Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > Captor


by ArielMaria 0 reviews

Elena is living the type of life she had always feared, locked away from the world and at her husbands side. And yet one day when she is stolen from her home she is confronted with the realization ...

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-10-08 - Updated: 2012-10-08 - 1019 words - Complete

"I'll see you later then." Elena whispered to her husband as she moved away from him after a long kiss.

He gave her a small wave, took his briefcase in hand, and walked out the door.

She sighed once she heard his car pull out of the driveway. They were supposed to be on their honeymoon. He had promised her three weeks and yet they were only three days and he had already taken several calls to go back to the office. Of course she knew he was the DA but honestly, didn't he have people to do the work for him?

Tucking her hair behind her ear she set about cleaning up the kitchen. She had promised him the sort of life she had never wanted. She would cook dinner every night, make sure the house was neat and tidy, put a baby in her stomach, and give up the career she had always wanted. That had been the hardest of them all.

She had grown up struggling and yet always believing that one day she would crack the chance to head a magazine and she had. It had been in her hands for all of a month before he had asked her to give it up. He wanted to move out to California where a newly furnished office was awaiting him.She had been hesitant and yet had agreed despite her families warnings. It was all going to be fine and once things got settled in maybe she could resume her lifelong dream.

After the cleaning was finished she rushed up the lavish staircase and picked out some clothes for the day. He wasn't going to be here until later tonight so she decided on wearing a pair of jeans, a t shirt and a cashmere cardigan. Simple, easy and comfortable as opposed to the form hugging dresses her husband was fond of.

She headed into the bathroom, stripping off her clothes and soaked herself in the tub. It was relaxing, her mind was at ease and she let all her problems fall away. She seldom had a chance for herself these days unlike before when she had her own friends- who wouldn't report her every word back to her husband- and just enough time to comfort herself in a good book.

She had let her eyes slide shut. She was so tired. He liked to keep her up all night for anything he wanted. Sex, more food, a massage. Anything. Before she knew it she slipped into sleep, a thin one that barely let her mind become disengaged. Soon enough her eyes shot open and she looked at her phone.There was a text waiting for her, luckily for her it had just been sent.

"Going home for lunch. I want pastrami. Be there in 20. Love you, Samuel."

She let her finger touch over the words 'love you' with a bit of yearning clouding her eyes. How many times had she questioned the sincerity of those words whenever they came from his lips? Even when he had spoken them at the altar, even when he had taken her virginity the night of their wedding. Everything seemed so falsely built that she was scared if she opened her eyes wide enough she would be able to see through it.

Slipping out of the tub she toweled herself off and drained the water. She rushed to her closet to grab something else to wear but stopped in front of the mirror first.

She was still the same woman she had always been. Her red hair was still vibrant, her bangs wispy over her brows. Her eyes were lightly slanted and a pure green. Many people had told her she was beautiful, that her somewhat voluptuous body was amazing and yet all she saw now was someone she could never be happy being. Her personality was gone, the one that let her thrive in the kind of world she had always wanted. It was gone, had vanished when Samuel had slipped that diamond ring on her finger. She was just his wife now, nothing more. That scared her.

She heard a noise from downstairs and quickly pulled on a black dress, zipping it up as best she could. She pulled her hair up neatly, drew on perfect lines on her eyes and dabbed on both lipstick and perfume. Struggling with her heels as she left her bedroom she stopped at the head of her staircase.

"Samuel?" She called out, unable to hear the jingle of keys that he always made when she wasn't there to greet him.

No response came back. She furrowed her brows and slowly descended the steps. She called out his name again. There were sounds coming from the living room but there wasn't a single answer for her. As she got close she heard quiet whispers and her heart began to race. A fear took hold of her and her color drained. She hurriedly went to the side table and looked for the gun her husband kept there, when she didn't find it she made for the kitchen but stopped in her tracks when she heard a voice.

"Don't move."

Slowly she turned around and almost let out a scream when she saw a gun being directed at her. Her hands shot up as panic took over.


The woman holding the gun made a gesture towards the man. "Get her." She ordered, tucking the gun into her purse as she did.

The man came to her then. His blue eyes were shockingly calm even softened when he looked into her own terrified gaze. "I'm not going to hurt you." He promised but as he spoke he took a syringe from his jacket and pressed the needle into her arm.

She let out a cry and tried to struggle but by the time she managed to even move all she did was fall against him, his arms cradling her against his chest. The last thing she saw was his eyes and his lips moving saying something to her, softly, almost gently before everything went black.
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