Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > A Boy Brushed Red Living in Black and White


by professionalgriefer 0 reviews


Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-10-29 - Updated: 2012-10-30 - 886 words

He opened his eyes as much as he could, watching his arms dangle down until he realized he was being carried over someone’s shoulder. Groaning softly, he tilted his head as much as he could, noticing him and the person holding him were walking up the stairs. Ryan stared at each step getting smaller and smaller as they rose up. Every little thing in his vision was being doubled. The room spun around and made him lose his balance when he was set on his feet again, falling back against the chest of someone.

He listened to the soft murmurs of two people engaging in conversation. Or at least, that’s what he thought it sounded like. Ryan couldn’t hear clearly, the room was still spinning, and his eyelids were trying to close. He groans softly, shaking his head to the side, immediately making him regret it as pain soured throughout his head.

“Hmm..” he heard, as someone stroked his hair gently, petting him.

”What should we do with him?”

“Well..” Ryan felt a hand hold his chin in place and opened his eyes just enough to see the face of a man watching him curiously and with interest.

“He seems fine. You can keep him; as long as you have to make sure he doesn’t get away and won’t cause any trouble.”

“Good!” he heard the person behind him say, as he felt an arm pull him away and into another room. From what he could see, this “room” looked like a small apartment. There was a TV in the corner, and a couch placed in the middle of the room. No bed, no blanket, not even any carpet. The floor was made of wood, and there was a few board games engulfed with dust.

“Enjoy,” he heard the stranger say, before the room began to spin again and Ryan slumped forward, kneeling on the floor as he tried to avoid the dizziness. He crawled around, trying to grab onto something, anything that would help him focus.

“Hi!” a cheerful voice came up from behind him.

“Uh…h-hi?” Ryan muttered, looking around him before finding himself face to face with a boy who seemed only a year younger than him, staring back at him with a big smile. How could anyone be so happy in a room like this?

“I’m Brendon!” the boy says, grinning so widely Ryan didn’t even think it was possible. Ryan groans softly, looking down at the floor as his head tilts to the side. Everything was still spinning. Why was it still spinning? “R-Ryan...” he makes out barely.

“That’s a nice name!” Brendon says, jumping onto the couch. Ryan heard the soft noise of a board game being moved around and the spilling of tokens. He wraps the blanket tight around himself, closing his eyes tightly. This couldn’t be real. Whatever they gave him, it was messing around with his head too much. He felt like he could barely move; he felt so heavy and tired.


He didn’t know how much time has passed by when he opened his eyes, realizing he had fallen asleep. Ryan glanced around as much as he could, finding the Brendon boy no where in sight. He jumps slightly when he felt someone’s fingers run through his hair, and looks up, staring at a man with long brown hair staring down at him.

“Hi, Ryan,” the man says softly, smiling at the boy below him.

“Ungh,” Ryan muttered out, still finding that it was hard for him to speak.

“Still can’t speak properly, can you? It’s just the medication. It’ll wear off.”

Ryan groans softly, bringing his hand up to touch his lips softly. He couldn’t feel his lips at all. The man in front of him chuckled, playing with Ryan’s hair. “I’m William.”

“Mm..” Ryan looked at the man. “W-Will.” was all that came out when he tried to pronounce the man’s name. William just smiled at him.

“It’s fine. You don’t have to say anything.”
Ryan made a noise he didn’t even know he could make it when the room felt like it was spinning again. He groans quietly, bring his hands up to hold either side of his head.

William lied Ryan down on the floor. “It should feel better this way.” And it did. All Ryan did was look up, watching William as he leaned over him. It was easier for him to look past him and up at the ceiling though. Ryan sighed softly to himself, liking the fact that it was easier to focus like this.

Every thought was slowly getting erased from his mind, it was almost soothing. Until he felt the other’s lips press softly against his. He gasps, new to the sensation as he stared at William, who was smiling at him. “It’s okay,” he said, kissing Ryan softly once more. Ryan didn’t know how to react. Here he is not knowing where he was, dizzy as fuck, with a gorgeous man kissing him. Guilt found its way into his mind and hesitantly kissed back when William pulled away, smiling sadly at him.

”Don’t kiss back unless it means something.”

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