Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Haunted

The Truth to Be Found Through Death

by joelmaddensbabigurl 0 reviews

benji goes to the library to find info about megan love. he finds the info he needs and wants to tell hilary but will he make it out alive?

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Published: 2006-07-17 - Updated: 2006-07-17 - 1438 words - Complete

Ch. 5
The Truth to Be Found Through Death

Friday at school.

Hilary and Billy are walking down the hall of school. Billy looked up and stopped walking

Hilary slowed down, "What Billy?" She asked and looked forward at a pale and stumbling Benji, "Benji?" She walked forward and grabbed Benji's arm, "What's wrong."

Benji looked at her, " She couldn't have been there..." He said, "She wasn't there when I was taping the house..." He said

Hilary blinked, "You didn't! You didn't go to that house did you Benji?!" She asked shaking him

Benji blinked and looked at her. He didn't want to worry her. So he lied, "Of course not Hilary." He smiled

Hilary sighed deeply, "Oh thank god..." She hugged him. She blinked, "Then what were you talking about?" She asked pulling away

Benji blinked, "What do you mean?" He asked

Hilary tilted her head, "She wasn't there... when I was taping the house? That ring a bell?" She asked crossing her arms, "You're not lying are you? If you are tell me now!" She said stomping her foot

Benji blinked slowly, "Oh that!" He laughed, " It was a movie last night! I was just mocking the words to it!" He said rubbing the back of his head

Hilary watched him, "Ok... Well if anything goes wrong tell us ok? Trust me Benji we were in that house..."

"Yeah, yeah. Well I need to head to class now!" He took off running, "Oh tell your sis that I will be in the library waiting for her!" He ran around the corner

Hilary blinked, "Benji..." She looked down, "I think he's fine... right?" She looked back at Billy, "Lets head to art. Shall we?" She said and grabbed his hand.

After school

Benji is sitting at a computer. He was in the library. He was typing fast, he didn't want Hannah to walk in on him. He typed in the address of the house and pushed enter. Picture of people showed up. He leaned in saying what he read out loud, "Megan Love..." He looked at the picture and blinked. He stood up and walked up to the T.V. and VCR. And pulled it up to the computer. He started digging in his bag. He froze when Hannah walked into the room. He dropped the tape back into the bag and smiled at her and minimized the web site he was on, "Hey Hannah. Ready to study?" He asked

Hannah smiled and nodded, "Yup!" She said and sat by him

He smiled and opened his books and started studying the Civil War with Hannah.

Hannah, not listening to Benji, was watching him. She had a dreamy expression on her face.

Benji looked at her, "You who... Hannah... Wake up... I have really no point in this if you don't pay attention." He said looking at her

She went red and looked down, "Sorry. It's just. I have a secret..." She said looking away

Benji blinked, "Really... do you want to tell me?" He asked

Hannah went redder, "Well Benji... the truth is. I... I... I love you..." She turned away covering her face embarrassed

Benji's face went red, "Well... Hannah. I..." He looked down smiling, "That's... so sudden..." He said smiling

She looked at him, "You don't think it's icky?" She asked

Benji shook his head

Hannah smiled, "That's... awesome..." She said giggling

Benji blinked, "Did you just giggle?" He asked

Hannah blinked, "If you don't like me giggling I will stop!" She said stressing out. She was worried he didn't like girls that giggled

He blinked slowly, "Whoa. Hannah... no big..." He laughed

Hannah blinked, "Oh... sorry." She smiled

Benji smiled, "I think this is good. We've studied for about 3 hours. It's 6:30. So you better get home." He said shutting the books

Hannah blinked and nodded, "Yeah... I guess." She stood up with her books

Benji blinked and looked down then stood up and put his arms around her waist, "I love you..." He said

Hannah's face went red, "What?" She asked surprised

Benji smiled and repeated, "I love you..." He lifted her face and kissed her

Hannah froze and almost dropped her books but tightened her grip and returned his kiss

Benji slowly pulled away breaking the kiss. He looked at her, "Go ahead now and go home." He smiled

Hannah smiled and nodded, "Don't do anything before tomorrow!" She laughed

Benji smiled, "Like I would just as I find the girl of my dreams?" He hugged her and then pushed her off

She laughed and started walking, "Be careful tonight." She said smiling and she walked out

Benji waved and sat down and brought up the screen again and grabbed the tape from his bag. He looked at the tape and looked at the VCR, "I don't think I want to see her again but..." He put the tape in the VCR. He fast forward the movie and stopped it around the part when he shown the camera through the room with the closet. He paused it and blinked, "She's not there..." He said

A door opened down the hall

Benji looked back jumping, "Stupid Janitor..." He said and looked back at the video. He turned it off. He looked at the screen. He grabbed his pencil and grabbed the mouse and clicked on File Print. He waited for the window to pop up.


Benji looked back, "God damn that guy..." He said and he looked at the printer as it printed. He stood up and walked up to the printer and grabbed each paper as it came out.

The library doorknob turned

Benji grabbed the papers and headed back to the desk

The door opened

Benji started writing on the top of the paper. He wrote

Show Hilary ((Benji))

At the top

He looked back and blinked seeing the door open, "Ok... Take it easy." He walked over to the door and shut it and he backed up looking at the door

"Strange..." He said

He turned and started towards the desk reading out loud, "Megan Love, died May 23rd 2004." He looked at the calendar hanging from the librarian's desk, "One month ago." He said. He looked at the paper and started walking again, "Megan Love had a husband, Rick Love. Disappeared mysteriously 5 days after she died." He blinked, he looked at another girls picture, "Stacie McDonald. Died a week after Megan Love." He stopped and started to think. He started reading out loud again, "Stacie's husband claims that Stacie fell in love..." He stopped, "It was jealousness!" He said. He looked up saying to himself, "Megan Love's husband Rick Love was in love with Stacie as well so he killed Megan so she wouldn't be there when he went to Stacie. But before he could get to Stacie Megan's ghost still haunted the house and..." He gasped, "She came and killed him and did something weird with his body and that day before he died he sent Stacie something for her to come over someday and before she got there he was dead and when Stacie got there," He took a deep breath, "And Stacie must have found his body or something and she freaked out and ran out of the house! Then a few days later trying to deal with the guilt Stacie commented suicide!" He blinked, "Holy shit how did I know that!" He blinked and looked down, "But why did Liz die? And the old guy?" He looked up, "It must be because if anyone... steps... into..." His eyes went wide, "I'm soooo dead..." He turned around quickly as the door opened again, he dropped the papers.

Benji backed up, "Shit!" He turned around and Liz is standing right there behind him

"Liz!" He backed up and hit the computer desk

Liz held her and out and started stumbling forward towards him

Benji pushed against the desk, "Go away!" He screamed, "Somebody help! Help me please!" He screamed crying

Liz fell but grabbed Benji's shirt and started crawling up him.

Benji's legs collapsed under him and he fell to the floor with Liz, "Get off! Help!"

Liz clawed at Benji's face cutting his face. Benji's face started bleeding

Benji started backing up and he hit the back on the computer desk. He started crying, "Please help me! Oh god please don't let me die!"

Liz grabbed his shoulders and started pulling herself up

Benji sat there looking at her

She came face to face with him

Benji closed his eyes, "Hannah!" He screamed

At the same time Liz's screech filled the school then silence

/A/N: PLez review/
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