Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > No Time Like The Present

Varsity Jackets

by IndiaGirl 0 reviews

"Eh." Gerard hummed, sadly. "You don't need to say anything."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-11-17 - Updated: 2012-11-18 - 3429 words - Complete

Frank woke up first, seeing Gerard underneath him, snoring silently, he didn't know if Gerard wanted to go to school today. "C'mon, wake up." He smiled, pressing his lips to Gerard. Gerard grumbled and sighed.
"I don't want to.. but.. I will." He groaned, pulling himself up.
"Are we going to school? If not, we can sleep more?" He giggled, laying on the sofa, yawning, rubbing his eyes, trying to stay awake.
"I gotta," Gerard groaned, picking Frank up and carrying him over the shoulder up to his bedroom, so he could get dressed. Frank giggled, yawning.
"Okay, can I see you at break and lunch?" He asked, pouting.
"Yeah, sure. You might have to come up to the art department, since.. I don't like going outside when all the other kids are out." He nodded, leaving the room. He poked his head through Mikey's door. "I'm going to school now.. I'll be back soon, all right? Don't drink too much coffee." He smiled softly, before returning to Frank. Frank smiled, combing his hair, opening the front door.
"You first." He giggled.

They walked to school hand in hand, disregarding any looks they received from on looking students. Gerard kissed Frank at the door to Frank's first lesson, before grinning and heading up the tall staircases to his own lesson. Frank winked at him, walking away, smiling. He sat down in his lesson, being surprisingly focused for once. Gerard returned to the art department, sitting down in his usual space, and starting up conversation with his art teacher.

Some jock, the same age as him, sat next to Frank.
"So, who was that boy you were kissing by the art department, eh Pansy?" He hissed. Frank raised an eyebrow.
"My boyfriend, got a problem with that!?" He growled. The jock shook his head and rolled his eyes, and walked away. Frank was praying for break to come quickly.

Once the bell had rung, Frank quickly escaped unscathed from the classroom and climbed the stairs to the Art Department where Gerard resided. He very rarely came up here - he always wanted to, but he spent so much time in the music department he never could. Frank knocked on the class with one dark hair boy in, recognizing it was Gerard.
"Hi there." He poked his head around the door, grinning.

"Frank," Gerard addressed him warmly, pulling out the stool beside him for Frank to sit in. "Sir, this is my boyfriend Frank - he's alright in here, right?" Gerard asked, smiling to the small, beady-eyed man in the corner, whose head was shaved and clean. He wore a dark expression, but smiled as Frank entered.
"Alright. Come in, Frank. I'm Mr Moon." Frank smiled, waving to the teacher, taking the seat next to Gerard.
"Hi, nice to meet you." He nodded his head, blushing slightly. He often got shy around people. He kissed Gerard's cheek, smiling, feeling more comfortable. "So, how are you this morning, Gee?"
"I'm alright. Got loads of work done on my portfolio. Sir says it's coming on real well." Gerard smiled, pushing open his art book, displaying his various drawings.
"You're so talented." He smiled, flicking through the book, "Show them to me more often, pretty please?" Frank smiled, through big eyes.

"Thanks, Franks," He grinned, kissing his boyfriend's cheek back, reciprocating. "I'll try. They're going to an exhibition, soon. I need to do one more piece. I just.. Don’t know what to do yet."
"You'll find something." He giggled playing with Gerard's hair as the bell went, "See you at lunch." Frank smiled, kissing the nape of Gerard's neck, heading to the door swiftly.
"You'll be up here?" Gerard smiled hopefully, watching Frank pull his bag onto his shoulder.
"Mh hm." Frank nodded, "I'll come up and see you." He smiled, blushing slightly, "I really have to go or I'll be murdered by my French teacher." Frank giggled, "Bye Gee, nice to meet you Mr Moon." He left. Mr Moon nodded, the corner of his mouth upturned, if only slightly. Frank made his way down to French, sighing, as he was shoulder barged by ignorant younger children eagerly on their way to their classes.

During French, Frank smiled at the thought of Gerard painting, it just made him feel happier. French went quickly and soon it was lunch, the bell went, he went to the lunch hall, grabbing a sandwich, which him and Gerard both liked, walking back up to art.
"That boy of yours. Quiet, isn't he?" Mr Moon asked, just smiling from the corner of the room. Gerard grinned.
"He's a little shy." He replied quietly, concentrating on his work.

