Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cross My Heart

I Lie Down, sore and SICK


Josh is really sick, and finds out something shocking. READ TO FIND OUT!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Crossover - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2012-11-09 - Updated: 2012-11-09 - 273 words

CH 19 I lie down, sore and sick

Josh's POV

I wake up, feeling dizzy. The bucket beside me is basically full of my vomit. Yeah, I threw up all night. I can tell by the Chinese acrobats my stomsch's doing, its gonna be a long day.

I bury my spinning head into my pillow, as the clicking of the nurse's shose comes in.

"Hello Joshua, are you feeling any better?"
I shake my head. "No, I still feel sick."

"You need to sit up, I'm gonna examine you."

"I thought this was a rehab center!" I gasp, as an intense pain rips through my stomach. I scream in pain. I feel my stomach contents rise up my throat, and I vomit again. Something is definately wrong!

She frowns.


"I need you to drink this," She says as she holds up a cup of milky liquid. I gag.

"What is it?"

"IV dye contrast. We need to take pictures of your stomach. I think you might have appendicitus."

"Whats that?"

"Its when a part of your body called an appendix swells up and ruptures."

I sip on the contrast, feeling sick.

I drink it, and am taken to a room with a CT machine. I am done with the scan, and the nurse grabs a few doctors.

"Whats going on?" I ramble. "Am I gonna have to live here? Why are all you guys here?!"

"Joshua, you have appendicitus, we are going to prep you for surgery."

No. Just no. Anything but that....

waaaah! Poor Josh! :( Not only does he have withdrawls, he is gonna deal with appendicitus! :( r&r please? xo Jules
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