Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Heart Will Go On( Frerard Titanic Story You Auditioned For)

Chapter Ten

by XxxFallenAngelXxxx 0 reviews

He was crazy.One hundred percent crazy."But I'll do it. I'll leave with you."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-11-13 - Updated: 2012-12-13 - 709 words

The younger boy laughs harshly once, a low, bitter sound and shakes his head in disbelief. Of course it fucking mattered. He was in love with the guy, for fucks sake and he knew, well he thought he knew that Gerard felt the same.
“Does it matter?” Frank repeats. “Of course it bloody matters!”
Gerard fiddles anxiously with the sleeve of his jacket, obviously wanting to say something, but not having the nerve to do so. He turns and begins to make a run for it, but is stopped by one single word.
“Gerard,” Frank sighs, running a hand through his tousled hair, feeling pathetically needy and desperate. “Please, pretty please, don’t leave me. Stay, even if it’s just to yell at me for being such a filthy, disgusting faggot.”
A pained look washes over the elder man`s pale face. “I can`t do this, Frankie. I can’t continue to be a letdown to everyone. I can’t be with you, no matter how much…” he trails off miserable, shyly, “No matter how much I may want to.”
After hearing that, Frank can only say one thing, “You`re not a letdown, not to me.”
Gerard smiles, but it fails to meet his damp eyes. “You would be the first to think so, but thank you.”
“Hey, hey,” Frank edges closer towards the silently shaking man, outstretching his hand and tucking a short strand of silky raven hair back behind his ear. “Don’t talk like that, you are the most amazing person I have ever met, alright?” he cocks an eyebrow, waiting for a reply.
Gerard nods slowly, clearly not believing.
Frank sighs, “Look, I`m not all that great with words and fancy articulate shit, but I just wanna say that you are really something special, Gee.” Hi eyes shine with adoration, making a small smile pay with Gerard`s bitten lips. “Like I look at you and it makes my heart sing and beat ten times too fast and I see your shy little smile and think "wow, how the hell can this guy not notice how fucking amazing he is?" And I know it sound cliché and all but… I love you.” the chestnut haired teenager trails off and laughs at how silly and childish he sounded, “I get what you’re saying, the world hates us, but I don’t care. As long as you were there by my side holding my hand I wouldn’t give two shits about what anyone else thought. Know why? Because I’d be over the moon happy!”
Gerard stood there stunned, eyes wide with shock, heart racing almost as fast as when they were kissing.
“This is so crazy, Frankie. We barely know each other and yet I…”he groans in frustration, for ones the perfect words not coming easily to the businessman.
Frank blinks once. “And yet you what?”
“I love you. I want to, no I need you to kiss me again. Please.”
A smirk, “I think that can be arranged.” Frank rasies on slender finger, “On one condition.” Not waiting for a reply, he continues, “That when this ship docks in New York you come with me.”
Gerard stares down in disbelief. He was crazy. The beautiful midget in front of him was without a doubt one hundred percent crazy. Was he seriously asking him to run away with him? Leave everything he had ever known behind, his strict, disapproving parents, and his fiancé, everything he had ever known? The mere thought of it was terrifying, but why did it sound so appealing?
“You`re crazy, Frankie.”
The young man pouts and kissing the base of the other`s lily white neck playfully nipping the delicate skin.
“But I`ll do it. I`ll leave with you.” his voice shock less than he had expected and for that he was happy. He didn’t want frank thinking he didn’t want to go with him.
Frank squealed with glee and clumsily pounced on the taller man, attacking his lips and mouth with tongue and teeth, his despicable hands wandering south.
“Your mother would be ever so disgusted if she could see you now, Darling.” A surprisingly gleeful female voice giggles.
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