Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses > Sweet, Sweet Child 'O Mine (Axl Rose)

Part 12

by axlroseiscool 0 reviews


Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-10-13 - Updated: 2012-10-13 - 1832 words

- The Next Morning -
I woke up on a a tour bus...naked...and alone. I sat up quickly and gasped. Me and Vince had sex! It was so awesome and good...but I cheated on Steven! Even worse, I didn't come home last night, so Axl is probably going to flip. Damn. I got up and looked for my clothes, which I found and quickly put on. Then someone opened the bus door and I looked up from pulling my shoes on. It was Tommy "Oh hey," he whispered as he walked to me "Vince here?" he asked, I shrugged "I don't know," I whispered back "Okay," he said, nodding. I stood up ", can I have your autograph?" I asked nervously "Sure, you got a pen?" he asked "Umm...yeah," I said as I pulled a sharpie out of my pocket "Here, um, oh, here's some paper," I said as I pulled a folded up piece of paper out of my other pocket "Okay..." Tommy said as he signed it "Thanks so much, I love Motley Crüe and it's so awesome meeting you!" I said when he gave it back to me "Aww thanks honey," he said as he hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Bye," he said as I climbed off the bus, I waved and left. 'What happened to Jani?' I wondered to myself "Iz!" I heard someone yell, I turned around and saw Jani driving through the bus parking lot in the car "Jani!" I said as she pulled up, I got in and shut the door. " and Vince..." she said as we started driving "Banged. It was like a dream come true...but poor Steven doesn't even know," I said as I sighed. "Well, he knows now...whenever a girl doesn't come back from a concert until the next automatically know what happened," Jani said "That her and a band member had sex?" I said sarcastically "Yeah, either that or they were killed," Jani said casually. I rolled my eyes and leaned my head back on the seat and tried to figure out what to tell everyone when I got back. And by 'everyone', I mean Axl and Steven.
-15 Minutes Later-
We were back at the apartment and I had forgot my key, so I knocked on the door and hoped Izzy was there, and if he was, I hoped he was conscious. "I'm comiiiiinggg!!!" I heard him call groggily, then I heard Axl's voice say "I'll get it, stop complaining dammit," "I got it Axl!" "Fine you get it!" I laughed a bit and Izzy opened the door "You're back!" he said smiling. "Yeah!" I said happily, I walked into the apartment and Axl was sitting on the couch "Hey, Iz! You have fun at the concert?" he asked, sounding happy "Yeah I did! It was really great, the music was awesome! And I got Tommy Lee's autograph!!" I said. Axl stood up and hugged me "I'm glad you had fun," he said "Yeah," I said "Okay now let go, you're messing up my hair," Axl said. We both laughed and I looked at his hair, which he had all hairsprayed up, and he was wearing plenty of makeup. "What special occasion is it that you got all made up?" I asked. Axl rolled his eyes "We have a gig tonight," he said "Oh really? That's awesome! I'll come...where and what time?" I asked "Uh, at the Roxy, at 9:30pm," Axl said "Okay," I said and smiled, then Izzy came back "Hey Iz, um, I kinda, might've, raided your makeup and nail paint," he said "What?" I asked, Izzy held up his hand and his fingernails were painted pink and white "Ooookayyy," I said as I gave Izzy a questioning look, I found it a little weird he painted his fingernails those colors. Almost as weird as the time when he told me he used to be in a drag punk band. "What?" he asked "Nothing. I'm going to change my clothes..." I said as I started walking to my room, I closed my door and went to the closet. As I was putting my clothes on the, there was a knock on the door "Hold on!" I said, but the door opened anyway and in came Axl "Come on..." I said as I pulled my shirt all the way on "What?" Axl said innocently "What?" I said mockingly "So...who was it?" Axl asked as he sat on the edge of the bed "Who was what?" I asked "The band member you obviously banged...the only reason a girl doesn't come home until the next day is because she's either dead or she banged a band member. So who was it? The blonde?" Axl said matter-of-a-factly "Damn you and your high IQ," I said, Axl smiled "Right again," he said triumphantly. I giggled and sat down next to him and hugged him "Promise you won't tell Steven?" I said as I cuddled my face into his neck "Yeah, I won't tell," he said as he leaned his head on mine. We stayed like that for a little while, the only sounds was our breathing. It seemed so surreal and tender.
- Axl's POV -
