Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Funny things my mom says t me that have to do with mcr or Frerard

Funny things my mom says t me that have to do with mcr or Frerard

by partypoisionsgirl 6 reviews

You will be cracking up.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-11-22 - Updated: 2012-11-23 - 382 words


So I visit my mom on Thanksgiving and we're talking about Frerard because I'm totally obsessed and this is where the conversation goes:

Mom: "Hey Harmony-I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but do you know how Elvis died?"
Me: nod
Mom: "He died of a heart attack, but you know he ate fried banana sandwiches-"
Me: "Penutbutter and banana sandwiches."
Mom: "Yeah but they were fried. So he got really fat and he did drugs, so he got constipated and he went to take a dump-and there's a p part in your anus that if you hit it too hard it causes a heart attack-so he took a dump so hard it gave him a heart attack."
Me: Hysterically laughing, almost crying.
Mom; "So it makes me wonder about gay guys."
Me: Stop laughing, in my head 'Gerard and Frankie!'
Mom: "And it makes me think of You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison"
Me: "Stop it mom your'e mean."

And then I change the convo because it gets really weird. So if any of you think I'm weird it's because of my wonderful mother.

So I visit my mom on Thanksgiving and we're talking about Frerard because I'm totally obsessed and this is where the conversation goes:

Mom: "Hey Harmony-I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but do you know how Elvis died?"
Me: nod
Mom: "He died of a heart attack, but you know he ate fried banana sandwiches-"
Me: "Penutbutter and banana sandwiches."
Mom: "Yeah but they were fried. So he got really fat and he did drugs, so he got constipated and he went to take a dump-and there's a p part in your anus that if you hit it too hard it causes a heart attack-so he took a dump so hard it gave him a heart attack."
Me: Hysterically laughing, almost crying.
Mom; "So it makes me wonder about gay guys."
Me: Stop laughing, in my head 'Gerard and Frankie!'
Mom: "And it makes me think of You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison"
Me: "Stop it mom your'e mean."

And then I change the convo because it gets really weird. So if any of you think I'm weird it's because of my wonderful mother.
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