Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

Did somebody order room service?

by Missus_Blaze

It's the night Gerard has been waiting for, it's hotel night! He and Frank can finally be alone for longer then a couple of hours. Will their evening along go to plan? ____________________________...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-10-16 - Updated: 2012-10-16 - 1219 words

''So um... you two want to change your reservation from a twin room to um a double room?'' The receptionist at the hotel wrinkled her nose at Gerard and Frank. This hotel had to be one of the most expensive the band have ever stayed at, but it was part of a treat for Ray's birthday. They always tried to make birthday's hotel nights, because it just seemed to make a birthday on the road more comfortable if you had a nice squishy bed for the night.
''That's right. Is that a problem?'' Frank smiled, trying to ignore the looks aimed at himself and Gerard.
''Well, um...I just don't understand why you would want to change that's all.'' the girl mumbled.
''We want to change it so we can have sex like fucking rabbits and then sleep without having to move to far, that's why.'' Frank tried to hold in a giggle at the girls horrified face, Gerard however couldn't contain his laughter, and nearly doubled over.
''Oh! Sorry sir. Um...sirs... here are your keycards. I'm sure you know how to work them. Enjoy your evening.''

Gerard and Frank picked up their overnight bags from the floor and made their way to their room. They entered the elevator and Frank pressed the button for the 15th floor, where their room apparently could be found.
''Top floor. Lucky us.'' Gerard watched the numbers by the door change. ''3 more floors to go.''
After what felt like hours the elevator finally stopped, and the pair left holding hands, ignoring the looks from a business man and his wife.
Their room had a large wooden door,You could really tell how expensive a hotel was by it's doors. Well that's what Gerard thought anyway. Frank fiddled with the keycard, and finally managed to open the door.
''Well... home for the night.'' He threw his bag down on the floor and ran to the bed, jumping on it like a child.
''Frank!''Gerard laughed. The room smelt like chocolate, and there were roses by the window in a nice clean vase. Gerard put his bag down next to Franks and walked over to the bed, flopping down.
''Oh my god! This is like clouds!'' he squeaked.
Frank rolled over and smiled at Gerard. ''I wonder if it makes any noise.''
Gerard looked at Frank with a confused look on his face, until Frank smiled and kissed Gerard softly, and kind of awkwardly from the angle he was at.

''At least move so I'm not breaking my neck.'' Frank laughed and waved at the pillows. ''You have a head, those are pillows, I need space to move, now go.''
Gerard did as he was told, moving so his head rested against the pillows, Frank climbed over the bunched up covers, and swung one leg over Gerard's waist. ''Now, where were we before we got interrupted yesterday?''
''I think, we were about here.'' Gerard pulled at Frank's shirt collar, bringing him down enough so that he could kiss him. Gerard kissed Frank harder then had ever before. Frank smiled against the kiss, before biting softly on Gerard's bottom lip, and pulling away.
''You always do everything for me, let me do something for you for a change'' Frank whispered into Gerard's ear, before moving down and sucking and biting at Gerard's neck, the tiny bites becoming a little harder with each noise Gerard made.

''Please, Frank....Just...'' Gerard squeaked in-between Frank's bites.
Frank laughed as he pulled at Gerard's shirt,Gerard sat up and Frank pulled the shirt off, throwing it on the floor. ''Just what?'' he asked as he kissed his way down Gerard's chest.
''Just, I fucking need you like now.''
Frank kissed his way all the way down to the waistband of Gerard's pants and stopped. ''You need me to do this?'' He smirked as he slipped his hand down Gerard's pant's and the waistband of his boxers, his fingers lightly brushing against Gerard's erection.
''How about, if I did this.'' Frank quickly pulled his hand out and undid Gerard's pants. Gerard wiggled and Frank, again threw the clothing to the floor. He pulled Gerard's boxers down and smiled at Gerard led there, begging him for more. He licked his lips and brought his mouth down to Gerard's cock,and licked up the length, and then back down. He could see Gerard biting his lip, trying to keep quiet.
''I want to hear you Gee, I don't want you to be quiet. Please?''
Gerard nodded, and his breath caught as Frank, without warning took all of Gerard into his mouth, his tongue flicking here and there.
''Jesus, Frankie....I...'' Gerard had been thinking about this since they had been interrupted by Bob the other day, or was it yesterday? Gerard couldn't remember, it had felt much longer then it really was though.

''Jesus Frankie!!'' Gerard shouted out as Frank circled Gerard's balls with one hand.
Frank responded to this by speeding up the speed his fingers were going, and moving his mouth to focus on the head of Gerard's cock, his tongue mimicking his hand.
Gerard bucked his hips up, and a really loud moan escaped his lips.
''I'm gonna, fuck...Frank I'm gonna come.'' He said, almost inaudible, but Frank knew. He could tell by the way Gerard was babbling, the way he bucked his hips like his life fucking depended on it, his breathing, and all the other little things. He sped his tongue up.
''Fuck! Frank!!! Frank oh my god.'' Gerard shouted out as he came. Frank looked up at Gerard,wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and smiling. If the people in the neighboring rooms hadn't heard them then they must be deaf.
''So, I did ok then.'' Frank laughed as he settled down next to Gerard, resting his head on Gerard's chest, listening to his heart.
''Ok? Really, you know you did better then ok.''
''Well....I guess.'' Frank lifted his head up to kiss Gerard's chin and smiled to himself, he could stay like this forever, in bed with Gerard, doing nothing but just lie there.

''Yes Gerard?''
''can we get some room service?''
Frank laughed and poked Gerard's side. ''Way to ruin a moment.'' he rolled over and handed Gerard the phone that had a direct link to room service.
''Sorry, but it's not my fault I built up an appetite watching you.''
''Well you don't need room service to sort that out.'' Frank winked.

Ok, so this is the first time I've actually written a sex scene of sorts, and I just want to apologize for how bad it is! But as I like to say, you can only get better with practice right?
I hope you all enjoyed at least a tiny bit of this.

Please do leave me a review so I know what you think, I take everything said on board. Do you have any suggestions on how I could improve? What do you like? Is there anything you dislike?

Please, I'm begging you, help a beginner out lol.

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