Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Wizard Assassin

No Longer Safe

by Chaos666 4 reviews

Harry meets Kyle and Voldemort is not too happy.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Romance - Characters: Harry, Voldemort - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2006-07-19 - Updated: 2006-07-19 - 1770 words

Author's note: I'm back with chapter 2. As I said earlier this will be a Harry/Cho fic and I might up the rating if necessary. I do not own Harry Potter, I just own my OC's. Here is chapter 2 enjoy.

Chapter 2 No Longer Safe

Harry sat on his bed in his room thinking about Sirius. He could not believe he had been so stupid. Instead of thinking he went head first into a situation that almost cost him his life and got his Godfather killed. Harry tried not blaming himself; it was that bitch Bellatrix that killed him. Yet he still felt responsible for what had happened.
That was over a month ago and Harry was still depressed despite the fact he got letters from his friends and members of the Order telling him it wasn't his fault for what happened. What was more surprising was the Dursley's let him be. Apparently saving Dudley's life had done wonders because they all treated him like he existed. It was either that or Mad Eye Moody's threat had gotten through.

Harry was alone at the moment. The Dursley's had left to go to some get together and wouldn't be back until late. Harry looked at the clock and noticed it was already nine at night. His attention from the clock was diverted when he heard a popping sound, the kind someone makes when they appareate. He quickly went to trunk and pulled out his wand. After he got it he looked out his window, but he saw nothing.

He breathed a sigh of relief and was about to put his wand away when he heard the door unlock. He knew it wasn't the Durley's he would have heard their car. He grabbed his invisibility cloak from his trunk and slowly and quietly walked downstairs. When he reached the kitchen his was horrified to see three Death Eaters standing in the kitchen.

"Alright find him, but don't kill him. Voldemort wants him alive and keep your eyes peeled he might be wearing his invisibility cloak. I'll search upstairs you two look down here and make sure he doesn't try to sneak out." The middle one said just loud enough for Harry to hear.

"How on earth they find out I was here?" He thought remembering Dumbledore saying how safe he was if he stayed at this house.

As the leader went upstairs one went into the living room while the other stayed near the door. Harry cursed silently as he realized his situation. He could hex the one at the door and face his friends, not to mention another risk of being expelled. He could try to sneak by them, but even if he got out there was a risk his relatives would come back while his pursuers were still here and that would be a bad thing.

As he silently made his way to the door he felt a strange prescience. He was not sure what it was, but for some reason he felt like he a sensed this prescience before. He stopped for minute and looked around unknowingly causing part of his cloak to reveal his hand to the eyes of the Death Eater at the door. Upon seeing a hand with no body attached to it the dark minion drew his wand and pointed it at the ceiling. He then whispered "Revealio" sending a red light out of his wand.

The light brightened and then shot right at Harry's direction. The light hit and lifted his cloak right off of him exposing him completely. "Randy, Leon I found him." The Death Eater shouted getting his comrades attention.

Before Harry could react he was hit in the back by a stunning curse and fell to the ground. He could feel his wand leave him as one of the men grabbed it out of his hand. He tried to break free but the curse was still in effect and all Death Eater's were holding him down.

"Hurry up and knock him out, the spell is wearing off and for all we know Aurors could be right outside the door." One of them said in a worried tone.

"Unlikely the Ministry wants to see him dead just as much as we do. But better safe then sorry." The leader said drawing his wand. Just when he was about to cast his spell he was interrupted by a voice coming from the entrance of the house.

"So that is how you fight. Gang up on your opponents and stun them in the back. You Death Eaters simply amaze me." A male voice said to Harry's three captures.

With all his strength he looked up and saw a figure in darkness. He wouldn't have been able to see anything if the man's eyes didn't give off a creepy blue glow. He slowly walked into the light revealing more of him before he continued talking. "You truly are the lowest form of scum on this Earth, and I've seen it all. Don't you have any honor or shame; I thought scum could at least feel shame."