Frank knocked on the door, knowing the teacher was in, he didn't just want to barge in, making Gerard look bad.
"Come in, Frank." Mr Moon opened the door and allowed Frank to walk through. He drifted over to Gerard, speaking quietly to him, before wandering from the room in the gliding fashion which he usually travelled in. Frank nodded his head.
"Hello again, Sir." He giggled softly, running his fingers through Gerard's messy hair, "Hiya." He smiled, speaking quietly.
"How was French?" Gerard asked, colouring in with detail.
"Boring as usual, how's art?" He giggled, standing next to him, he couldn't find a seat.
"Excellent. As usual." Gerard quickly glanced around him and yanked a stool from another table. "Sit."
"Okay." He smiled, "Thank you." Frank yawned rubbing his eyes, pointing to a cup by Gerard's easel. "Is that yours and is that coffee?" He asked cheekily. Gerard pushed the coffee towards Frank.
"Have it. In the senior studios, we can get as much as we like. I suppose, that's a perk." Gerard often forgot the age difference between him and Frank. Frank was still in the junior section of school - amongst the other kids, which he thought was particularly unfair.
"Yay, thank you." He kissed his cheek, picking up the cardboard cup, taking small sips. "That actually might keep me awake today." Frank giggled, "Going well?" He motioned towards the painting. "It looks beautiful." Gerard nodded thoughtfully and dabbed the painting.
"Thanks. I don't know if you recognize it.." Gerard had painted some very dark woods - they appeared to be mirroring the ones that they shared their first kiss in, but the trees were dark and bleak, the sky an array of india ink and assorted jewels. Alone, in the woods, sat a small boy, a boy, who Frank assumed, was Gerard. Frank nodded.
"Our first kiss." He blushed, smiling, "You truly are a romantic." Frank rolled his eyes, sitting on Gerard's lap. Gerard was silent, watching his painting pensively.
"I don't think it's as romantic as you interpret it. I suppose, that was how I painted it. For me, it tells - a very different story." He sighed, eyeing it intently.
"It's you on your own, you look lonely and the forest around you seems to be mimicking your emotions." He sighed, looking at the panting carefully.
"Yes." Gerard reached forward with his paintbrush, dabbing occasionally. "It's from my first day here. I was 14. People did not take to me well," He laughed, shrugging these apparently difficult memories off. "So, I left, lied in these woods. That was actually the day.. you know."
"Oh." Frank sighed, turning to look at Gerard, "Gee, I don't know what to say..." He frowned, putting his forehead against Gerard's.
"Eh." Gerard hummed, sadly. "You don't need to say anything." He kissed Frank's forehead and continued with his painting. Frank smiled softly, turning back to the painting.
"Would you like me to get off your lap?" He giggled.
"As much as I love having you sat with me, it does make painting very difficult." He laughed, kissing Frank's cheek. Frank laughed softly.
"I understand, I need to get going any ways. Are you going to be finishing on time or leaving a little later on, after school finishes?" He asked, drinking the last of his coffee.
"Ah, I need to go downstairs and pick up some sheet music for Mikey, but other than that, mostly on time." He smiled.
"What instrument does he play?" He asked softly, opening the door, ready to leave.
"Bass." Gerard said quietly, inspecting his painting closely. "He's pretty good."
"Awesome, I'll have to hear him sometime, if you want me, I'm in the music practise room, far right." He giggled, running back to Gerard, pecking his lips softly, before leaving, "Bye."
"Bye Frank. See you later, 'kay?" He grinned, gently.
"Of course, farewell for about 2 hours." He laughed, leaving the art department, grabbing a guitar, and singing and playing in the practise room.

