Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > Captor

Chapter Eight

by ArielMaria 0 reviews

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2012-10-27 - Updated: 2012-10-27 - 1159 words - Complete

Elena could barely see a thing through the glaze of tears in her eyes. Not the glare of the sirens or the sun risen in the day sky. The burn of Jared’s hand was still on her skin the very memory of it sending a deeper pain right through her. She sat nearly frozen in the back of the police car, her hands trembling lightly in her lap. With each tear that fell she thought it was going to be her last but they continued, leaving her a crying mess. She could barely breathe, she couldn’t even bring herself to move. The feeling of freedom wasn’t at all what she had imagined.
When they had walked over the threshold Jared with his hands up and Elena clinging weakly to his side the cops had shouted loudly at them. A man who had the look of a detective came closer allowing Jared to explain the situation. Elena had cried out when the detective called for an officer to put cuffs on Jared’s wrists. They had to hold her back as they locked the restraints on him. He was calmly telling them about Sophia and Samuel inside the house. Elena was begging them not to do this, saying how he had helped her to escape but no one seemed to want to listen to her. She called out his name over and over until finally his eyes met hers.
He was silently urging her to calm down. The blue of his gaze had softened as they looked across at her. Her heart had all but stopped as he held her gaze, her breath catching laboriously inside of her. Once she calmed the officers holding her back immediately backed away, letting their grasp on her go. Taking her chance she rushed across the way and ran to where Jared was talking to the officers. His hands cuffed behind his back and his eyes looking down at her with a bit of surprise.
“Elena? What are you doing?” He asked in a low voice. He glanced up at the officers and over at the detective who was approaching them.
“They can’t be taking you, can they?” She asked, her tears falling again as she stood there so weak and vulnerable before him. Her heart was breaking inside and her hands trembled at her sides.
“They have to.” Jared replied so simply although the emotions raging fiercely in his eyes showed the breaking of his own soul.
She shook her head helplessly, her tears loosely dancing off her lashes. She lifted her hands and placed them on his face, her skin cold and her fingers lightly shaking. He nearly gasped at the touch of her hands but he could do nothing standing there, restrained from fulfilling the yearning he held so deeply to just be close to her. She lifted herself up swiftly and kissed him. His breath caught in his chest once he felt her soft lips move sweetly against his. It was feverish, clumsy even but the feeling behind it left her near faint once the detective came between them. She could barely look up at him knowing that they would be away from each other for quite some time. It ached so terribly inside of her, his kiss burning through her and intoxicating her so deeply. They were both close to being breathless as they moved apart.
She didn’t get a hold on herself until she saw them carefully pushing him into the back of one of the cars. She cried out, her hands covering her face as she shook her head. She couldn’t bear to see him leave, couldn’t bear to think of this newly found freedom without him. He had been the one to help her, the one who had looked after her so closely. And yet now she was supposed to face the normal world without a single way to know how to live in it anymore. It hadn’t been so long that she had been captive but it had been long enough for her to feel a loss of her actual life. All she wanted now that she was out was to see her family, to have Jared there by her side when she did. But somehow she knew that wouldn’t be possible, not for a long time.
Someone, she hadn’t seen who, had helped her get into the back of a squad car as well. He was gentle, careful even. And then the door shut and she was alone again, locked up back there with nothing but the ache growing inside of her.
She looked out the window, seeing the car carrying Jared drive away out of her sight. Her gaze averted when she saw officers come out of the house with both Sophia and Samuel in custody. Sophia was angry but so silent. Samuel however, in the powerful role he had, thought he could get himself out of this one. He was arguing with the officers, pushing at them.
Elena lowered her gaze supposing that she should feel a sense of satisfaction. They were going to be punished for what had happened to her, they would perhaps feel what she had when she had been locked under their plan. And yet none of that was what she actually felt. All she could bring herself to feel was the lack of knowledge of what she would do now.
The detective came into the car, started up the ignition and drove her away from the scene. He looked at her through the rearview mirror. His face was the picture of compassion but given what he had seen pass between her and Jared there was confusion there as well.
“Everything’s going to be okay now.” He said, trying so much to assure her that things were actually alright.
She held his gaze for the longest time. She did feel grateful towards him, was so very happy that he had come to take away the horror of what had happened. That he had even cared.
“Thank you…” She whispered, a slight smile appearing on her face before she dropped her gaze again. Nothing made at least a little bit of sense to her. It was all racing through her mind and refusing to let her go.
She clutched her hands together, thinking back on the kiss Jared had given her. What she wouldn’t have given to have had his arms wrap around her. What would she have given to have not caught him off guard but to have been able to feel something whole from him. She wanted every feeling he had to offer, every breath he let out, every kiss and touch. She wanted him and yet with a simple push into a car all of that was seemingly lost to her. What hope was there except for the freedom being placed into her hands?
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