Me and Iz were having a moment. Like the ones you see in those sappy love movies. We were just sitting on the edge of her bed, my head on hers, she was somewhat hugging me, and it was all silent. I closed my eyes, I wanted this moment to last forever. I really didn't care that she'd slept with the guy from Motley Crüe...I suppose she's an adult now and after all those other horrible things I'd done to her...the last thing she needed was me getting mad at her. And I wasn't. I was just getting comfortable with her when there was a knock on the door "Aw moment ruiner!" I groaned, Iz sighed and hugged me "I love you Axl," she said "Like a friend?" I asked, just to make sure I didn't get the wrong impression "Like a best friend," she said, looking at me with her beautiful, dark dark brown eyes. Then Steven barged in "What's up guys? I knocked and you didn't say anything," he said as he looked at the two of us "Uh, Iz was just telling me about the concert last night...." I said as I quickly took my arms off of her and stood up "I'll let you two alone," I said as I ran out. 
- Iz's POV -
MY AXL MOMENT IS RUINED!!! I screamed in my head as Steven sat down next to me. I was really starting to be attracted to Axl...and lesser and lesser to Steven. "How was the concert babe?" he asked as he kissed me on the lips and hugged me "Good," I said as I kissed him back. "I'm glad you had fun," he said as he kissed me some more "Steven, I wanna break up," I said suddenly. Steven broke away from me "What?!" he exclaimed as he looked at me, shocked "It's not working," I said apologetically "What do you mean it's not working?! It was working yesterday! And all the days before!!" Steven yelled as he jumped up "You're not...attractive enough. But you are a really nice guy," I said. Steven sputtered for a few seconds "What the hell?! What...oh shit, Iz...did you bang a Motley Crüe member!? I should've gone with you to that thing!" he said, "Yes I did! It was Vince okay! Vince the singer! I'm sorry! It was a moment of weakness and you know that was probably a once in a lifetime chance!" I admitted "What was a once in a lifetime chance?! To sleep with someone in a band?! You could've slept with me! Your boyfriend! Hell, you could've slept with Axl, you're best friends and you actually know each other, I would've been down with that! But you went and banged Vince from Motley Crüe, a random ass dude you don't know and is not your boyfriend!" Steven scolded. I started crying "I like Axl! That's why I'm leaving you! I keep having these intense feelings for him and I think I love him!" I sobbed. Then the door burst open and Axl came in "What the fuck?! You like me?! Why the hell didn't you tell me?!" he said. Steven scoffed and left, leaving me and Axl again "Because you're with Gina and I didn't wanna ruin our friendship," I said to Axl. "I could've ditched that bitch months ago! I...I think I love you too," he choked out. I started crying "I just broke Steven's heart! Why did I do that? I...I...wha- why? Oh man!" I said as I collapsed down on the floor, Axl got down on the floor behind me and pulled me into his lap. "It's okay," he said as he put his chin on my shoulders "Oh, Axl," I sniffed "I can't break you and Gina up...I...I'm such a slut, just like you said! I was with Steven and I went and had sex with Vince and then came back here and announced I love you! You should just lock me up so I don't fuck anything else up!" I said, getting angry at myself "No, no, you're not. Babe, I love you, ever since I first laid eyes on you, I thought you were so hot and once I got to know you I fell in love with you. You're the perfect combination of sweet and 'I don't give a fuck what you think'," Axl said, consoling me "Like you," I said, giggling a bit "Like me," Axl said. We sat in silence for a little bit longer until Axl started to kiss my neck "Mmm," I said as I looked up at him, we started kissing and soon we were making out...and soon we were laying on the floor with me attempting to rip Axl's tight pants off. "Axl?! Iz?!" I heard a girl yell suddenly, me and Axl both jumped off each other and saw Gina standing there, looking more sad than anything else "I knew it," she said, voice breaking. "No, Gina, it's not what it looks like!" Axl said as he jumped up "Then what is it?" Gina asked, a tear rolling down her cheek, she looked at me and then at Axl and shook her head before she ran out. "Oh shit...oh man...I-I'm gonna kill her," Axl said, exasperated "What?" I said, literally not sure if he was speaking metaphorically, "Not really," he said dismissively "I'll be back," he said sourly, slamming the door on the way out. I always find a way to ruin things. I flopped backwards on the floor and sighed. What's wrong with me?
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