Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Those Awkward moments on tour

Demolation lovers

by YoshikiHide182 0 reviews

"I fell onto the couch in one swift motion and looked at my phone and saw that kayla had text me"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-10-17 - Updated: 2012-10-17 - 626 words

well i'm soo sorry i haven't updated recently since i've just got a new laptop a few days ago.. anyhow enjoy

Gerard's POV

I kicked over one of ray's guitars as I entered the tour bus. I fell onto the couch in one swift motion and looked at my phone and saw that kayla had text me saying hey love, do you wanna go for coffee later on? I smiled and text back. Okay at this point you may wonder who the fuck is Kayla. well technically she my lover.

We met at one of MCR's Earlier concerts when we were first starting out but at the time I was dating and still dating Melissa....where was I? Oh yeah ever since we've been going out for sex and well just to hang out. I grabbed my coat and headed for the star buck’s near the show venue. when I walked in I looked around before I finally managed to see the beautiful Blueish grey eyes of Kayla.

She waved as I walked over and got up from the dark green leather chair’s. She greeted me with a kiss before I could get a simple hello out of my mouth. “well I was going for a simple hello but this is better” I moaned as I caught my breath. She smiled and replied “I though you would think that”.we sat down and began to chat and kiss and well you get the idea....

Awa's POV

I finally calmed down over the whole 'Incident' and accompanied Johanna and Mr.OX back to the tour bus. “Aww is someone still pissed off?” OX sneered jokingly as we got to the bus. “yes but I think the way your going is gonna top that” I joked back as Johanna opened the door. NOTHING could have prevented us from what we saw as we entered. We saw Amen semi-Naked on the floor with the 'whore' I got into a fight with at the bar..

“WHAT THE F?” OX shouted, Amen looked up before passing out. The woman quickly got her cloths of and started shouting at us. “Oh for fuck's sake I don't want this to happen again” Johanna moaned before she Punched the person in the face. You see this is one of the reasons I love her, she's smart, beautiful and her Japanese side get to the best of her when she's angry...

“what the hell's happen-OH MY FUCKING GOD!” Kita shouted from behind us. “Kita it's not what it looks like” OX tried to reason with him but it was no use. “MY BEER!!!”Kita rushed to the empty cans lying on the floor. “Hold on a second you worry more about your beer that the woman who's knocked out on the floor?” I asked looking over at him.

“well I don't know her soo none of my business...”He replied as he but the empty cans into the bin. Me and Johanna dragged the sleeping mummy known as Amen to his bunk whilst Kita and OX delt with The woman

as soon as everything was back to normal me and Johanna went back to my bunk and started kissing. I felt her lip ring as it turned into a make out session. “awa” Johanna moaned as I took off her top and let it drop onto the bunk floor. “Awa stop” She said as she pulled away and put her top back on.

“What's wrong?” I asked sensing that something wasn't right. “Nothing I just fell a bit sickly that's all” She replied. I pulled her into my arms and laid there before we both drifted off to sleep.

well i hope it's up to your standard's!! R & R For some rock buns?
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