet. I looked up at the grey sky and drew the hood of my favorite Green Day hoodie over my head.
I couldn’t wait until 10th period that day. It was the period I saw Mel, and we needed to put together solid plans and decide whether or not to ask Devon to tag along. I finally got through to 4/5 period, the period I have with Nat and Jenny. Jenny didn’t look at me or talk to me any differently than normal. It sort of bugged me that after what had happened it didn’t change anything, even though I knew it wouldn’t. I went over and sat on the top of Nat’s desk.
“Your butt, it’s on my desk”
“Yes, it is and you know it makes you so happy inside that you just wanna explode into a fiery rainbow”
“Oh, for totes bro.”
My friends have always been the weirdest people. Always. Jenny came over and stood in front of us. She looked at me and Nat and I searched in her eyes for any indication that she felt differently about me. Nope, not at all. Just the same look in her beautiful green eyes that were always incased in makeup. That same black eye liner and mascara on her thick layer of eyelashes. It’s funny though. She has these bright blue eyes when she isn’t wearing makeup, and I’m not sure why she does. She looks so amazing just naturally. She never listens to me when I tell her that though. 4/5 period drug on slower than normal. It was odd because that’s my favorite period. I love reading, I’m good at it. But, I guess it was because I couldn’t manage to shake the Academy off of my mind, not even sitting next to Jenny all period.
10th period finally arrived and I ran over to Mel as soon as she walked through the doors. Okay, Mel lived about two minutes away from the Academy and I was going to her house. I didn’t know whether or not I wanted to go back there, but there was still something telling me I had an obligation to return.
The bus made its way down the winding road that drove past the building. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. Its green structures consisting of two building side by side about three stories high. I got off at the second stop like any other day with Mel and Devon. We decided to leave him out of this until we found out more about what was there. We calmly strolled down her street to her house acting like nothing was bothering us but I could feel the intense emotions coming from her energy. She was just as scared as I was. We said hi to her mom and plopped our bags on the floor. Her dog Leo ran over to me as normal while Caroline hid under a table and barked. You think she’d be used to me by now, I’m there every day!
Knowing there was a creek next to the Academy I traded my high top multi-colored DC’s in for an old pair of her flip flops. We walked out of the door and started making our way up to the Academy. We talked about the thing we saw that we both presumed was a 15-year-old boy. As soon as we had it in our sites, or it had us in its sight, we stopped mid-sentence. We looked up at the building and braced ourselves for what might happen in the time we were about to spend there. I looked across the street to see if Devon was out so as to make sure he didn’t see us. Good, he wasn’t outside.
We climbed up the hill leading up to the back of the academy. We looked for the window that we saw the boy in, but nothing was in it. The fact I didn’t see anything made the feeling of being watched even worse. We sat at the top of the hill for a few minutes as Mel looked around and tried to hear anything she could. I sat with my eyes closed soaking up the energy of the building. Mel looked at me and then her head shot towards the creek.
“Did you hear that Cassie?”
“Uhm, no?”
“The girl. There’s a little girl here.”
“How do you know Melissa? Let’s go look, there could be a real girl here.”
We got up and started walking towards the opening to the creek. There was a line where trees and bushes of flowers and honey suckle met the line of grass, and it didn’t grow beyond that point except for a wall of ivy covering the fence closest to the tree line so thick you couldn’t see through to the other side. In this line of trees there is an opening between a tree and a bush. A dirt path led down into shade and led to the edge of the creek which was about three or four feet below the edge of the ground. Three planks of wood were placed across the creek side-by-side acting as a bridge. There was a little island of rocks that the running waters of the creek didn’t cover. We crossed the creek on the small bridge and I noticed the tree that’s roots came down and protruded up through the ground in a thick tangled mass covered by a thin layer of moss and grasses. I felt vibrations from the tree without even touching it. I knew the tree had a history, something happened, and I could feel it. When we were on the other side there was yet another opening and out it you could see a small field right next to the roads. Directly across a few feet away from the second opening was a man hole.
Mel seemed a bit calmer as we walked on, she still however looked around cautiously. I had to explain to her numerous times that most of the noises we heard were explainable. She skipped straight through the second opening in the trees and sat on the man hole covering. I walked over to her surveying the trees on this side of the creek. There was no space in between the water and the trees. I did however find an opening in the lower plants that led to a different island of rocks down farther. I called Melissa over and we proceeded to venture down the short path into the creek.
We again crossed over to the side we started on and found ourselves in high plants, but we didn’t see any grass. The ground was full of small plants that were cushioned so it seemed as though we were walking on a leafy green carpet. Virginia Creepers covered the ground. We walked towards a fallen tree and sat. that was the moment we realized no matter where we had walked we could always see a window, or rather the windows could always see us. We were being watched no matter where we were. We could never be safe. Ever. After sitting and looking around a bit we walked further down the creek. We came to a bend and found rocks protruding up to the surface. There was yet another fallen tree going over the creek and I used it like a bench of sorts. It was to thin to use as a bridge so Mel and I just walked over the rocks. We walked the last short distance to the end of the creek. The end of the creek was simply a small waterfall created by a broken dam. We sat on the concrete of the dam that still was in one piece on the land.
“Mel, I still get the strangest vibes from this place. Not just the building, but the land surrounding it. It feels like bad things happened even out here.”
“I know Cass, I can get that feeling too.”
Mel and I looked at each other for a minute when we heard the noise
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