Categories > Original > Romance > meets and greets

dark secret

by mrs_abingdon 1 review

ashley has a dark secret but will stefan mind?

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2012-10-21 - Updated: 2012-10-21 - 687 words

for once in his life stefan awoke in a great mood, but why wouldn't he be, he'd just moved into a new flat with ashley,
"mornin ash" stefan smiled as he kissed ashleys forhead
"rawr" ashley growled as he read the time
"soo cute" stefan smiled as he locked his lips with ashleys
when the kiss broke stefan rolled over for a hug but ashley didn't notice
"AHHH" stefan shouted as he hit the floor
"hahahaha omg sowwy stef" ashley said holding in the laughter
and for that moment everything was perfect, well until ashley remembered again...
"ok ash we really need to move now" stefan laughed
"but, brrr cold" ashley said in his baby voice
"aw honey i know but we have to meet dru" stefan smiled
ashley suddenly froze remembering last night and how he can't tell stefan that dru raped him because dru said he would kill him if he did
"erm, i-i think i'm sick, i can't come" ashley quickly said tucking his head under the covers
"come on lazy" stefan said picking ashley up
a tear rolled down ashleys cheek at the thought of seeing dru
"ashley why are you crying, i'm sorry" stefan said worridly
"i-i'm not crying i just er forgot to blink haha i'm that lazy" ashley said trying to change the subject
"silly ash" stefan smiled as they both got changed.
when they were dressed they left to meet dru and ashley just kept standing 2 steps behind stefan, when they met dru he glared t ashley
"so stef hows you?" dru said calmly
"i'm great what about you" stefan replied ignoring the fact ashley was holding on to his waist for dear life
"i'm fine" he smiled
"ash what are you doing, i'm not a climbin frame love" he said jokingly
"frightend" he moaned in his baby voice
dru snarled at ashley
"ash come outside a sec i need to tell you something" dru said to ashley pulling him from stefan
"hurry back guys" stefan laughed
when they got outside dru slapped ashley
"now close your eyes" he laughed
when ashley closed his eyes he got dragged into a dark room, but his eyes opend when i=he felt dru's hand enter his boxers
"NO PLEASE, NOT AGIAN" ashley cried
"shut up" dru snarled and threw ashley to the ground
when ashley realised he was about to get raped agian he shut his eyes tight and tried to ignore it until he felt something in his mouth
"suck whore" dru snarled but stopped when he heard a noice
"guys why are you in hear" stefan spoke
dru quickly did up is fly and spke
"oh ashley fell over, so i brought him here of the street" dru said trying to cover up his acts
ashley was just in a ball crying hard and vomiting in his hands
"omg ashley" stefan said running to ash's side
"help"ashley cried
"MAKE IT STOP" ashley screamed before grabbing stefan
"listen dru i'm gonna take ashley home, will you watch him whilst i ring a cab?" stefan said worridly
"sure mate" dru smiled
when stefan left dru grabbed ashley and spat
"if you dear tell stefan i will burn you to death" dru snarled then dropped ashley
soon stefan returned and carried ashley to the cab.
when they got back stefan ran ashley a bath
stefan began to take ashley sick stained clothes of when he saw ashleys back was coverd in blood
"oh ashley" stefan whisperd to himself
when ashley was naked stefan placed him in the bath and washed his cuts"
now ash, if this hurts just tell me" stefan smiled
"hurts, hurts" ashley cryed
"i know honey but it will feel better and then after the bath we can watch whatever film you want and have some pizza yeah?" stefan said
"with coke?" ashley said a bit happier
"thats my ashley" stefan smiled and washed ashleys cuts
after the bath stefan and ashley snuggled up on there bed with pizza and coke whilst watching transformers,
things began to become perfect again, well thats until dru showd up...
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