Categories > Original > Romance > meets and greets


by mrs_abingdon 0 reviews

stefan stats to get feelings...

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-10-20 - Updated: 2012-10-20 - 517 words

stefan couldn't sleep so he decided to have some coffee and watch so chick flick until he fell asleep, he didn't quite no why he couldn't sleep he just kept thinking of ashley and his smile and his torso and his lips looked warm and NO stefan wasn't gay so why was he having these thoughts...
stefan had just began to nod of when he heard some footsteps, he sat up and saw ashley standing in his boxers
"you ok ash?" stefan said attempting to block his earlier thought
"what, oh yeah" ashley said half asleep, he was also having difficulty sleeping, and suprisingly ashley couldn't sleep because of stefan, he couldn't stop thinking about him, ashley new he was in love, gay or not.
the next day both men were eating breakfast when ashley broke the silence
"so what kept you up last night then" ashley said in a joking manner
"more like who" stefan mumbled under his breath
"ohh does stefan have a girl crush" ashley said trying to hide the dissapointment in his voice
"not exactly" stefan said reggreting his earlier comment
"boy then?" ashley said curiously
"JUST BACK OF, ITS NOT 20 QUESTIONS" stefan hissed as he walked away slamming the door behind him
a few hours later stefan returned to his dorm and saw ashley curled in a ball on the sofa, his face was read and blotchy and he had tear stains on his shirt,
"listen ash i nee." stefan was interuppted when ashley shouted
"WHAT STEFAN, GO ON WHAT" ashley screamed
"i, i have been feeling weird latly and when you questioned me this morning i panicked" stefan said apoligetically
"w-what do you mean feeling weird" ashley said nervously
"i-i really dont no if i'm ready ashley" stefan said scared of ashley pursuing it
"stefan i-i need to tell you somthing i should've this morning" ashley said gazing at the floor
"er go on" stefan said nervously
"i-i like a guy to" ashley said smileing at stefan making him feel more confident
stefan just smiled then gestured ashley to come out the door
"so er you wanna come get coffee with me" stefan said trying to bloke out the sexual tention
"yh" ashley said putting on a fake smile
when they got to starbucks ashley looked at stefan and began to think
he is so perfect, his eyes are so big and brown, but i know he will never feel the same gay or not
ashleys thoughts were interuppted when stefan placed a coffee in front of ashley and scribbled something on a napkin
meet me outside in 5
ashley smiled hopeing it would be for a make out session but soon realised that stefan was in love with someone else
5 minutes later ashley walked outside and was dragged into alley, and before he could speak his lips were locked with stefans,
looks like the make out session was on ashley smiled as he locked his hands with stefans
"so we are a thing now" ashley smiled
"my ashley" stefan said
"your ashley" ashley repeated and tucked his head in stefans chest.
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