Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > What Happens On Tour, Stays On Tour - The Sequel

I invited my friends Penina, Raven, Frank and Ray over for a sleepover. I did ask Mikey but I only asked him one day before the sleepover so his Mom said it was too short notice.

I decided to have a sleepover because my Mom was in Blackpool with my brother while I had to stay at home by myself with my step-dad Mark. He told me that he was going to a pub quiz but it turned out in the end he wasn't going. And then he started saying I couldn't cook chicken nuggets. Which I can. I cook chicken nuggets all the time.

But he was okay I guess. He agreed to do the cooking for us while we went into the living room to watch The Sixth Sense. Me, Raven and Ray sat on one sofa while Penina and Frank snuggled up on the other sofa. Me, Raven and Ray had all seen the film before which is why we sat together but Penina and Frank hadn't watched it "I'll tell you one thing." I said to them "Look out for red things. Also... Just to annoy you... There's a twist."

"HOW DARE YOU TELL ME THAT!" Penina yelled "This is just like when we watched Orphan together!!"

"Not really, since you tried to guess the twist in Orphan even after the twist was revealled..." I laughed.

We watched the movie with Penina and Frank making daft guesses at what the twist was and what the red things meant. When they found out, they were a little annoyed "That was a bit easy to guess." Penina said as we all walked upstairs.

"Well you didn't guess it." I laughed.

"Hey, I brought this game over if you wanna play it." Raven pulled out a game from her bag. It was 'What Am I?'. The game where you put a head band on and put a card in it. Then you have to ask yes or no questions to figure out what you are.

"YES THIS LOOKS LIKE FUN!" I cried. We all put it on our heads. Penina was ketchup, Frank was a car, Raven was a rhino, Ray was spinach and I didn't know what I was.

We went around. Penina wasn't very good at the game "So I'm food?" She asked. We all nodded "Uhh... And I like me?" We all nodded again "That doesn't really narrow it down. Okay. Am I sweet?"

"No." I replied "Moving on. It's my turn. Am I an object?" Everyone nodded "Can you find me in a house?"

"No." Ray said "My turn. Do you guys like me?"

"I like you." Frank said but everyone else disagreed so we said it was a no.

Raven was about to have her turn when suddenly some music started playing from no where. Everyone started looking in their bags. It was coming from Frank and Penina's direction. Penina was looking through her giant bag but couldn't find anything playing music "I'm scared now, get away from me!" Frank shrieked, moving away from her.

The music wasn't modern, it was weird. It sounded like church music. Which is probably why Penina stuck her head in her bag and asked "Jesus? Is that you?"

"Frank, I swear it's coming from you." I said as Frank crawled closer to my bed which I was sitting on.

"GET IT AWAY FROM ME!" Frank yelled, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out his phone "Oh it's my phone alarm. It's reminding me to watch something on TV... I dunno what though."

"I thought it was Jesus!" Penina screamed, whacking at his head. Frank laughed and distracted her by kissing her.

After the 'Who Am I?' game, Penina and Raven wanted to play chubby bunny but me, Ray and Frank don't like marshmallows so we decided to let them get on with it. Raven managed to fit seven in her mouth but she kept laughing and had to spit them into a plastic bag in my room (eww...) and then Penina shoved an eighth one in her mouth and started laughing too so she had to spit them out.

Then for some reason I decided to go downstairs and get a bowl and some spoons. We then had a competition where we put the spoon in our mouth, scoop up a malteser out of the bowl and put it in someone else's mouth. Raven was really good at it but I was awful at it.

After that, we were all too lazy to do anything and sat around talking "This one time I thought there was a skeleton at my front door." I told the others "Someone knocked on the door and I looked through the weird glass window to see who it was. Now I know it was my reflection but at the time I saw a skeleton and ran into the kitchen to tell my Mom. She told me to tell him to go away so I did and I have no idea who I told to go away."

"Don't." Raven sighed "When I was like ten, I was sat in my living room by myself, yeah? My parents were only going out for about fifteen minutes and my little brother was at a sleepover. Anyway, I was sat on the computer when I saw someone hop over the fence in the back garden. I thought it was someone just going to get their ball back but they walked over to the fucking window and started asking me to let them in! I was shaking my head and then I heard this police car. The guy looked scared and ran off over into the next garden. So I ran into the hallway and shut all the doors." She laughed "And when my Dad got home I was like DAD THANK GOD, I LOVE YOU!"

"Oh my god, I wouldn't even be able to reply." I giggled "I would be out of there! Out the house, legging it down the road to Penina's house or something."

"I probably wouldn't wake up to let you in." Penina laughed.

"Not as bad as what happened to my next door neighbour." Raven said "There was this woman on my street who had like mental health problems. She broke into their house and the Mom woke up and saw like the broken glass everywhere. She had like three kids so she checked in on all of them and she went into the middle ones bedroom and found this woman, completely naked with cut wrists watching her child sleep. Then she started screaming at the Mom and tried to jump out of the window. So they all moved away. It's just as well. The little one kept killing their pet rabbits."

"Umm okay that's random." Ray replied.

And then we started bitching about people. It then moved on to things we felt guilty for "This one time I got into an argument for my friend because she was always in a bad mood," Frank said "And then she reminded me that her Grandad had died and asked 'do you even care that he died?' and I didn't even think about it, I just replied 'no I dont'!'. I was apologising to her for ages afterwards..."

"I joined this karate class in Primary School," I told them "And we had to punch these like poof things that our friends would hold. Anyway, my friend moved hers so I ended up punching her in the chest and she started crying. I felt really bad."

"In History, in year seven, the teacher moved us around and sat me down next to Bob." Raven blushed bright red "And I turned to him and said 'if you don't talk to me, we'll get along just fine.' I don't think he remembers and I don't wanna apologise in case he remembers!"

"Just apologise and don't tell him why." I giggled.

"I'm tired now, let's go to bed." Penina pouted.

Me, Penina and Raven dragged in the double bed. Penina and Frank slept on it, Raven and Ray slept on the floor and I slept on my bed. While we were trying to sleep, more music started playing but this music was more scary "It sounds like Saw music!" Penina whimpered, hiding under her sleeping bag.

I switched the light on and sat up. Once again, everyone was really confused and looking around for the source of the music. And then Ray said "Oh it's okay guys, it's just my phone alarm..."
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