Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Thousand Words

Chapter 4

by The-Corpse 2 reviews

Time to party...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2012-10-31 - Updated: 2012-11-01 - 996 words

Okay, so I'm not going to be updating 'Sex, Spice and Burlesque' in a while, not until this story has reached up to 21 chapters. That way I can keep track of them both. Anyways, Enjoy!

Chapter 4:
Hozzie's P.O.V.

I feel as if something was going to happen tonight...

Frank was downstairs in my room watching tv, while I got dressed.I know it was Halloween but since where I came from that meant dressing up as a whore. I wonder if that was what Gerard meant when he said 'Wear something nice'. Creep.
I shook my head looking through my walk-in closet. I sigh in desperation, walk out of the room and into the living room. I tap Frankie on the shoulder. He turns around, I sign:' Can you help me pick something to wear?'. He nods "Sure" I grab his hand and lead him upstairs. We walk into my room and he instantly goes to my inside my closet, I sit down on the bed. Already giving up. "Okay, how about this?" he says coming out and standing in front of me. He was holding a neon green dress. It was tight in the breast area, but it was flowing and beneath the breast area was a black stripe, strapless. I had never wore it in my life, but it would be nice if I wore it before I get to fat and it doesnt fit me anymore. I stand up, taking the dress in my hands twirling it around looking at it in both views and imagining myself in it.
I sign:' Fine I trust you, I better look hot!' he chuckles at my expression. I lay the dress down nezt to Frank on the bed. And head into the bathroom.

After taking a long hot shower, I wrap a towel around me and walk out of the bathroom. To find Frank still standing laying there, on my bed. I went over to him, poking his leg and with one hand I sign:' Get out I have to get dressed' , before walking over to the closet and taking out my underwear. I closed the closet doors and putting it on along with a pair of fishnets tights. I put on a huge t-shirt before walking out again. Instead of laying down, Frank was now sitting up on the bed. When he saw me enter the room he stood up and walked over to me. "Please don't hate me for what I am about to do" he said before kissing me, full attack on the lips. I did'nt really know how to react to this so I just went along with it, kissing him back just as passionatetly. When we pulled apart, all I could do was stare back at him. We did'nt even have to say anything as my mom had arrived. "Hozzie? I'm home!" I sign:'Say something!'. " Were upstairs Mrs. Bareham." Frank said. I sign:' I need to get dressed', before walking past him. I open the door for him. Before he goes I put a hand on his shoulder, I really had no idea what I was doing but I just had the urge to kiss him so I did. I sign:' Go home, and get dressed.' smiling at him. He returns the smile closing the door behind him. I could here my mother and Frank having a conversation downstairs. I chuckle at the though of Frank getting caught in one of my mother's conversations.
I walk over to the bed, picking up the dress. I took it off its hanger before pulling it one. 'It is a good thing it fit perfectly.' I thought as I pulled the zipper up.
Now for the rest. I since my hair was short I curled it so it now reached my chin, making my hot pink highlights stand out. My make-up was also very simple, black eye liner, white foundation to make me look paler, a little green around my eyes. "Hozzie?" I heard my mom call from downstairs. I knock on the door as hard as I could, two times for yes. "Could you come down here a minute?" she said once a gain I knock on the door to more times. I put some black socks on. I don't know why but for some weird freaky reason, I have- no I need to wear socks. They make me feel safe, well at least to my feet.
I walk down the stairs. "Oh , my do you look beautiful" she said before snapping a picture. I love my mom, but she can be such a pansy. I sign:' Why did you call me?' while walking past her, down the hall amd into the kitchen. Taking some candy corn from the bowl that was now set out. Along with others. "Well, I was wondering if you were going out tonight?" She asks, as she resumes cutting the banana for a fruit smoothie. I nod. "Then you know you have curfew". I sigh and sign: 'Why? I am almost 18 you know!' I hated when she treated me like a kid.
She set out a glass in front of me. With a bedy straw. I swear this woman has definatetly mommyfied me....


I was still sitting at the kitchen table, looking through a magazine. Jennifer had now enter the kitchen through the back door. "Hi, Mrs. Bareham." she said. "Hey Hozzie" I gave her a nod. I sign: 'I love your dress!' " Thanks Hozzie." I know it took her some time to find the dress she wanted, so the least I coild do was compliment her. I sign: 'Bob is going to love it!' then standing up. I sign to my mother:'Bye, be back later'.
Time to party!

Okay I wanted to divide the story here. Now deal with it. Rate & Review
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