Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Fish Tails

Chapter 2

by ValentineRevenge 2 reviews

So what happened to those 2 guys?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-10-09 - Updated: 2012-10-10 - 361 words

What one of the hazmat-suited me said wasn't far from the truth. 2 months later, one of them was dead, from severe radiate poisoning. The other man was severely ill, shriveled and dying in an ICU. They hadn't been exposed to that waste for even an hour.

They weren't the first, and were far from the last. The had no family to ask after their deaths, and when the company they worked for wwas asked why they died of chemical poisoning, the company said they must've gone into a restriced area without proper protection. They hadn't. They lived on site, so noboddy else on the the outisde was contaminated. In the past 2 months, nearly 30 others had died and almost 100 others were dying, all of radiation sickness.

The company they worked for didn't care. And to top it off, they kept dumping the highly toxic waste into the ocean several times onthly, at the same place. Residents on an isand nearby were beginning to complain about the mutated sea-life that they were catching and were washing up on the shore. Surely no crab was that hige, had a shell that thick, coupled with a vicious temperment, and that coloring, and those bloodshot eyes?

People who ate the mutated sea-life started exhibiting strange results. IF they didn't eat much, they merely got ill, maybe some radiation posioning at worst. If they are a lot, they dot severe radiation poisoning, maybe even died. But worst of all was the physical mutations. Sometimes, it happened after they died, the bodies coming back from the dead, controlled by whatever radiation that had seeped into the bodies.

The most disturbing trait in these severely infected? Their insatiable cravings for raw flesh of course! OFten, they passed the infection on when they bit people. The compant was trying to round up these people, but they couldn't catch them all. Often, people were infected for quite a while before they began to show symptoms, so it was harder to keep track and keep them from infecting other people.

Did I mention that the infected sea-food was already being shipped through the USA, and even to other parts of the world?
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