The time passed quickly, before Gerard could store his artwork safely in the studio and head downstairs to the music department.
"Frank?" He knocked on the door of the practise room. "You in there?" Frank smiled, putting the guitar down, opening the door.
"Hi." He smiled, brushing some hair out of his face, "Ready to go?"
"Yeah, I've got the sheet music. Is that your guitar?" Gerard asked, pointing to the acoustic guitar in the corner of the room. Frank nodded.
"Yup, I keep it at school though." He smiled.
"Ah right." Gerard nodded, taking Frank softly by the hand. "Let's go. I'm going to make dinner tonight." Frank smiled, gulping.
"Yay, I bet you're an amazing cook. Wow that sounded sarcastic." He laughed.
"I am an amazing cook. You know me - I have a brain full of recipes too." He grinned, walking down the pavements happily, enjoying his walk home for once.
"Y'know, you've really made me happy over these past few days, thanks for saying yes to being my boyfriend." He smiled, blushing hard.
"Thanks for revealing my sex life to my brother." Gerard replied laughingly, though still a hint of annoyance lingering in the sentiment. Frank laughed.
"Couple of things about that, one, it was hilarious when I said it and Mikey hinted about it, saying he heard it. Two, don't pretend you didn't like last night." He bit his lip, winking.
"I wouldn't mind reliving it," Gerard squeezed Frank's hand with a smile. "But.. it's weird for me, I don't want to think about him.. Doing.. He's a baby!" Gerard whined, causing Frank to burst into little fits of laughter.
"Aww, it will happen one day, you'll hear him and a girl upstairs." He giggled, grinning.
"Stop! No!" Gerard squirmed, pushing his fingers in his ears. "Damn, I know he isn't innocent but - dude!" Frank laughed, going on his tiptoes, whispering into Gerard's ear, knowing he could hear him.
"Mikey will have loud, dirty sex." He whispered, kissing his ear, running down the road, "Come and get me." He smirked, giggling. Gerard made a loud aggravated noise of disgust, squeezing his eyes shut. "Eugh! No! I- Frank, stop making me think that! How will I even be able to look at him?" Gerard chased after Frank, throwing him over his shoulder.
"Damn you for being a fast runner." He giggled, "I'll kiss you, and then you'll have to put me down." Frank smirked, kissing Gerard's neck, repeatedly.
"You can try!" Gerard squirmed and pushed Frank further of his shoulder, Frank's head now dangling somewhere near Gerard's back.
"Meep!" He squeaked, "Dude, I'm near your ass, is that meant to be some kind of punishment?" Frank laughed.
"That's not what you thought last night," Gerard hissed, grinning, running towards his house.
"Damn you, but to be honest, it's not what I'm thinking right now." He smirked, placing a hand on Gerard's butt.
"We're in public, you ass!" Gerard squeaked, particularly easily provoked.
"Oh well, they can all deal with it." He giggled, smirking. "Don't pretend you don't love it." Frank grinned, knowing exactly what he was doing.
"I do!" Gerard squeaked, his face red as a lobster. "B-but - I don't think my neighbours'll appreciate it.." He said, unlocking the door and letting Frank down. Frank giggled, walking inside, sitting on the couch, smiling.
"So, where is Mikey?" He asked, curiously.
"Upstairs, still in bed, I imagine." Gerard sighed, walking to the coffee maker. "Do you mind - just checking to see if he's still up there?"
"Not a problem, just make me some coffee." He smiled, blowing a kiss to Gerard as he ran up the stairs. He heard Mikey talking to someone, but there was no one in his room, as far as he could tell. He was on the phone, talking to what sounded like a girl. "Gee! Gee!" He shouted, running down the stairs, laughingly.
"What.." Gerard replied, worriedly.
"Mikey's talking to... A girl!" He smiled, laughing. Gerard stopped touching the coffee maker and turned his face to Frank.
"Fuck." Gerard sighed. "Guess it was going to happen but.. fuck."
"He's on speaker phone, to a girl." He smiled, "I guess everyone has to grow up at some stage, right?" Frank shrugged, wrapping his arms around Gerard's waist.
“Not him." Gerard grumbled, pouring coffee into a mug. "He's a baby."
"Aww." He smiled, "Well, he definitely seems to be talking to some girl, they are both laughing, he sounds fine." Gerard shook his head and held the mug between his palms. "I'll be right back." Gerard wore a hard expression, which Frank immediately silenced with a slightly judging smile. "Come on, I'm not going to sabotage him.." Gerard sniffed.
"Gee, what's wrong?" He asked, sighing. "He will be okay." He smiled, sitting on the couch.
"Nothing I just.." Gerard lingered by the door, holding the coffee in his palms. "He's always been.. you know, my little baby, you know? Not in a motherly way but.. You know." He sighed, staring down at the coffee ashamedly.
"Aw, Gee, I understand, it's weird for him to be mature and actually grow up, because you're used to caring for him, I know that." Frank sighed, feeling sympathy for him.
"Yeah.." Gerard grumbled. "Anyway, I'll.. I'll get this coffee to him."
"Okay," He smiled softly, sitting back on the couch for about the third time, getting comfortable.

Gerard knocked on the door softly and pushed it open. "Mikey..?" He asked, quietly. "I've got your coffee."
Frank stayed silent, listening to what was going on upstairs.

