Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Thousand Words

Chapter 5

by The-Corpse 3 reviews

Well that is just wonderful...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2012-11-02 - Updated: 2012-11-03 - 1282 words

R.I.P. Mitch from Suicide Silence

Chapter 5:
Hozzie's P.O.V.

Time to Party...

Jennifer and I decided to pick Frank up and then go to a little trick-or-treating. I sign:'I have to tell you something, about Frank and me.' We had stoped walking and we were now only a few minutes to Frank's house. "Well, don't just stand there and spit it out" she said shaking me a bit. I sign:'I kissed Frank!" in a hurry, I kept walking but not before I saw Jennifer's mouth hanging open. She runs a little to catch up with me. "What do you mean? On the lips?" she said still with the 'loading....' feature. I nod answering both of her questions. "Om Chickenz! Tell me how was it?" she asks looking more girlish than ever. I didn't even get the chance to say anything, we had reached Frank's house. I watch as he walked down his drive way, towards where we were standing, with the biggest smile I have ever seen. "Hey beautiful!" he said, then kissed me full on the lips. I didn't even know it was happenning until he pulled away. I smile, sure it be weird but a super good kisser. I sign:'Hi Frank!". He looks over seeing Jennifer standing there. Before he could go into shock of what he has done in front of our most, well, gossipy friend. I sign:' It's okay! She already knows' I can tell by his expression that comment made him relax a bit. "So, you two together or what?" Jennifer said pointing between the both of us. I looked at Frank letting him decide. I just wanted us to be happy. "Well we are together now!" he says taking a hold of my hand. I smile as goosebumps came through his touch. Jennufer was smiling from ear to ear, I think she was happy I got my first Boyfriend. If I could even call Frank that.
I didn't realize, my life was just beginning.


We went trick-or-treating, until Jennifer got tired and decided to head to my house to get ready for tonight's date. Frank knows and he is going with Adrienne just hanging out with me. And Gerard, well I don't know about Gerard he and Adrienne will probably end up together.
It was 7:28pm and we were now in my room stuffing our faces with candy. "Well I am stuffed!" Jennifer says as she rubs her tummy. I sign:'You say that like you ate a whole turkey'. We looked over at Frank and he was just sprawled out on the floor. We think he is unconcious, we used to call him 'the bottomless pit', He would eat anything and not get fat. "Hozzie?" My mom yelled from downstairs."Yes Mrs. Bareham?" Frank had answered for me. "Would you come down here a minute? You have company" I looked beyween Frank and Jennifer,standing up and out of my bed. Walking over to the door leaving it slightly open. I walk down the stairs, when I reach the bottom of the staurs I see no one at the door so I head into the living room. Finding my mom and Gerard talking. I sign:"Hey...'. Gerard was now standing in front of me. He kissed my cheek but I just assumed it was a way for him to say hello.
"You ready?" he asks me. I nod. I sign to my mother: 'Is it okay if I can expand my curfew tonight, we are going to a party' once again using my famois puppy dog eyes. "Will Frank or Jennifer be there?" she asks, putting on that motherly tone. I sign:'Yes, theycwill both be there' I say smiling. "Alright, Gerard have her here by 11:30 sharp allright?" she asks, now looking straight at Gerard. By now Jennifer and Frank were downstairs. "Yes ma'am!" Gerard said with a huge smile on his face.

At the party...

The party was pretty much like any other I had ever heard. Gerard had left my side when we had arrived. Last I saw they were getting ready to play some beer pong. Jennifer went to spend some time with Bob. And he was actually paying some attention to her. I sigh as Frank sat down beside me. The music was so loud, I was glad we could still comunicate by signs.
'Are you having fun?' Frank signs. I shake my head no, looking over at Gerard. He was now on the dance floor with Adrienne, I wouldn't exactly call it dancing, it looked more like humping. I sign to Frank:' Let's get out of here'. Standing up, he took my hand and I helped him up. We walked through the dancing bodies of people. Again, it didn't really looked like much dancing!
Me and Frank almost made it to the door, when I felt a hand go around my waist. I quickly turned around to find Gerard was the culprit. I looked around for Frank, but he was no where to be found. I tried pushing him away but he was taller and much stronger. He was humping against my leg and I was feeling super uncomfortable.
So I did the next best thing. I slap him and run off to find where Frank had dissappear to. I got outside and found him. "Hozzie! I thought I lost you." he said hugging me. I sign:' Can you text Jennifer and tell her we left? I don't want her to worry'. Frank nods, pulling out his phone. I wasn't really listening to what was going on around me. All I could really think about was Gerard... and how I had felt being that close to him.


Frank and I were now standing in line at the Frozen Fru. We were talking about this new song that had just come out. I don't really remember the name of the band. It was now 9:12 pm, so we had a few hours to kill before I had to go home.
We got our treats and sat down on the nearest table, Frank got a orange yogurt with spider gummies and black sprinkles, the halloween special I guess. And I had a strawberry yogurt with gummy bears and whipped cream. I took a spoonfull out of mine looking out of the window as silence had fallen upon us now. I saw Gerard fast walking down the street looking worried. I had to realize that he had promised my mother that he would keep me safe and sound. And I think he just fucked that up big time. I laugh a little as he speeds up and trips on a snail. I mean come on I know he was drunk but a snail ain't that strong nor scary.
Frank and I were still laughing at Gerard. Everything would scare him. All the people in costumes, his own shadow. I guess you lose your defenses when your drunk. I decided that I have had my fun and that I should go help him. Of course this was decided when I finished my yogurt. Trhowing the empty cup in the trash can by the door. Frank following me of course.
Gerard hugged me once he saw me. I could feel the anger radiating off of Frank. I can't believe he is jeolous of one little hug, which had no significant meaning. Pfft. Men.
I put an arm around Gerard's waist, seeing as he was wobbling all over the place. I didn't know what I had to do know. I didn't exactly know where Gerard lived. Well that is just wonderful...
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