Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Personal One-Shots For All :D

[A/N] - Sorry that you had such a long wait. Thanks for writing my personal story :D Feel free to ask for another one since this took so long :3

"He said he'd only be gone three months." Bryn said to her friend Anna down the phone "It's now been seven months. I'm sick of this. I love him but what's the point in being in a relationship with him if I never get to see him? And he only phones like once every three weeks. I try phoning him and he's all 'I'm so busy, I'll call you when I can.'"

"Well then do yourself a favour." Anna replied "Why don't you leave him? Show him that you're sick of being second best to his band."

Bryn thought about it. She continued thinking about it long after her phone call with Anna. She loved Mikey and his band but she couldn't stand always being at home by herself all the time. After thinking about it for a long time, she went upstairs and started packing her bags.


"I don't get why you didn't just ask before you left or something." Frank said to Mikey, rolling his eyes "You're just worrying about it even more now."

"Well I'm gonna ask her when I get home. And besides, I couldn't find a ring that she'd have liked." Mikey was nervous. Really nervous. "But now I have the perfect ring. I'm just hoping that she'll say yes."

"Of course she'll say yes." Gerard told him, putting his arm around his little brother "She loves you and you love her. That's all that matters."

"Are you proposing in any kind of special way?" Ray asked.

"I'm gonna take her out for dinner." Mikey blushed "And I'm gonna ask her then. I can't wait to get home. I need to ask her before I just die with wondering whether or not she wants to marry me."


Mikey was relieved when they dropped him off outside his house. He smiled and made his way down the drive. Once he opened the door he yelled "I'm home!" But nobody responded "Weird..." He mumbled, making his way through the house "Bryn? Bryn?"

Well, Bryn hadn't known he was coming home today. Mikey just assumed she was out. And then he went into the bedroom that he shared with Bryn. All her clothes, make-up, jewellery and perfumes were missing "Bryn?" Mikey yelled, starting to get really scared.

He went down into the kitchen and found a note on the table Mikey. I love you but I can't handle being away from you for so long without even a phone call once a week. We're obviously looking for different things in this relationship. So when you read this, I'll probably be really far away. I'm sorry - Bryn xoxo.

Mikey pulled his mobile phone out of his pocket and tried phoning Bryn straightaway. But it went straight to voicemail. He ran out of the house and got into his car.


Bryn sat in Anna's house sobbing her eyes out "I feel so bad for just leaving but my feelings are important to." Bryn sobbed. Normally she could keep the tears in around people but it didn't matter so much around Anna. They'd been friends for as long as they could remember "When he comes home he's gonna be so upset that I just left."

There was a loud knock at the door. Anna patted Bryn's arm and went to answer it. Then Bryn heard "Please tell me that Bryn's here! It's all a big misunderstanding!" It was Mikey.

"Maybe she doesn't wanna talk to you." Anan snapped.


Bryn blinked at him "W-What?"

"Bryn, I wanted to be with you but I was saving up to buy you a ring and I was way too scared to ask you to marry me which is why I barely phoned you because I was scared to talk to you." Mikey said. Then he got down on one knee in front of her and took her hand "I'm sorry if I made you feel lonely. In the future, I'll phone you more often. Or even better, you can come on tour with me. But first..." He took the ring out of his pocket "Will you marry me?"

Bryn held back happy tears and nodded. Mikey slipped the ring onto her finger, got up and hugged her tightly "I'm sorry I left you for so long." He whispered into her ear.

"So long as you don't do it again." Bryn smiled, hugging him back just as tightly.

[A/N] - I really hope you liked it :D I'll write the second one too don't worry ;D
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