Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Kiss Goodnight

Simple Minded

by lalatherapist16 1 review

Gerard asks questions he doesn't expect answers to

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-10-14 - Updated: 2012-10-15 - 903 words

I kept calm until I reached Mikey and my apartment. Showered and got dressed just fine, too.

As I lay in bed, my mind was screaming. "Vampires are real. I'm in love with some kind of vampire king. I'm under some kind of protection."

"You are indeed." The high pitched voice made me jump. "The window." I looked at the partially open window with wide eyes.

"Are you know Frank?" I asked, sitting up.

"Our King sent us, yes." The voice was bright. I opened the window further.

"May we come in?" The girl poked her head into the open space. I nodded.

She pulled herself in, a boy following her tail. The girl wore a necklace with a large red jewel in the middle, the boy wore a ring with a red stone on his ring finger. "Red guard?" They nodded.

"You've heard of us?" I shook my head.

"Frank only mentioned the red guard. I just found out about all of....this" I waved my hands at them "today. About an hour ago." The girl smiled.

"Okay. Any questions I can-" she looked at the boy as he stared at her pointedly. "Whatever. Any questions WE can answer for you?" She took the boy's hand. "I'm Mari. And this is my brother, Cyian." He nodded to me. "You'll have to excuse him. He has no tongue."

I blinked. "R-really?" I looked at him. He opened his mouth. Nothing. Just an empty cavern.

"Our old King, the King's father, like punishing us. A lot. Cyian spoke against him as he punished me so he made sure he never would again."

"How was he punishing you?" I asked Mari. She smiled sadly.

"I had overheard his planning with the Hearl queen, so....well..." She moved her hair a bit from her neck. Her left ear was gone.

"God!" I gasped, covering my mouth. "I'm sorry, but.... God." I shook my head. She dropped her hair.

"It's okay.“ she sat on the floor. "I'm his mouth and he's my ears." He sat next to her. "Well, ear. We've always been able to hear each other. Now, your questions."

A million ran through my head. "Are vampires immortal?" Mari nodded. "How old is Frank? You two?"

"Cyian and I are both about sixty. Give or take a few years. Frank is nearly nineteen." Mari answered easily.

"And Margret? How old is she?" I sounded like a moron.

"She..... Oh jeez, how old is she?" Mari looked at Cyian. "No, she can't be that young..... I'm sure. No.... I think that's right." she looked back at me. "Around three hundred. She was born in England, right?" They both nodded.

"Wow..." I breathed. "Was he right? About them....killing me?" I choked a bit.

They shared a look. "Yes." Mari looked back at me. My nails dug into my palms.

"Is my blood really as sweet as everyone says it is?" I was scared to ask. I swallowed hard.

"May I?" Mari stood, holding out her hand. I took it. Sure turned it over, her fingers tracing the lines on my palm.

I watched closely as she brought my wrist to her face. Her nose lightly skimmed the skin over the veins.

She drew in a shaky gasp and her eyes grew wide. "It's...... It smells.... Orgasmic." She sighed.

My face grew warm. "Thanks?" I pulled lightly on my arm she still held by the wrist. Her eyes were locked on it, slightly hazy. "Mari?"

"S-sorry." She let it go. She stepped back, sitting next to Cyian. "I... Oh..." She looked at him. "Yes." her cheeks grew bright red.

He smiled softly. She looked arty me again. "Go to sleep now, Gerard Way. We'll be outside, but we can hear you if you need us." They climbed back through the window.

"Good night. Please don't let my brother see you." I spoke into the darkness. My answer was a quite thump from above.

I smiled and rolled over. Frank, I love you. I don't care if you're my student, if you drank from me or ruined my life.

I love you, vampire king. An arm wound around my waist, making me jump. "I love you too." His voice made my heart skip.

Our lips met softly for a moment. "Gerard? Can I ask you something?"

"Anything." I breathed, blindly searching for his hand. His closed around mine.

"Will you come to my court tomorrow? See what it's like. See if you......might want to join it?" I stared into his light brown eyes.

The eyes that I'd seen in the nightmare. For years.

But I wasn't scared any more. "Do you want me to?"

"I do. But it's up to you." His thumb stoked mine.

I bit my lip, thinking. "I'll go with you." I said after a moment.

He kissed me again, longer. Then down my jaw and to my neck. "Thank you. I'll be here around eleven in the morning tomorrow." He whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too." I hugged him tightly for a moment before he went to the window.

I watched with warm eyes as he slipped out.

For the first night in years, I had a good dream. And I felt safe.

Another chapter. I've pretty much given up on the fright fics. Nobody was doing em anyway.

So....... R+R and all that.

Hugs and Tacos,
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