The leader became angry at the words of this stranger and the tone in his voice showed, "How dare you talk to us that way. I'm not even going to ask who you are because you're dead. KILL HIM!"

The other two Death Eaters pointed their wands at the figure totally forgetting about that Harry was even there. They both fired death curses at the figure. Two green lights shot of their wands and went straight towards the man. Harry closed his eyes; he couldn't bear to watch someone else die. The man drew his sword and with lightning reflexes deflected both attacks back at their masters. He then ran up to the leader pinned him against the wall just as his two friends fell dead on Harry. Harry opened his eyes again when felt the weight of two people falling on him.

When he opened them he saw the figure was still standing only now he had a sword drawn and had it at the leader's throat. The other two Death Eaters were both dead and there was no evidence they had been stabbed or harmed by a blade of any kind.

"How did you do that? That curse can only be blocked by shield charm and even then there is no guarantee it will work." The leader said in disbelief.

"There are many things I can do that you can't, but that's not a story for trash like you. Prepare yourself for an eternity in hell." The man said before beheading the last Death Eater causing his head and blood to fall to the floor.

The figure then dropped the headless corpse and faced Harry. He sheathed his sword causing Harry to breathe a sigh of relief. He extended his hand and helped Harry up. Harry was speechless at what just happened was about to ask the man what was going on when he became entranced by his blue eyes. The next thing Harry realized he blacked out and fell to the ground.

Voldemort sat the throne of his underground layer in what looked like to be a trance. Surrounding him were several of his highest and most loyal Death Eaters. They all showed looks of worry and fear.

"The boy has escaped and someone is going to pay." He suddenly roared causing his servants to tremble.

The Dark Lord looked at his trembling minions and cracked a smile. He could easily punish them, but he knew that would not bring Harry to him.

"He was at the place we were told he lived at, but someone interfered, I want to know who." He angrily announced causing his servants to put courage into their legs and leave the room.

"It was probably him." A voice with a light Spanish accent said behind him.

"You mean the one Pitch Black sent to kill me if I kill the boy." Voldemort asked calmly.

"That's the one; I knew they would send him sooner or later. And now that Harry is somewhere where we can't get to him we can do nothing. No doubt Kyle is going to train the boy for the rest of the summer and I heard rumors that he is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." The voice announced as its owner revealed himself.

The man had a short but well built stature. He was no taller then five and a half feet and his skin lightly tanned. His long black hair dropped down to his shoulders and was done in a ponytail. He was dressed in all black, black leather boots, black pants, a black shirt, and a black sleeveless trench coat. In his right hand was a staff with a skull symbol on top and a sharp metal point on the bottom and had the word cruelty engraved on the wooden part. His face had several scars, but the most capturing was one that went from his forehead down to his neck. His brown eyes showed no signs of emotion.

"Why do you think I hired you Diablo, I want you to eliminate this assassin before he becomes too much of a problem. I let you in when you were expelled from Pitch Black." Voldemort said reminding his new ally what his goal was.

"I can kill Kyle, but not right now. Wizard assassins always travel in twos; I want to know who came with him. Besides after what he did to three of your minions I'll wait until your plan goes into motion. How is it going by the why?" Diablo said twirling his staff.

"We are ahead of schedule and should be ready in October. I assume you'll live up to your end of the bargain and kill this Kyle then and there." The Dark Lord replied before exiting the room leaving Diablo to himself.

"I will break him in half and anyone who gets in my way." He muttered to himself before vanishing into thin air leaving the room empty.

Author's note: Done with chapter 2. What is Voldemort's plan, is Harry okay, and who is this Diablo character? All that will be answered as the story goes on. Just keep sending your reviews and I'll keep updating. I know I might be rushing a few parts, but that's how I write. I do believe a friend of mine called it bullet writing. I'm probably going to go back to the books to make sure I get all the names and spells right. Till next time this is Chaos666 signing off.
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