Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > She Always Gets What She Wants

Chapter 9

by xFuRiEx 2 reviews

The truth will set you free, Frankie.”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2012-11-11 - Updated: 2012-11-11 - 1622 words

Hey guys! Sorry this update took forever and that it's so short, but I'm super busy. However, exams finish this week so hopefully I'll be able to update more frequently, depending on inspiration for the story and whatnot. But thanks a million to the following people for their reviews on the last chapter, tmbfucks, Mirazal and MrsWayBeckett!
This chapter is really short and nothing really happens, but read it anyway and let me know what you think. The next chapter will be more exciting, I think. I guess you'll just have to wait and see!
P.S. Sorry for any mistakes! I didn't really get around to proofreading it, but I will as soon as I have time and then fix it. :)


It was a lot later that afternoon when Gerard, Mikey and I stepped out of the Way’s house on our way to band practice. I didn’t see Brittany and assumed that she’d gone straight to Kasey’s after her shower at my house and she was probably hiding out there, knowing that I was going to be at her house all day. I couldn’t help smiling at that thought. I finally had some power over her whether she admitted it or not. Unfortunately the opposite was also true. She had just as much power over me. I guess the power struggle between us would never end. If only I could manage to get the upper-hand somehow. I’d have the girl eating out of the palm of my hand.

I heard talking and looked up from my converse clad feet to see that Gerard and Mikey stopped and were now talking to Brittany and Kasey who just came up the driveway. My eyes instantly met Brittany’s chocolate orbs and she smirked, turning her attention back to her brothers.

“Are you guys on your way to band practice?” the youngest Way wanted to know.

I wasn’t really paying much attention to their conversation though. My thoughts were elsewhere. Actually my focus was just on Brittany. At least she was dry. When we went our separate ways this morning, she was practically soaking. I suppressed a snicker, remembering that I was the reason she’d been drenched. Oh well, I wanted to take a shower. Besides, she was the one who showed up in my bathroom without warning and I’m sure she wasn’t complaining afterwards. She got exactly what she wanted.

Admittedly, her hair was all fucked up because of it. Instead of its usual straight style, slight blonde curls fell down past her shoulders, but I liked it. It looked pretty, framing her face. Even her green eyes seemed more prominent. The look suited her.

“We have to go into the studio soon so every minute of practice is important,” Gerard’s voice reached my ears again and I noticed that they were still talking. I could only guess how much of the conversation I missed during my closer inspection of the blonde teen.

I felt a slight crawling sensation on my skin and my eyes turned to meet Kasey’s curious ones. She was smiling at me as if she knew something. And then it hit me. What could she know that had her grinning at me like that? Grinning at me specifically? My eyes grew wide in horror and it looked like the female had trouble suppressing her laughter.


Brittany told her. Why in the hell would she do that??? Why would she tell anyone about what was going on between us? I thought we agreed to keep it a secret. If Gerard or Mikey ever found out they would flip! Sure they knew me and I figured that I was a pretty decent guy, but that still wouldn’t have them jumping the moon over the fact that I was having sex with their eighteen year old sister.


“What?” I exclaimed in exasperation, looking up and seeing that everyone was staring at me now.

Brittany seemed curious, Mikey was having trouble suppressing a snicker and Kasey was still grinning at me like she knew something she shouldn’t.

“Have you even heard a word I’ve said?” Gerard questioned with a slight frown.

I glanced at Kasey one last time before answering his question with a shrug, “Yeah, sure. You were saying how important it is to practice before we go into the studio.”

At this Mikey couldn’t hold it anymore and he burst out laughing. Now I was confused. What was so funny? What did I miss?

“What is up with you today?” Gerard demanded a little amused. “Earlier when you came over you were all smiles and over-excited, but I took that as you just being Frank.”

I gave him a wtf-look. Who else would I be?

“And now you’re off in your own little world,” he continued.

Mikey snickered again, “Maybe he’s thinking about a love interest.”

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Brittany’s head shoot up to stare at her brother in surprise. I gaped at the younger Way brother. Did he know too or was he simply guessing?

“I didn’t miss the way you were gawking at Kasey,” he said and now his face split into a broad all-knowing grin.

Kasey let out a giggle at his words knowing full well that Mikey was as far away from the truth as it gets.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I denied his accusations.

I was being honest, but obviously Mikey would jump to the conclusion that I’m protesting to hide the truth. He just didn’t know that the truth was actually that I liked his sister and not her best friend. Wait! What? I don’t like Brittany! Where did that thought come from? Shit, I’m losing it!

“Frank, you’re doing it again,” someone said and I looked up in confusion. “You’re not listening and simply staring into space,” Mikey said accusingly. “Come on, spill.”

“I’m not into Kasey,” I admitted truthfully, kicking at the pavement with my already tattered converse. “Even if I did, I’m sure Brittany already turned her against me. I don’t stand a chance.”

“You got that right,” Brittany stated defiantly. “Kasey knows better than to go for Frank.”

The other girl nodded in agreement.

“Okay, it’s time to go,” Gerard interrupted hurriedly, probably worried that if we kept talking that Brittany and I would attempt to strangle each other. “Come on, Frank, Mikey get in the car. See you girls later.”

Mikey and I didn’t argue and simply got in the car as we were told. I hopped in the backseat as Mikey rode shotgun. The girls waved, smiling sweetly as we pulled out of the driveway. Kasey winked at me right before we were out of sight and I sank lower in my seat. She was going to torture me with the new piece of information she had.

“So, Frank,” Mikey started from the front seat. “How about the truth? Are you into Kasey? I promise not to tell,” he grinned smugly.

“No,” I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest like a little kid.

I don’t know why Mikey got this stupid idea of Kasey and me in his head, but he needed to forget about it.

“Then why were you drooling over her back there at the house?” he wanted to know smartly.

“I wasn’t…”

“I believe him, Mikey,” Gerard came to my defense. “I agree that Frank likes someone. He has for a while now.”

I turned slightly paler at his statement. I caught his eye in the rear-view mirror and he gave me a knowing look. Of course my best friend would be able to tell that something was going on. Fuck, did he know about Brittany? This was a disaster!

“Who?” Mikey wanted to know curiously, nearly bouncing up and down in his seat in excitement.

Gerard frowned, “I’m not sure, but there’s definitely someone. For some strange reason Frank hasn’t told me anything.”

It was true. Usually when I was interested in a girl he was the first person to know. However, for obvious reasons, I couldn’t tell him this time.

“I’m sure we’ll find out sooner or later,” he finished with a smirk, eyes twinkling.

Mikey sat back in his seat, “I still think it’s Kasey. You didn’t see the way he was staring at her.”

“It’s not,” I insisted.

“The truth will set you free, Frankie,” Mikey stated, turning around to face me.

“Why do you want to know so badly?”

“Because,” he smiled. “I want to know whose got you all whipped.”

“I’m not whipped,” I grumbled stubbornly.

I hated Brittany Way. I didn’t have any other feelings towards her. The hate sex was good, but that was it. There was nothing else between us. She was a spoiled brat and I… I had a band to focus on. I had more important things to concentrate on. Brittany Way was nobody to me. She was simply the girl who made my life a living hell growing up and now she was just… still that same little girl. Right?

“Nope, he’s a goner. Whoever’s got Frank’s attention has got him good,” Mikey said, turning back to face the front and earning a chuckle from Gerard.

I definitely needed to get my head straight. The guys were starting to ask questions and at this rate they will find out the truth soon and that was the last thing on earth I wanted.
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