"Oh! Gerard." Mikey smiled, holding the phone to his ear. He grinned widely at the coffee and nodded. "Thanks - I was waiting for this." Gerard nodded in reply, slowly backing out of the room. "Hold on!" Mikey shot his hand out, ushering Gerard to stay. "I have.. a friend coming over, later. Is that alright?" He asked, smiling, his cheeks burning. Frank heard what was happening, so he ran upstairs, standing next to Gerard, making sure he doesn't get annoyed or anything. Gerard noticed Frank lingering in the hallway and he looked back at Mikey, whose cheeks were light and pink, his glasses balanced on the end of his nose.
"I.. yeah. Yeah, sure. That's fine. I'm cooking later, if they.. Want to stay for dinner." Gerard nodded, swallowing heavily. Mikey grinned.
"Thank you Gerard!"
Frank held onto Gerard's hand comfortingly, just making sure he knows he's there.
"So, girl or boy, Mikes?" He asked, smiling. Mikey coughed nervously.
"Um, a girl." He looked down at his book, cheeks burning. "Alicia.. from the book store."
"Aww, cute, me and Gee will leave you to get on with your phone call." He smiled, walking down the stairs, dragging Gerard along with him, into the kitchen. "You okay?"
"No." Gerard replied, hissing. "But I'll get over it." Gerard knew he was being ridiculous. But he had lived a very long time looking after his brother. And his brother wasn't just a boy, he was a broken, fragile, mess of little pieces. He needed to know he wouldn’t fall and break.
"Explain how you feel about the situation. You know I love to listen." He smiled softly, looking up at his boyfriend. Frank knew that all Gerard needed was to get it out.
"No one understands my brother. Not like I do." Gerard sighed, sitting down on the kitchen table. "He knows too much for a fourteen year old. He's seen too much. Been through too much. He's not like you or me."
"I can tell," Frank shrugged, "But you seem, annoyed, about the fact that he's got a girl coming over, are you?" He asked, softly, placing his hand over Gerard's.
"Not annoyed." Gerard crumbled, holding his temples in his palms. "Just.. sad, you know?"
"I know." He frowned, sighing. "You want to be able to protect him, because that's just how it's worked for so long, correct?"
"Yeah and.." Gerard whispered, protectively, selfishly. "He's mine!" Frank smiled at the comment he made.
"I know, I know. But we all grow up at some time or another, I guess that time, is now." He frowned.
"But I.. I don't want that." He whined. "He's all I've ever had, y'know.." Gerard knew he was being a bastard, but he couldn't stop himself, until he heard the knock at the door. Frank smiled, sighing.
"I understand." He frowned. 'Great way to make me feel like you care about me.' He thought to himself. Mikey threw himself down the stairs and Gerard held back, hiding in the kitchen. Mikey greeted the girl at the door with a smile, and Frank stared at Gerard until he felt obligated to go make nice small talk.
"Want me to come with you to the door, to meet the girl?" He suggested, smiling, standing up, and holding out his hand.

"Y-yeah, please." Gerard nodded, swallowing, taking Frank's hand in his own. They walked together through to the front hallway, where Mikey stood, his cheeks light and burning, as he chatted quietly. The girl, who must have been around a similar age of Mikey, had dark hair, thick eyelashes, piercing light eyes and a small, friendly demeanour. Frank nudged Gerard, gently in the ribs, just to get his attention that he needs to talk. The girl stood there, looking confused at the two older boys holding hands.
"A-ah, this is my older brother G-Gerard, and that's Frank, his boyfriend." Mikey offered, quietly. Gerard nodded to Alicia with an endearing smile.
"Hi." Frank smiled, mimicking Gerard.
"Hey." He waved at the girl. Alicia spoke up, looking at them.
"So, Mikey, are they.. y'know, gay?" She asked, embarrassed, looking confused. Gerard looked a little taken aback, but he didn't mind too much. He had sort of grown to expect it. Mikey nodded.
"Um - y-yeah. Sh-should we go..?" Mikey looked upstairs in the direction of his room, and Gerard immediately noticed.
"Uh, anyway, we gotta go and start cooking now.. so, um.." Gerard blundered, a little overwhelmed.
"You kids have fun," Frank jeered, a smile on his face as he took Gerard by the hand and led him away. Mikey nodded and walked up the stairs, shaking a little in embarrassment.

"What we or you cooking?" He asked, softly, brushing some hair behind his ear, "Just saying, I'm a terrible cook." Frank giggled, looking up at Gerard, mumbling under his breath.
"I was thinking spaghetti.. Alicia will like that right? I don't know, I.." Gerard panicked, staring around him wildly. He felt overwhelmed - how was he supposed to treat her- how did he - how? He was terribly confused.
"Why don't we just do this?" Frank smiled, standing at the bottom of the stairs, "Mikey! Come down stairs!" He shouted, hoping to get his attention.
"What are you doing?" Gerard hissed, hiding behind him. Mikey appeared, wandering down the stairs, his cheeks still a light pink.
"Yeah?" He asked, smiling, embarrassed. Frank smiled.
"Hold out your hand, dude, I'm not going to do anything bad." Mikey did as he was told, and he put $10 in his hand, giving him a pizza menu, "Have it. You and Alicia, order what you want okay?" He ruffled Mikey's hair, before he ran upstairs, happy. Gerard stood, a little stunned. He actually, felt a little stupid.
"Oh." He grinned. "Maybe we could have pizza too - I don't know if I can be bothered to cook." He laughed. He was getting a little lazy.
"Of course." Frank smiled, taking a menu out of his pocket, "Chose what you like, I'll pay." He giggled, "But we will have to probably have separate pizzas."
"Alright." Gerard grinned, selecting his items and dragging Frank back into the living room, encouraging Frank to cuddle with him to watch some bad shopping channels.


hope you enjoyed c:
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