Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

Back to reality.

by Missus_Blaze

It's back to the bus, and back to normal, well as normal as you can get on tour. How will things go for the band? Will the fans of forgotten about Bert's outburst? ________________________________...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-10-18 - Updated: 2012-10-18 - 1300 words

''Guys....Wake up! We are late for bus call!'' Ray shouted through Frank and Gerard's door. They both jumped out of bed, and scrambled about getting dressed.
''Me and Gerard will be like 5 minutes!'' Frank answered.
Ray huffed and grumbled something about they wouldn't be waiting before walking off.
''If they didn't make the beds so fucking comfortable.'' Gerard put his shirt on inside out.
''Gee, shirt...''
''Ah fuck it, I'll only be changing it later. C'mon Frankie!.''
Frank finished getting dressed and the pair of them ran down to the lobby, throwing the keycard on the reception desk, then rushing to the bus. Ray had text Gerard saying he had checked them out paperwork wise, all they needed to do was hand back the keycard.
They entered the bus, panting, Gerard signing he needed coffee.
''Next time, less sex, more sleep. Early bedtime and that.'' Mikey laughed as he made Gerard and Frank coffees. Gerard smiles, and gulps the coffee down, wincing a little as the hot liquid slides down his throat.
''Jesus.'' Mikey mutters. ''Are you nervous or something? You NEVER drink coffee that fast normally.''
''Just a bit worried about tonight.'' Gerard sighed, whilst Frank was sleeping last night, he stayed up all night thinking about what could happen at the show. He thought about how people would probably refuse to turn up and demand refunds, or how he would be bottled or something. He worked out he had only slept at most two hours.
''Don't be. It will be fine Gee.'' Frank squeezed Gerard's hand and smiled at him. He knew Gerard could be a worrier at times, and most of the time when Gerard went through a worry phase he was over-reacting, but this time Frank could totally see why Gerard was worrying, and hated to admit he, himself had a little bit of a wobble during the night, thinking about how people could react to Gerard. Frank didn't care about what people thought of him, he only cared about what people thought about Gerard.

Bob walked into the living area from his bunk and nodded at Gerard and Frank. ''Sleepy?'' he asked, pointing at Gerard's head in Frank's lap. Frank made a 'shhh' motion at Bob, Gerard had drifted off to sleep about 20 minutes ago.
''Sorry.'' Bob mouthed, picking up his headphones from the coffee table and making his way to the back of the bus, he and Ray were going to try out some new drum parts for a new song.
Frank could feel himself getting tired to, he shut his eyes, not intending to sleep, just to rest, and woke up two hours later at the venue.
''Guys, we're here. It's ok though we still have twenty minutes until the local band go on, then we have The Used and Reggie so all in all we have about a hour and a half until we are due up. Just thought I'd wake you up though y'know, make sure you two are wide awake.'' Ray patted Frank's shoulder and left the bus. Mikey waved at Frank through the window of the bus and mouthed that he, Ray and Bob were off to look around, and that the pair of them were welcome to join.
''You can go. I'm going to draw.'' Gerard kissed Frank's cheek and waved the rest of the band off. Gerard collected all of his art materials from his bunk and set them all out on the table, just the way he liked them. Paints, brushes and water-colour paper all together. Pens, pencils and sketchpad together, and erasers, sharpeners and previous drawings all together. He loved having the bus to himself, he always felt more comfortable drawing alone, like he found it easier to concentrate, he loved listening to the sounds from outside, the birds and the weather.
He had just started on a new drawing, after finishing one he had started months ago, when he heard a cough come from the doorway. Gerard snapped his head around and Saw Bert stood there, cigarette in hand, hair covering his face, and teeth bared in a wide smile.
''What'cha drawing?''
''Nothing.'' Gerard could hear the wobble in his voice, and hoped Bert hadn't noticed. He didn't want to be alone with Bert, not after his little outburst the other day.
''Let me see.''
''If you don't show me Gerard, I'll come over there and take a peek for myself.''
Gerard held up the painting. On the page stood a girl, long pale pink hair hiding half of her face.
Bert laughed and moved closer to Gerard, stretching his arm out he realized he could reach the painting and snatched it away from Gerard. ''It's shit.'' he ripped the painting up and laughed again when he could see Gerard near to tears.

Bert moved so he was stood in-front of Gerard. ''So, I see you and Frank stayed in a expensive hotel last night. Did you two have a good little fuck did you? Never took me to a hotel did you Gerard? Did you not love me enough? hmm, is that it? Or was I just not good enough, not easy enough?'' he moved closer, his nose almost touching Gerard's nose he was that close.
''That's none of your business.'' Gerard whispered. He wished Bert would just go away.
''What? What did you say Gerard? I'm not a fucking mouse, I need volume.''
''I said, that it is none of your business'' Gerard said slightly louder.
''Well I say.'' Bert grabbed at Gerard's hair and pulled him away from the table, completely ignoring Gerard crying out in pain. He kicked Gerard's stomach and laughed as he heard Gerard cry out in pain, trying to curl himself up into a ball. Bert locked the door, and quickly drew the blinds on the bus.
''Now Gerard, or should I say Gee. I don't like the amount of MCR shirts I'm seeing around the venue here, so I have no other choice but to ruin your show the only way I know will defiantly work. You want to know what that is?''
''Wait and see Gee, wait and see.'' Bert kicked Gerard in the stomach again. He bent down and pulled Gerard's face up to his by a fistful of hair.
''I told you, when I first met you didn't I, I told you that no-one fucks with me and gets away with it.'' He punched Gerard in the face, smiling when he saw bright red pouring from Gerard's nose. ''Perfect.''

Bert continued to beat Gerard for a good 20 minutes. Gerard couldn't shout out for help, every time he did Bert would just hit him harder, and it caused his chest to hurt when he tried to speak thanks to Bert's constant blows.
''And one for luck'' Bert laughed as he hit Gerard's head against the floor. He unlocked the door and left, knowing he wouldn't be able to perform in his current state.
Gerard caught sight of Bert leaving, and then he blacked out. Blood drying on his face, shirt ripped, art supplies all over the floor.

Ok, so I admit, it's not as happy as some of you wanted, but I do like a bit of drama, and this chapter has some drama in it (I think anyway). I hope you don't hate it to much. Why not leave me a review telling me what you think will happen/what you liked/disliked?

I'd really appreciate it if you did leave a review of some sort. I love hearing what you all have to say so much!
Thank you! x
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